:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: -----=====Earth's Dreamlands=====----- (313)558-5024 {14.4} - (313)558-5517 A BBS for text file junkies RPGNet GM File Archive Site .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. By: John Givler ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Swindler Description: The Swindler makes his living playing and betting on different types of games. It doesn't matter if he wins by his ability or if he cheats, because the Swindler is only interested in getting money Their main attributes are quick thinking and speed, so high intelligence and dexterity are prefered. Since intelligence and dexterity are of the essence. he needs at least a 14 in both. A high strength is also important. Role: The Swindler is a gambler, and will gamble on just about any type of game there is. The Swindler is a cheat, and while playing a game with someone he wishes to try and steal money from. The Swindler can find jobs as gambler, casino operators, drug dealers, pimps, and forgers. Legal Issues: If caught a swindler may not be looked highly upon, and the DM should think up a punishemnt for the crime. Some swindlers may work in casinos and as are looked highly upon by the casino owners hoping to become a casino operator themselves someday. Secondary Skills: If your DM is using secondary skills the character can select any of the following secondary skills: Gambler, Jeweler, Limner/Painter, and Scribe. The character can have any two of the four. Weapon Proficiencies: Required: axe (hand or throwing), hand crossbow, dagger (normal or throwing), dart, shortsword, and the whip. The Swindler prefers these weapons because they are some of the easier ones to conceal, and the Swindler must become proficient in these weapons before gaining proficiencies in any other weapon. Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus nonweapon proficiencies: Gaming and Forgery. Recommended (General): Artistic Ability, Etiquette, Pottery, Riding Land-based, and Singing; (Warrior): Blind- fighting, Endurance, and Running. If a thief then recommended (Rogue): Blind-fighting, fast talking, reading lips, ventiloquism Skill Progression: (If a thief) the Swindler will be well developed in openng locks, and picking pockets. He will evenlyu distributed among the rest. Special Benefits: The Swindler has the skill known as Gaming Influence: This ability give the Swindler a +1 bonus to his nonweapon proficiency of gaming. The ability increases +1 for every four level for a maximum of +3. Swindler have excellent use with the throwing axe or dagger, and the dart and because of their ability with this weapon they recieve a +1 bonus to hit and to damage. This ability increase every four levels to a maximum of +3. The Swindler that are not a theif have the abilities of a Pick Pockets, and Open Locks. His abilities are equal to that of a thief of equal level. Special Hindrances: The Swindler can not wear armor heavier than chain, because he often times have to make a fast get aways, because he has been caught cheating. The Swindler does not recieve the 10 percent bonus to earned experience. Although the Swindler can be any alignment, most have little regard for law and order. The Swindler at first level must choose what weapon he wants to develope his throwing ability with, because the Swindler uses his throwing ability to make money. The a nonthief swindler only has his thievies abilities in clubs, and casinos, because that is where all the money is at. The Swindler will not bother to pick pockets on the streets. Wealth Options: The Swindler recieves the usual 5d4 x 10gp in starting gold, and will spend on the equipment he deems necessary for his survival. While the Swindler can have any monetary amount of treasure, they cannot have more treasure than they can carry. So in this case a Bag of Holding is very useful. Unless the Swindler has some sort of secret hid out to stash his loot. Races: Any race that enjoys playing games and gambling can be a Swindler, but it is only recommended for humans, and half-elves. Nonhuman characters are limited to their racial restrictions of their choosen class. Notes: Most warriors or thieves build strongholds when they reach the 9th level, and start to attract a bodies of soldiers. But since a Swindler spends his time gambling he will build a stronghold outside of some town, and run a casino, drug house, and prostitution ring out of it, because the Swindler is into making money. Although the people that come to his club do not realize this, all of his games will be designed so there is no winner. The Swindler will also attract a body of soldiers, and these men will be loyal to him, and help him run his casino, and defend his stronghold. * Origin: The Other BBS, Hbg Pa, 717-657-8699 (1:270/101)