From: feotus@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: SLIP/PPP Date: Fri Mar 18 18:42:33 1994 Why not just run a term server/client thing on your own account and just go thru the trouble of settin gup the desired protocol. I know that they have IRC clients, FTP, Telnet etc.. ovr term connections already set up. As a matter of fact a freind of mine runs a little box that you can telnet too thru a term connection using "tredir" which is a term client that captures a port number on the host. You have to have Unix on both ends to use it, so tuff shit if your on a messyDOS box. Shooot, I have even seen where you can recieve and deliver mail and all thru a term connection, but for those you need sysadmins permission. But if your just gonna have a few people telnet to or FTp to your box then use term, cause you wont need to notifythe sysop, since all the stuff is on your account. term for linux is at, and also i believe.