From: Hellion@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: SLIP/PPP Date: Tue Mar 15 20:03:49 1994 Does anyone know much about SLIP or PPP connections? I am interested in running some windows applications via WinSock Trumpet *the shareware one that uses SLIP to connect* My problem lies here : The administrator on the system I use doesn't seem to want to set up to run SLIP connections *or PPP for that matter* Anyhow what my interest is, is HOW can I get a connection to run slip without it being set up. Can it be done? I have tried compiling the versions out there and running them from my account and had no luck *the readme's say something about recompiling the kernel and that is hard to do with only student priviliges* Is there any way that this can be done? If not is there somewhere I can telnet to that does support it? I have been trying to get this to work for about 4 months, and I never did hear back from my SysAdmin :-( Please send any suggestions to : I just got on this bbs and don't know how often I will check the bases. Thanx in advance Hellion