From: jujubee@yabbs To: Slyguy@yabbs Subject: re: Moshing vs. Slamming Date: Thu Aug 11 14:15:27 1994 I dunno, i may seem outta line here, but i wanna defend your point. Slamming was w/Sid & Co. (for those who are clueless: The Sex Pistols) or maybe i should refer to them as Johnny & Co. anyhoo...who cares? That seems to be the time and musical period that slamming was founded and practiced mostly...however it DID carry on into the early 80's from my moshing became familiar to me about 4 years ago w/fame of Pearl i guess i'd concur w/Sly on this one...although being a pretty non-violent person, i just always kind of stayed on the fringes of the bones are pretty fragile compared to other ppl's, so i didn't wanna be laid up and out of work for any length of time! well, i'm no expert on the matter....this is just my fraction of a nickel's worth (tm)....<-----how i love that little phrase! ;)