From: Steyr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Joke (Final) Date: Sun Aug 14 05:20:40 1994 (Continued from post 680 ...) Fred and his sone Jim are flying over Saudi Arabia, in Fred's private Leer jet, on the way to the pink golfball factory. Suddenly the jet engine chokes, whines, and dies. The jet spirals to the ground and *BOOM*, it crashes in the middle of the desert. The pilot and co-pilot are killed instantly, but miraculously Fred and Jim survive. Battered and bruised, the two set off over the desert to try and reach civilisation. The scorching hot sun beats down on them, then a freezing cold night sets in. Another day begins as they trudge over the endless sand dunes. Soon the heat becomes too much and the pair collapse in exhaustion. "Dad ...", Jim wheezes, "I ... *choke* ... don't think I can go on much ... *wheeze* ... longer.". Jim pauses to catch his breath. "Dad, I think *cough* ... I'm going to die". Fred cries out "NO !!! Son, please, tell me before you die, what did you want all those pink golfballs for and what the hel did you do with them ?" Jim looks his father in the eye and says "Well dad, I guess there's no harm in telling you now. My master plan won't ever get completed now anyway. So dad ... *choke* ... the reason ... *wheeze* ... I wanted all those ... *cough* ... pink golfballs for ... *hack* ... is ..." With a final gasp for air, Jim slumped his head to the sand and died. (End) ,,, (o o) +----oOO--(_)--OOo----+ +--------------------------+ | \ \ | | Barry Noble / / Melbourne, Australia. | | (Steyr) \ \ | | / / | +---------------------+ +--------------------------+