From: Steyr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Joke (cont) Date: Thu Aug 11 11:19:38 1994 (Continued from post 671 ...) The next year, young Jim's 8th birthday came around, and sure enough, he requested more pink golfballs. "Dad," he said, "This year, it would be really really REALLY great if you could get me FOUR pink golfballs." Jim's birthday came around and four pink golfballs were given to Jim. Christmas rolled around yet again, and (on request) Jim got EIGHT pink golfballs. For about two days after Xmas, Jim did not emerge from his room, locking himself in and ignoring his father knocking on the door when various thumps, crashes, groans and the occasional muffled scream could be heard. More years passed, and Jim only ever requested more and more pink golfballs. "Dad, 20 pink golfballs please", "Dad, 50 this year if you REALLY want to make me a happy child", "Oh sweetest father of all fathers, I will love you forever if you get me 100 pink golfballs". After each birthday or Xmas, Jim disappeared and did SOMETHING with the balls, involving many bangs, thumps, crashes, tinkling of broken glass, groans, laughter, barely supressed screams, and something that resembles a very quiet air raid siren. Eventually, Fred (Jim's father) was overwhelmed by curiosity, and crept into Jim's room while the boy was at school one day ... (continued next post ...) ,,, (o o) +----oOO--(_)--OOo----+ +--------------------------+ | \ \ | | Barry Noble / / Melbourne, Australia. | | (Steyr) \ \ | | / / | +---------------------+ +--------------------------+ All will be revealed .... eventually. :)