From: Deaska@yabbs To: Cat@yabbs Subject: hmmmmm Date: Sat Jun 4 02:33:20 1994 Okay.. here we go... : do you think that fate/destiny (no pun intended) controls our lives or do we? : is everything that happens to a person just a random coincidence, or do : we have some say in the matter? : -tammie this is one of my theories.. which I can go on and on and on and on and on and on and on.. you get the picture :) #1 Predeterminism There are those who live their lives by the script, and those who rip that script apart, burn it, and shoot the director :) But how do we know that we are gripping the controls of our lives, defying the the perhaps.. and I stress that word "PERHAPS", predetermined way of living our lives. Maybe it involves us making a high level state of awareness decision in what we do.. almost to the level of psychosis.. maybe... I don't know... who will ever know.. and those who say they know, whether they be religious, or government, or any other form of agency are just bullshitting, or bullshitting themselves too in the process of BS others... #2 Randomness... Hoy Boy.. this one's kewl.. So.. its like we're all flying by the seat of our pants.. well.. methinx I'm flying with my pants at my ankles on this one same point of view.. sometimes we have control... other times we're butt naked as far as power is concerned. Ultimately we can never know... an' anyone who says otherwise needs brain surgery. But its okay to wonder an' guess, jus don' say "THIS IS WHY..." cuz ya wrong :) (human beans don' have the brains to find the truth of these sortsa stuff out... is there a god, or a heaven etc... we cannot possibly know.. all we can do is speculate... an' those who yell in my face, "Jesus loves me and told me everything" needs to be checked up. Maybe I'm too sceptical for my own good... Rich... :) End of the world???? oh no.. I gotta run to CT an' get horizontal!!!!!!!!!! *hug* catchya soon tam :)