From: Pinochet@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: CFCs Date: Wed Aug 17 08:37:16 1994 Remember that anti-American "Earth Summit" that all the tree-huggers were salivating over back in '92? They wanted everyone to sit down and put CFC production under a global council to monitor what was being done. And all those "ecosystem rich" tin pot countries refused to sign! The granola heads were stunned. Wasn't this the great panacea that woud solve all the worlds problems in one fell swoop? They want refridgeration. They want to be able to store food. They told the pseudoscientists to go to hell...they wanted Ben and Jerry's in the freezer. China is pumping out more CFCs at the moment than the entire US production in the entire 1970s. The hole has never been proven to be caused by CFCs, so give me a can of PAM and I'm going to eat non-stick muffins for dinner!