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QuIX Gopher: arch1992

 *  Welcome to sci.aeronautics.airliners!plain
 *  TV programme on 777plain
 *  747 engine mountsplain
 *  Boeing 747-300plain
 *  Re: Boeing 747-300plain
 *  hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: TV programme on 777plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: Boeing 747-300plain
 *  Re: Boeing 747-300plain
 *  Re: Boeing 747-300plain
 *  Re: TV programme on 777plain
 *  Re: Boeing 747-300plain
 *  Re: TV programme on 777plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: TV programme on 777plain
 *  Info on the El-Al Plane crashplain
 *  Re: TV programme on 777plain
 *  Manufacturer responsibility?plain
 *  The DC-10 Caseplain
 *  Re: Airline Software-safety database (RISKS-14.08)plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: Boeing 747-300plain
 *  Emergency Oxygen Masksplain
 *  Re: Boeing 747-300plain
 *  Re: Boeing 747-300plain
 *  The Sporty Game -- Boeing 757plain
 *  Seeking pointers on switch design.plain
 *  Re: Boeing 747-300 (PLEASE let this be the end of it! :-))plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Boeing reduces production rate of 757 & 767plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: Emergency Oxygen Masksplain
 *  NTSB DC-10 excerptsplain
 *  MD-11 milestone datesplain
 *  Thanksgivingplain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  757 highest thrust to weight ratio ? plain
 *  Re: pair (sorry, couldn't resist the pun)plain
 *  Boeing Bookplain
 *  Request for the informations on Concorde.plain
 *  Re: The Sporty Game -- Boeing 757plain
 *  A320 loses wheels and skids 200 feetplain
 *  Boeing Bookplain
 *  Re: pair (sorry, couldn't resist the pun)plain
 *  MD-11 milestone datesplain
 *  Re: Boeing Bookplain
 *  Re: Seeking pointers on switch design.plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  GE aerospaceplain
 *  Re: Boeing Bookplain
 *  Re: Boeing Bookplain
 *  Flight Envelope Protection (was: TV prog. on 777)plain
 *  Re: Airline Software-safety database (RISKS-14.08)plain
 *  Re: GE aerospaceplain
 *  Re: Boeing Bookplain
 *  A310 Aerobaticsplain
 *  Re: Boeing 747-300plain
 *  Re: pair (sorry, couldn't resist the pun)plain
 *  Re: The Sporty Game -- Boeing 757plain
 *  Re: GE aerospaceplain
 *  Quote of the Dayplain
 *  Re: Boeing Bookplain
 *  Re: 757 highest thrust to weight ratio ? plain
 *  Concorde-landing proceduresplain
 *  Re: Airbus safetyplain
 *  747SPplain
 *  Re: GE aerospaceplain
 *  Re: The Sporty Game -- Boeing 757plain
 *  Re: 757 highest thrust to weight ratio ? plain
 *  Re: Flight envelope protectionsplain
 *  abandoning the APU on four engine / long range aircraftplain
 *  Re: The Sporty Game -- Boeing 757plain
 *  Re: 747SPplain
 *  Re: maintenance (was Re: pair (sorry, couldn't resist the pun))plain
 *  Re: Airbus safetyplain
 *  AVIATION DAILY - 12/1/92 - International Lease Finance Corpplain
 *  Re: Boeing 747-300plain
 *  Re: 747SPplain
 *  Re: GE aerospaceplain
 *  GE Ft. Wayne Plant (was: Re: GE Aerospace)plain
 *  Re: Airbus safetyplain
 *  Re: The Sporty Game -- Boeing 757plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: Boeing Bookplain
 *  Re: AVIATION DAILY - 12/1/92 - International Lease Finance Corpplain
 *  Night landings and the 727 in the 1960'splain
 *  Re: GE aerospaceplain
 *  Re: Airbus safetyplain
 *  Re: 747SPplain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: Flight envelope protectionsplain
 *  Re: Flight envelope protections, and mistrust of CS peopleplain
 *  Re: Boeing Bookplain
 *  More _Legend_and_Legacy_plain
 *  night landingsplain
 *  cost and names of assorted airliners?plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10s??plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10s??plain
 *  Re: 747-400 delivery flight (was :747SPplain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: objects on wing tipsplain
 *  New Scientist articleplain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: Gordon Corpsplain
 *  Northwest cancels Airbusplain
 *  Northwest cancels Airbusplain
 *  Re: Northwest cancels Airbusplain
 *  Thai Airlines (was: Re: Boeing 747-300)plain
 *  Re: 757 highest thrust to weight ratio ? plain
 *  Re: Northwest cancels Airbusplain
 *  Re: Re: Gordon Corpsplain
 *  Re: New Scientist articleplain
 *  Re: Boeing Bookplain
 *  Re: Northwest cancels Airbusplain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10s??plain
 *  Re: objects on wing tipsplain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10s??plain
 *  Re: objects on wing tipsplain
 *  Re: 757 highest thrust to weight ratio ? plain
 *  Re: Northwest cancels Airbusplain
 *  Book's on Jetsplain
 *  Re: 757 highest thrust to weight ratio ? plain
 *  Northwest cancels Airbusplain
 *  Re: Airbus safety (was Re: TWAs Status)plain
 *  Re: Flight controlsplain
 *  Re: 757 highest thrust to weight ratio ? plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10s??plain
 *  Re: New Scientist articleplain
 *  Re: objects on wing tipsplain
 *  737 Crash In Colorado Springsplain
 *  Re: Flight controlsplain
 *  Re: 737 Crash In Colorado Springsplain
 *  MD-11 (Re: hydraulic problems on DC-10)plain
 *  Re: 757 highest thrust to weight ratio ? plain
 *  Re: 737 Crash In Colorado Springsplain
 *  Re: 757 highest thrust to weight ratio ? plain
 *  Re: Safety and design rankings (was Re: Flight controls)plain
 *  Re: Airbus safety (was Re: TWAs Status)plain
 *  Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS)plain
 *  Re: Airbus safety (was Re: TWAs Status)plain
 *  Re: Airbus safety (was Re: TWAs Status)plain
 *  Re: objects on wing tipsplain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: 737 Crash In Colorado Springsplain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10s??plain
 *  Re: Airbus safetyplain
 *  A320 sidestick description + references (Re: Airbus safety)plain
 *  Hysterical movie goofplain
 *  Re: Control Sticks (was Re: Airbus safety)plain
 *  Re: Hysterical movie goofplain
 *  Yet more on the El Al crashplain
 *  Re: A320 sidestick description + references (Re: Airbus safety)plain
 *  Re: Hysterical movie goofplain
 *  Errata (Re: A320 sidestick description + references)plain
 *  Re: Hysterical movie goofplain
 *  Re: Safety and design rankings (was Re: Flight controls)plain
 *  Re: Yet more on the El Al crashplain
 *  Economics of new vs. older planesplain
 *  Simulation software for transport category aircraftplain
 *  Re: Northwest cancels Airbusplain
 *  Re: hydraulic problems with DC-10's??plain
 *  Re: Northwest cancels Airbusplain
 *  archive of articles (and other stuff) now availableplain
 *  Re: Safety and design rankings (was Re: Flight controls)plain
 *  FMS Suppliers (Was: Safety)plain
 *  Re: Safety and design rankings (was Re: Flight controls)plain
 *  Re: Airbus safetyplain
 *  Re: Safety and design rankings (was Re: Flight controls)plain
 *  REVIEW of _FMC User's Guide_plain
 *  Re: Northwest cancels Airbusplain
 *  Re: REVIEW of _FMC User's Guide_plain
 *  Re: Safety and design rankings (was Re: Flight controls)plain
 *  Happy Holidays!plain
 *  Surviving a Commercial Aircraft Accidentplain
 *  Re: REVIEW of _FMC User's Guide_plain
 *  Tire burn-out during landingsplain
 *  Re: Hysterical movie goofsplain
 *  Aha! The three-man 767 rears its ugly head...plain
 *  Re: Tire burn-out during landingsplain
 *  Martinair DC10 crash?plain
 *  Re: Aha! The three-man 767 rears its ugly head...plain
 *  Re: Surviving a Commercial Aircraft Accidentplain
 *  First Flights on airlinersplain
 *  Re: Tire burn-out during landingsplain
 *  Re: Tire burn-out during landingsplain
 *  Re: Tire burn-out during landingsplain
 *  Re: Tire burn-out during landingsplain
 *  VR COCKPIT QUESTION 12/16-3plain
 *  GPS (DGPS) RTCA std.?plain
 *  Re: Tire burn-out during landingsplain
 *  Re: Tire burn-out during landingsplain
 *  Re: Tire burn-out during landingsplain
 *  Re: Tire burn-out during landingsplain
 *  Re: Aha! The three-man 767 rears its ugly head...plain
 *  Re: Safety and design rankings (was Re: Flight controls)plain
 *  Re: Economics of new vs. older planesplain
 *  Re: Tire burn-out during landingsplain
 *  Re: Safety and design rankings (was Re: Flight controls)plain
 *  Re: Aha! The three-man 767 rears its ugly head...plain
 *  Re: Safety and design rankings (was Re: Flight controls)plain
 *  Re: Tire burn-out during landingsplain
 *  Re: Boeing 767 Cockpit Sizeplain
 *  Re: Boeing 767 Cockpit Sizeplain

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