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QuIX Gopher: jokes.13

 *  On "reserve" with an airlineplain
 *  All about Baseballplain
 *  There were these two dogs...plain
 *  Poor old Dan Againplain
 *  fishing again...plain
 *  Boomerang's tough luckplain
 *  The Flag Takes A Lickingplain
 *  Plastics....plain
 *  Speeding Ticketsplain
 *  Cricket match which is funnier than baseballplain
 *  "I'm sorry Mr. Lowe, but your insurance won't cover THAT"plain
 *  Next time he'll knock....plain
 *  Frustration -- Party Jokeplain
 *  that's it. no kids...plain
 *  Take a letter, Maria...plain
 *  Bryant and the expertsplain
 *  Concurrency in the real worldplain
 *  Maladies of age...plain
 *  Endorsed by the Almightyplain
 *  sad but true....plain
 *  sad but true....plain
 *  News of the Weirdplain

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