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QuIX Gopher: jokes.11

 *  Life in Hellplain
 *  Talk about a tough union...plain
 *  Front Page Newsplain
 *  Fusing alongplain
 *  Getting along with the nativesplain
 *  Elections in Polandplain
 *  Blind luckplain
 *  The Gods must be Crazyplain
 *  A dignified affairplain
 *  College rejection letterplain
 *  Beer drinking in the 90'splain
 *  Parable timeplain
 *  at a Cambridge checkout counterplain
 *  What will they think of nextplain
 *  The priest.plain
 *  The difference between the nationsplain
 *  G'day Mateplain
 *  Understanding Your Paycheckplain
 *  Just off Lettermanplain
 *  Some gross jokes from STCplain
 *  Armyplain
 *  Postponed embarrassmentplain
 *  red-tapismplain

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