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QuIX Gopher: jokes.08

 *  footballplain
 *  Salesplain
 *  It's chemicalplain
 *  Little Johnnyplain
 *  Inaccurate Titlesplain
 *  How many postings for one joke?plain
 *  Yuks from the Yakutskplain
 *  Truth in Advertisingplain
 *  A thousand points of amnesiaplain
 *  Fruits of loveplain
 *  Train jokeplain
 *  A Sonnetplain
 *  the rules of relationshipsplain
 *  a joke from Mr. F.plain
 *  Impotence Joke (re: Longevity)plain
 *  Special Limited-Time Offerplain
 *  Laboratory Experimentplain
 *  A Song for the 80's (Offensive to Republicans)plain
 *  Pan Am crash in Englandplain
 *  Don't let the bed bugs biteplain
 *  This tree has no nodes. No nodes, how does it parse? Recursively!plain

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