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QuIX Gopher: jokes.07

 *  Some comments from Juliusplain
 *  Anouncing badnewsplain
 *  David's LAST Wishplain
 *  pirate's interviewplain
 *  Communist Quiz (Not "Who won the F.A. cup?")plain
 *  Conventioneersplain
 *  Let's pick on the ecomomistsplain
 *  Longevity...plain
 *  The Chairmanplain
 *  Mortal talks with Godplain
 *  Top Ten Earthquake Linesplain
 *  Practice jokeplain
 *  A priest and his parrotplain
 *  Margaret Thatcher jokeplain
 *  Duct Tapeplain
 *  Decline of the Romansplain
 *  The PLOplain
 *  Don't talk that way to a mother....plain
 *  Dan Quayle again -- can't you folks get enough?plain
 *  New Punchline to old jokeplain
 *  Problems like theseplain

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