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QuIX Gopher: jokes.06

 *  politics, dirty tricksplain
 *  Healing by the pipesplain
 *  It goes both waysplain
 *  God and The Post Officeplain
 *  Re: Rec.humor.funny is dead, film at 11plain
 *  Re: Rec.humor.funny is dead, film at 11plain
 *  Re: Nuke Waterloo?plain
 *  Re: Rec.humor.funny is dead, film at 11plain
 *  Re: Nuke Waterloo?plain
 *  Rec.humor.funny fiascoplain
 *  ashes to ashes...plain
 *  Dope in the Supreme Courtplain
 *  And a few soviet jokesplain
 *  Offensive to Construction workers and Leprechaunsplain
 *  Santa Clause has got a gunplain
 *  true storyplain
 *  Oprah the door and let me come in...plain
 *  A young JEDR woman gets married...plain
 *  Airplane humorplain
 *  Generic Jokesplain
 *  One of our parrots is missingplain
 *  Feeling guiltyplain

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