SOS DoubleCard

SOS DoubleCard

Post by Carlos R.Featherst » Sat, 11 Mar 1995 19:44:51

I'm using a 2MB DoubleCard with my HP100LX. I made the mistake
of doing a bootup with then card in the slot and the card went
crazy. All my files (data) seem to have gone to a hidden , system,
read onle attribute file of almost one MB. This is much more than
I really have there. Dir shows the following files: stacker.sys,
acedrv.sys, config.sys the infamous stacvol.ace with the attributes
mentioned above. I typed this file and got back stacker version 2
volume created vy screate.sys.

As advised by ACE I added the following line to the HP100Lx: /P but when I rebooted the computer hanged, as it did
always before This instruction.

I hope someone out there can give me a hand to retrieve my files.
Thank you very much.


SOS DoubleCard

Post by Mark Runy » Mon, 13 Mar 1995 07:41:01

>I'm using a 2MB DoubleCard with my HP100LX. I made the mistake
>of doing a bootup with then card in the slot and the card went
>crazy. All my files (data) seem to have gone to a hidden , system,
>read onle attribute file of almost one MB. This is much more than
>I really have there. Dir shows the following files: stacker.sys,
>acedrv.sys, config.sys the infamous stacvol.ace with the attributes
>mentioned above. I typed this file and got back stacker version 2
>volume created vy screate.sys.

If you can see acedrv.sys, config.sys, and stacvol.ace, you are probably
facing the fact that you have a stacked filesystem on your card.  The
1Mb file is the 2Mb stacker volume.  The problem is that you need to
run stacker to access that volume.  The stacker.sys should probably
be in a config.sys file.  Examine the config.sys file on your card.
It should have lines that read:

  device=a:\stacker.sys /p=0 a:

In theory, you should be able to boot your system with the card in
place, and the config.sys on the card will be what is booted from.
If not, then look in config.sys on the c: and see what you have in
there.  You also need to check your c: drive and see if you have
an ACE subdirectory.  If you do, there will probably be a
in there.  If there is, you can

  cd c:\stacker
  stacker a

and your a: drive should be mounted so you can access the files.

Quote:>As advised by ACE I added the following line to the HP100Lx:
> /P but when I rebooted the computer hanged, as it did
>always before This instruction.

Unless there is a on C:\ or A:\, I don't think this command
is what you want in your config.sys.

Mark Runyan


1. (CRASH!!!) SOS...SOS...SOS...SOS...SOS...

        I currently own a Macintosh SE with the following setup
       - two 800K internal drives
       - 60 Meg hard drive from Relax Technologies
       - 2400 baud modem from Zoom
       - Imagewriter II
       - Logitech 32 Handheld Scanner
       - 68000/16Mhz accelerator card by Aox
All of this running on System 6.0.7, but everytime I startup either I crash by
address error or my hard drive locks, and I have to restart. It usually takes
about three tries to get the thing to startup correctly and able to run with-
out problems.
        Has anyone ever had this problem ?
        Does anyone have a remedy for this horrid sickness ?

Please someone rescue my sinking ship !!!
Kevin Lombardi

2. Format of disk sector 0


4. Connection issues between machines

5. Mcse..working on ccna SOS SOS SOS SOS

6. All HAIL Bill GATES, Windows Forever, the KING of all Operating , systems.


8. Creating Templates

9. SOS SOS SOS SOS Need help please



12. ZOOM modem SOS SOS SOS