ts : Programs by Prof. Timo Salmi ----- 00index.txt Descriptions of the files in the ts directory 00index.zip Details of the contents of each TS-package, T.Salmi 0news_ts.txt Latest news about the files in /pc/ts directory, T.Salmi 0newts60.txt The news announcements of 2000 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts61.txt The news announcements of 2001 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts62.txt The news announcements of 2002 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts89.txt The news announcements of 1989 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts90.txt The news announcements of 1990 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts91.txt The news announcements of 1991 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts92.txt The news announcements of 1992 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts93.txt The news announcements of 1993 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts94.txt The news announcements of 1994 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts95.txt The news announcements of 1995 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts96.txt The news announcements of 1996 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts97.txt The news announcements of 1997 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts98.txt The news announcements of 1998 about ts-programs, T.Salmi 0newts99.txt The news announcements of 1999 about ts-programs, T.Salmi INDEXTS.TXT Details of the contents of each TS-package in text form fback028.zip User feedback etc 24-Apr-91, later see /pc/pd2/tspost00.zip register.txt About shareware registration of Timo's programs ts1st22.zip Statistics: Univariate statistical measures, T.Salmi ts2st23.zip Statistics: Multiple (OLS) regression analysis, T.Salmi ts3st18.zip Statistics: Transformations of observations, T.Salmi ts4st19.zip Statistics: Correlation analysis, T.Salmi ts5dos11.zip MS-DOS 5.0 (or 4.+) specific programs. (setser,driveoff) ts5st17.zip Least absolute deviation (LAD) multiple regression. ts6st10.zip Windows Icons+PIFs for Timo's statisctical MS-DOS packages tsaea11.zip Timo's templates for the As-Easy-As spreadsheet program tsans102.txt Answers to some recurring questions about TS-packages tsbase13.zip Programmer's tools base: base, basecalc, scancode, T.Salmi tsbat78.zip A collection of useful batch files and tricks, T.Salmi tsbits20.zip Base conversions, decimal bit calculations, T.Salmi tscdar12.zip Perpetual calendar in English and Finnish, T.Salmi tschek15.zip A Unix-like spelling checker for MS-DOS ascii files, T.Salmi tsdemo17.zip Assorted graphics demonstrations of functions etc, T.Salmi tsdraw16.zip Graphical presentation of equations and LP problems, T.Salmi tsf2cm17.zip Comparison of two files, etc, T.Salmi tsfair10.zip Some scientific Publications in HTML Format, T.Salmi+al. tsfaqn50.zip Questions from Usenet and Timo's answers tsfaqp49.zip Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers tsfcom24.zip A set of programs for manipulating text files, T.Salmi tsfilt24.zip Programs for filtering messages, log files, Unix-PC, etc. tsfima14.zip Programs of financial mathematics, T.Salmi tsfltb19.zip Easily customizable general filters, for text or binary. tsfltc22.zip More filters: dump,col,concat,cut,detab,rep,rot13,undump,... tsfunc17.zip Calculates, tabulates, and plots your functions, T.Salmi tsgame15.zip Three educational games including a management game, T.Salmi tsgarb13.zip Garbo related utilities for the PC (ffind,gfind), T.Salmi tsgifs19.zip Timo's free collection of 967 GIF thumbnails for WWW tsgmeb17.zip Timo's educational games: typevade, revegame, witpin, T.Salmi tsgmec13.zip Timo's educational games: ascigame,linegame,wordexam, T.Salmi tsgmed14.zip Learn national flags as educational games (good), T.Salmi tsgmee13.zip Classic Hangman and Towers of Hanoi, T.Salmi tsgmef10.zip A simple reaction game w/mouse, T.Salmi tsjog18.zip A simple calculator and pacer for a jogging enthusiast. tskerm26.zip Keypads, .bats, logging, and file transfers for MsKermit. tslin35c.zip Friendly linear programming and linear goal programming. tsmatr13.zip Standard matrix calculations. Product, inverse, etc. tsnum14.zip Various programs in numerical analysis, T.Salmi tspa3540.zip Turbo Pascal 4.0 units for (real:-) programmers, T.Salmi tspa3550.zip Turbo Pascal 5.0 units for (real:-) programmers, T.Salmi tspa3555.zip Turbo Pascal 5.5 units for (real:-) programmers, T.Salmi tspa3560.zip Turbo Pascal 6.0 units for (real:-) programmers, T.Salmi tspa357c.zip Turbo Pascal 7.0 real mode units for (real:-) programmers. tspell25.zip Screen oriented spelling checker + word frequency counter. tspfon30.zip Utilities and advice for Procomm Plus, T.Salmi tsprn17.zip Printing text files with various printers, T.Salmi tspun23.zip Timo's nauseating groaners (a collection of puns). tsqed18.zip Macros and configurations for TSE Jr. text-editor, T.Salmi tsqlpc11.zip On home computer (QL) to/from PC file transfer, T.Salmi tsrese01.zip Research answers email+postings, from 23-Apr-96 to ... tstlx11.zip Salt scripts etc for the Telix telecommunication program tstse19.zip SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor 2.5, T.Salmi tstsr23.zip TSR programs (noboot,reslock,sordino,timedown,timeup ...) tsutil44.zip Timo's 1st utility set (sysinfo,dirw,dtetimal,timelog,...) tsutlb22.zip Timo's 2nd utility set (touch,chars,dire,setgra) tsutlc26.zip Timo's 3rd utility set (dirf,dirinfo,doubles,hidden,split,...) tsutld25.zip Timo's 4th utility set (bigcurs,keyrate,caps,today,warmboot,...) tsutle23.zip Timo's 5th utility set (lock keyboard,mailsplit,tdel,cmos,...) tsutlf16.zip Timo's 6th utility set (advdate,choose,deledir,strings,strmemo,) tsutlg12.zip Timo's 7th utility set (backgrnd,backdemo,cursize,samesize) vaasa.inf Information about Finland, Vaasa, and University of Vaasa vaasa2.inf More (official) information about University of Vaasa