AINDIS.ZIP 265,166 08-27-93 Ndis for Lantastic ALLMENU1.ZIP 7,920 07-07-93 Allmenu V1.05. Use One Set of Security Display Files for Every Security User. ALOGIN21.ZIP 35,278 05-07-93 Updated Auto Login for Lantastic Networks ALPHA300.ZIP 96,060 08-10-93 Menuing System for Lantastic ANT315.ZIP 326,672 05-01-93 Maintains Bindery Data, Resets User Accounts, Queue Statistics, Connection Information in One Program APPASC.ZIP 30,250 08-20-93 Novell Appware White Paper (Ascii) (Novl). APPWP5.ZIP 42,314 08-09-93 Novell Appware White Paper (Wordperfect 5.1 ATK306.ZIP 114,190 07-01-93 Appletalk Nlm 3.06 Upgrade to Novells Nw4mac Nlm. BSTNT163.ZIP 9,690 07-01-93 Bestnet V1.63: Sets an Environment Variable Net to the Best Network Shell Based on the Dos Version and the Presence of Either Ems or Xms Memory, Allowing You to Then Load the Net Shell by Putting %net% in Your Batch File; BT515.ZIP 352,940 07-12-93 Netware Btrieve 5.15 Collection (Patches). BTR61.ZIP 674,801 09-20-93 Netware Btrieve 6.10b Upgrade BTRREQ.ZIP 142,695 09-21-93 Netware Btrieve Requesters for Btrieve 5.X and 6.X CAPSTAT.ZIP 19,420 04-23-93 Sets Dos Errorlevle to 0 If Your Local Printer is Not Being Captured to a Novell Printer; Sets to 1 If it is Being Captured CNEQUIZR.ZIP 89,165 04-14-93 Cnequizr: Self-help Quiz Program From (Ex)cne Students; Really Helps You Prepare for the Tests. CNFGLS30.ZIP 55,686 04-15-93 Lan Server 3.0, Entry or Advanced, Configuration Tuning Spreadsheet DB124.ZIP 24,777 08-02-93 Lanstreamer Mc32 Os/2 2.1 Drivers. DDCSFIX.ZIP 70,461 07-19-93 Ddcs/2 V1.0 Fixes for Apars Jr06138, Jr06262, Jr06806, Jr06916, Jr07062, Jr07104, Jr07201, Jr07016 and Jr06051. DEFUTL.ZIP 15,430 07-02-93 Deferred Utilities Lantastic V 5.0 Offers a to Log Into a Server That May Not be Active (And Even Log Into a Server That Does Not Exist :-). While Very Useful Feature Not All of the Net Utilities Handle a Deferred Login DOCPRC13.ZIP 315,734 08-10-93 Doc-proc V1.3. On-line Document Retrieval System for a Local Area Network. All Screen Titles, Menu Selections, and Print Destinations May be Designed Using a Simple High Level Token Command Language. DOS6NOVL.ZIP 7,111 06-27-93 Msdos 6.0 on Novell Network Solution Complete Set of Simple Ascii Files & Novell Login Script, W/ Instructions on How to Upgrade Novell Workstations to Dos6.0 Easily. Files Include Net$log.Dat Login Script File DOS6NVEL.ZIP 6,675 06-28-93 Run Dos6.0 Workstation on Novell Networks. Solution List of Ascii Boot Files and Novell Login Scripts That Allow Dos6.0 Stations to Connect W/Current Netx Drivers. ETHLD102.ZIP 118,747 07-13-93 Dos Program That Analyzes and Displays Information About an Ethernet Lan. EXP500.ZIP 12,825 05-03-93 Intel Etherexpress Driver for Lantastic 5.0. E_SCAN10.ZIP 15,694 04-15-93 E-scan V1.00: Returns the Manufacturer of an Ethernet Network Interface Card in the Current Workstation. Ipx Must be Loaded But Netx is Optional. (Date Req: 286+cpu. Freeware From Micro House International. -av. FAXSUP23.ZIP 88,491 04-21-93 Faxsup23 Ver 2.3 Network Aware Shareware Attention Winword 2.X Users With Faxmodems Take the Worry Out of Using Your Faxmodem. No Longer Will You Accidentally Send a Document to the Faxmodem When You Wanted a Hard Copy. FPS32D.ZIP 120,389 07-22-93 Fpserver: the Fast Novell Netware Print Server V3.2. Implements an Extremely Fast, Easy to Use Print Server on a Standard Ibm Compatible Personal Computer. FSL11.ZIP 96,825 04-04-93 Enhanced Netware Login Program - Adds Acctg., Security Checks and Displays Reasons for Login Failure FSL12A.ZIP 118,005 06-14-93 Fslogin V1 2a: Full Screen Login for Novell Netware; Does Extensive Checking of Accounting and Security Exceptions; Presents Reasons Why a User Cannot Login to a Server;. FUP100.ZIP 16,125 05-18-93 Fup.Com and Inifup.Com Versions 1.0 These Are Extremely Useful Utilities for the Lan System Administrator. Fup.Com Will Automatically Replace Files Based on Date and Time. Inifup.Com Updates Microsoft .Ini Files FUTURE.ZIP 6,398 08-05-93 White Paper on Future Direction of Artisoft. GLOSTCOM.ZIP 14,679 04-29-93 Glossary of Networking & Telecom - Part 1 This is a Textual Glossary of Terms Used in Telecommunications and Lan Networking. HOTOP104.ZIP 137,182 05-14-93 Hot Operator V1 04: Multi-user, Unattended Production Job Scheduler; Great for Client/ Server Situations Where User Sites Must Run Production Schedules, Yet They Have No Operations Staff to Do So; Joey Robichaux. IEXP201.ZIP 465,172 02-18-93 Intel Ether Express 2.01 Drivers IHVAHA.ZIP 119,598 04-30-93 Hardware Support for Adaptec Aha-1740/1740a/1742a Host Bus Adaptors Running Under Unixware IHVFD.ZIP 116,988 04-30-93 Release Notes on Novell Approved Host Bus Adaptors for Unixware IHVUSC.ZIP 88,450 04-27-93 Hardware Support for Ultrastor Ultra 24fa Eisa to Scsi Hba Adaptors Running Under Unixware INITME.ZIP 83,647 06-16-93 Inityme is a Windows .Ini File Manipulator. Good for Maintaining a Bunch of .Ini Files Across a Network INIUPD11.ZIP 94,451 08-08-93 Ini Update and Edit Utility V1.1 for Windows. Intended for Use by Network Administrators in Maintaining Windows/Winapps on Lans That Enables You to Edit/Update Ini Files. INMEM.ZIP 11,756 06-20-93 Checks for Loaded Tsr's Are Loadede IPXROT.ZIP 3,403 10-05-93 Description of Ipx Routing With Lantastic KEYMAP.ZIP 8,243 07-16-93 Keymapping Update for Lwp for Dos. L11U04.ZIP 12,348 09-03-93 Novell Lite 1.1 Universal Patches (Novl). LAN203.ZIP 67,894 04-03-93 Lan Menu 2.03 (Network Menu) Microfox Company Menu and Security System for Dos and Networks Lan203.Zip Network Menu, Help, & User Guide Lotus 1-2-3 Style Menu System With Password Protection, Telephone Dialer, On-line LANBRD.ZIP 154,964 04-13-93 Shareware-demo Bridge-router for Lantastic Networks LANBSM.ZIP 27,430 04-13-93 Landon Bridge - Software Bridge to Join Lantastic Segments Crippleware, Operates for 30 Minutes Before Shutting Down Registration Removes Limitation LANEL3.ZIP 195,535 04-27-93 Hardware Support for 3com Etherlink III Parallel Tasking Adapeters Running Under Unixware LANLOC12.ZIP 301,386 04-01-93 Lanlock Will Enforce License Restrictions on a Novell Network. Each Installed Application is Required to Call a Lanlock Server to Determine Permission to Run LANLOG11.ZIP 110,818 08-01-93 Software Metering Tool for Workstations, on or Off a Dos 3.X Compatible Network. Reports Individual Pc's Totals and Totals Across All Workstations, in Text or Comma Quote Files. LANSPE.ZIP 51,438 08-15-93 Test Performance of Your Lan. LANSRC.ZIP 128,244 04-27-93 Lan Drivers for Unixware From Novell. Documentation Included LED12.ZIP 70,731 08-29-93 Lantastic Setup Editor. LGNTSR.ZIP 6,244 06-02-93 Allow Execution of Memory Resident Programs From the Netware Login Script With Using the "Exit" Command. 10,20,50,100,250 and 500 Node Licences Are Available, Priced At $25,$30,$65,$75,$125,$250 Respectively LINKR3.ZIP 106,503 08-16-93 A Laplink-like Pm Program. LITE2LAN.ZIP 11,830 07-22-93 Use Netware Lite Commands With Lantastic. LL220UPG.ZIP 122,889 09-27-93 Bug Fix to Lan-link 2.20 LOCK175.ZIP 79,227 06-07-93 A Utility That Controls the Number of Users Who Can Concurrently Access a Dos Application LSPIPX.ZIP 5,945 05-07-93 This is the Lsp/Ipx Driver to Interface Between a Lan Support Program and an Ipx Program LTAS16.ZIP 28,533 06-14-93 Low Level Drivers for Intel Etherexpress Cards for Lantastic LWPD401A.ZIP 115,435 04-01-93 Final Fixes for the Lan Workplace for Dos 4.01 Product. No Further Modifications or Patches Are Planned by Novell MIGRAT.ZIP 425,231 09-20-93 Netware Migration Utility for Netware 3.11 and 4.0 N3019.ZIP 81,509 07-20-93 Nts/2 V1 Fixes to Enable Lan Network Manager "Critical Resource Monitoring" on Alan Streamer M32, or 16/4 Adapter II or Busmaster/A Server Adapter. NBB121.ZIP 17,211 07-25-93 Network Bulletin Board V1.21: Add-in Product for IVory Tower Software's Network Email That Allows You to Post Public Messages on the Bulletin Board; Req Vbrun300.Dll NET.ZIP 76,630 07-27-93 New Net.Exe Etc for Lantastic NMM148.ZIP 931,810 05-06-93 Netware Management Map is the Newtork Management Platform for the Novell Netware Management System. Upgrade for Netware Services Manager Ver 1.1 or Hub Services Manager Version 10 NMS201.ZIP 92,809 04-01-93 Network Menu System V2.01: Menu System Designed for a Novell Network (Useable Stand Alone, Too) That Works W/Existing Novell Menu Files W/Little or No Modification; E. Cressman. NNS.ZIP 583,943 05-10-93 All Current Tested and Released Updates to Netware Name Services Version 1.0 Utilities. Each File Addresses Problems Encountered With Nns Version 10 NOSH15.ZIP 24,903 07-22-93 Noshell V1.5. Tsr Designed to Enhance System Security by Requiring All Users to Enter a Password Before Being Allowed to Execute a Dos Shell From Within Any Other Program. NOVCHG.ZIP 7,220 05-02-93 This File Shows a History of Novell Uploads - Regarding Netware - on Netwire for the Last 30 to 60 Days. Entries Are Made in the Form of New Uploads and Replaced Files. [76702,414] Sftutl.Zip/Bin Bytes: 54427, NSD202.ZIP 406,707 07-16-93 Nsd202.Exe Nsd for Novell Requester for Os/2. NSH152A.ZIP 166,304 08-06-93 Netshield 1.52a (V106) Anti-virus Nlm for Novell 3.11 Servers - Mcafee. NTP116.ZIP 163,145 08-02-93 Netpager Links Electronic Mail to Pagers As Well As Allowing Remote Monitoring of Network Conditions. NW650PL.ZIP 163,022 04-02-93 Server and Workstation Drivers for Cnet Technology Nw650pl Ethernet Boards NW888E.ZIP 123,941 04-02-93 Server and Workstation Drivers for Cnet Technology Nw888e Ethernet Boards NWODIDOS.ZIP 44,283 05-07-93 Novell Open Data-link Interface for Madge Network Lan Adapters NWODIOS2.ZIP 39,604 05-07-93 Novell Open Data-link Interface for Madge Network Lan Adapters Running Under Os/2 ORIDER.ZIP 79,367 09-04-93 Outrider V2.0 - Netware Disk Space Monitor; OS2V2A.ZIP 14,116 05-13-93 Latest Updates Available for the Os/2 V. 2.01 Requestor PCADEM.ZIP 107,283 08-04-93 Pcadem V1.1. Demonstration System That Provides an Overview of Pathfinder's Pc Auditor System. PCM_V13.ZIP 42,888 08-13-93 Quietly Monitor Pc Activity in Company to Justify Placement. Excellent Pc Managers Tool When Method is Needed to Monitor Productivity of Various Work Stations. PGP23A.ZIP 241,690 07-04-93 Pretty Good Privacy Encryption/Signature/Privacy Utility. PGPSHE22.ZIP 66,476 08-03-93 Pgpshell V2.2. Menu-driven Front-end That Makes "Pretty Good Privacy" Easier to Manage and Use. PMAIL301.ZIP 731,268 09-02-93 Pegasus-mail for Dos V3.01. PQKILL.ZIP 7,592 05-12-93 Kill a Printq for a Specified User PRINQ4.ZIP 15,053 05-14-93 Printq Allows Control of 1 to 7 Print Queues on Screen PS2OPT.ZIP 17,021 04-12-93 Driver Provides Support for All Ibm Scsi Controllers, Bus Based and Internals Also. New Driver As of 02/04/93 PSERV2.ZIP 151,659 07-16-93 Novell Printing Files Pserver, Rprinter,. PSERV5.ZIP 141,937 09-10-93 Netware Print Server (Nlm V3.76) and Rprinter Components (V3.75). the New Rprinter Provides Greater Compatibility With Ms Windows and Allows Polled Mode to be Used for All Parallel and Serial Ports. PSPLANSS.ZIP 16,570 09-02-93 Ibm Psp's Lan Systems Solutions. How Ibm Lansystems Enable Organizations to Manage an Entire Heterogeneous Network As a Single Entity. Ranging From Small Business to Enterprise. (Ibmnet). PTF382.ZIP 135,555 07-16-93 Netware Hostprint 1.0 Maintenance Update. PUTIL4.ZIP 475,451 07-02-93 New Netware Printer Utilities. Includes Printcon, Nprint, Pconsole, Psc, Printdef, and Capture QVIEWP20.ZIP 295,108 06-02-93 Qview Pro is a Utility Designed to Control Novell Print Queues. Print Jobs Can be Controlled, Deleted, Viewed and Moved Between Queues With Qview Pro. RAMMAP.ZIP 12,051 06-20-93 Saves Some Memory Wasted When Multiple Memory Resident Programs Are Loaded. the Program Saves the Memory Used for the Tsrs' Environment Space RESPONSE.ZIP 18,084 08-09-93 Network Response Benchmark V1.2. ROL_NET.ZIP 170,157 07-30-93 Network Rolodex. SBACK1.ZIP 331,955 06-08-93 Sbackup V3.11b Fixes and Revisions for Netware V3.1x SBUFIXP.ZIP 575,889 05-16-93 Collection of Netware Loadable Modules Wangtek, Dibidai, Novadibi, Tsa-310/311, Tsa Sbackup, Sme-shim SENTRY.ZIP 87,397 04-01-93 Pc Sentry Will Log All Network Files That Are Opened, Deleted, Created, Copied, Time Changes, Command Issued At the Dos Prompt. a Security Logging System for Your Network. $89 Single User, $329 10 User Lan Version SMBTRC30.ZIP 28,982 07-14-93 Smbtrace Utility for Ibm Lan Server V2.0 and V3.0 Entry Only. This Will Not Trace Events on a Server With 386fs. SMITENOV.ZIP 80,847 08-19-93 Allows You to Drop User Connections on Novell Network SPACE103.ZIP 18,950 05-11-93 L Display Free Space on All Drives, Including Network Drives. Can Monitor Continuously. V1.03 for Ms-win 31 SPOCK_.ZIP 11,732 09-02-93 Au File: Kirk Calling Up to Spock. STAT.ZIP 53,719 08-15-93 Statnlm - Server Resource Utilization Tool THRUPUT2.ZIP 16,952 08-09-93 Thruput Disk & Network Benchmark V2.0. TKNCCA12.ZIP 826,528 07-26-93 Token-ring Pcmcia Adapter Diskette V1.20. TN3270.ZIP 311,484 05-13-93 Upgrade for Lan Workplace From Version 3.13a to Version 4.04 TNET31.ZIP 57,283 07-16-93 Updated Lantastic Login Utilities. TOPISS.ZIP 10,009 05-13-93 Top Issues for April 1993 TSYNC220.ZIP 140,035 07-31-93 Timesync V2.20. Syncronize Your System Time to the Time of the Remote Computer. TUNE04.ZIP 48,724 06-09-93 Tuning Spreadsheet for Ls 3.0 Version 1.04. This Will Produce an Ibmlan.Ini File, Nts/2 Netbios and 802.2 Configuration Requirements and Config.Sys Cache Recommendations for a Lan Server 3.0 (Entry or Advanced) ULIST141.ZIP 19,140 03-01-93 Ulist 1.41 Freeware Program for Novell Netware - Display and Print Your Userlist VLMUP1.ZIP 78,048 06-15-93 This is the Latest Update for Virutal Loadable Modules (Vlm) for Netware Client for Dos/Windows WHOHAS.ZIP 82,612 08-17-93 Displays Whohas a File Open on Novell Network WINOUT10.ZIP 45,806 07-12-93 Win/Out V1.0 Demo. Windows-based Electronic In/Out Board Where Companies Can Track the Status of Employees (In Vs Out of the Office). for Novell Lans. WINPM102.ZIP 472,630 09-02-93 Pegasus-mail for Windows V.1.02. WMENUN21.ZIP 42,564 07-16-93 Winmenu V2.1. Network Version of a Menu/Shell System for Windows With 3d Look. WR07020.ZIP 1476,889 10-01-93 Service for Network Transport Services (Nts/2), or and Lan Transport and Protocol Support (Laps). it is a Refresh of the Laps Portion of Nts/2. Replaces and Obsoletes Wr07008. WSDOS2.ZIP 306,831 08-31-93 Novell Workstation Vlm Driver Update (Multi WSOCKDOC.ZIP 66,670 10-04-93 Description of Sockets for Lantastic WSTATUS.ZIP 959,955 07-04-93 Work Status V2.2. Integrated Business Package That Combines Email, Phone Messages, and a Network User Directory/Phone Book. XECUTE10.ZIP 33,416 05-01-93 Monitor Creation of Data Files in Ethernet XFERRATE.ZIP 15,287 05-29-93 Determine Byte Transfer Speed From Lan/Wan XFORUM3.ZIP 182,467 09-06-93 X-forum3 Network Message Forum System. Withworkgroup Message Conferencing With Up to 26message Forums, Built-in Admin, More. XMETR171.ZIP 15,322 07-01-93 Xmeter V1.71. Software Metering Program for Novell Networks; Uses No Ram, and Does Not Require Any Vaps/Nlms Running on the Server.