CRCKLISTCRCK&CTRLC CMDDBK ASM DBK DQC(KEYPOLL CMD. --> FILE: CTRLC .CMD CRC = CF DB --> FILE: DBK .ASM CRC = 51 F1 --> FILE: DBK .DQC CRC = B9 2B --> FILE: KEYPOLL .CMD CRC = 2D 70************************************************************ * CTRLC.CMD * * This is used to test dBASE II after it khas been * modified for CTRL-C interrupt of keyboard. * Give the name of the one of your data files * and a FIELDNAME for the following routine. * CLEAR * use a sample file with at least 30 records USE yourfile SET TALK OFF STORE 337 TO lastkey * * PEEK of 3 means test for CTRL-C * DO WHILE .NOT. EOF .AND. PEEK(lastkey)<>3 * * insert a fieldname from the database in use ? fieldname SKIP ENDDO IF PEEK(lastkey) = 3 ? ? ? 'Control-C worked. Operation aborted, but you are still under' ?? ' program control' WAIT ERASE ELSE ? ? ? 'Control-C FAILED! '+CHR(7) WAIT ERASE CLEAR ENDIF RETURN00 6118631RWN 4.0 0.514.8919.8311.50 6218631DTM 2.0 0.010.6213.80 8.00 6258631DWH 6.5 0.013.1117.2910.00 6268631DWH 2.5 0.013.1117.2910.00 6268669BAP 4.0 0.0 8.7811.21 6.50 6278631DWH 7.0 0.013.1117.2910.00 7078668JAL 1.6 0.0; DBK.ASM ; dBASE II patch routine ; Written by Ted J. Mieske 04/28/84 ver. 1.4 ; (tbt digital) 741 Oakwood Ave., Hurst, TX 76053 ; ; 1) This will allow you to patch into the sign-on ; message area of dBASE II versions 2.4, 2.40 & 2.41X19. ; 2) It will also allow the INKEY$ function used in lmany ; BASICs to test for a key press (TRUE/FALSE) situation. ; 3) You can CTRL-C out of a listing WITHOUT going back ; to the dBASE II's dot prompt. Control stays within the ; program. ; FALSE EQU 0 TRUE EQU NOT FALSE CR EQU 13 LF EQU 10 SPACE EQU 20H INKEY1 EQU 3A8AH ;this is starting position for 2.40 INKEY2 EQU 3B24H ;this is starting position for 2.41X19 STRTPAT EQU 14AH ;where "NEW" patch lies for INKEY TEXT EQU 4AE1H ;this is user SIGN-ON msg. (personalized) ;for version 2.4 TEXT0 EQU 4AC0H ;this is for version 2.40 TEXT1 EQU 4B50H ;this is for version 2.41X19 TF EQU TRUE ;set true for version 2.4 TF0 EQU FALSE ;set true for version 2.40 TF1 EQU FALSE ;set true for version 2.41 IF TF OR TF0 ;test for v 2.4 or 2.40 ORG INKEY1 JMP STRTPAT ;start patches ORG STRTPAT STA 4378H ;instructions we patched out IF TF1 ;test for verstion 2.41X19 ORG INKEY2 JMP STRTPAT ORG STRTPAT STA 4415H ENDIF STA 151H ;added instructions for all versions RET IF TF ;test where to put our message ORG TEXT ENDIF IF TF1 ORG TEXT1 ENDIF IF TF1 ORG TEXT1 ENDIF DB SPACE,CR,LF,'YOUR MESSAGE HERE. ' DB 'YOUR MESSAGE CAN CONTINUE HERE TOO! ' DB CR,LF,LF,LF,LF ENDv|DBK.DOCu  !"#$%&'()*_+,-./0123456789:;<=> ro  ?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSQ :TUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijk2VS6;lmnopqrsu]H<0te{kUV9FEc`U@.1ZAKCvm%[Pz0e `/0QKvpoICbps1bAzrX r4v p3qH觮%s!.Ch*cӇ+Zq.c/!FL}\}']4{!l]LNo^9 tH]M+$-s\83|' h&sf8SLnDiM&a| s6=A.G=Fƶ#cR#b =Aƶ!tE,)VJ~ -MKw a ţV,ґy#$ڠ+>GJwDwqPa 6ncr@$ ]*&vSu>Ht!̪lVgĪMlVV]~pޅ VY 8'[{+x "p/(R.@2^0I#ɀ3/4aY4huXI@PhUMA}]E@htJ^cmHGaGR370}Wh.[aI5*LZ5vӴ DB SPACE,CR,LF,'<<< INKEY Patch Routine by' ************************************************************** * KEYPOLL.CMD 04/28/84 * * This is used to test dBASE II after * it has been modified for INKEY$ function used * in many BASICs. * CLEAR SET TALK OFF ERASE ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 'You have 5 seconds to STRIKE a key-->' * * If you have a "fast" computer, store a higher number * to cntdown. On a Kaypro II, a value of 50 gives you * approximately 5 seconds. STORE 50 TO CNTDOWN * * 337 is the address of our dBASE II patch * POKE 337,0 DO WHILE cntdown .AND. PEEK(337) = 0 STORE cntdown -1 TO cntdown STORE PEEK(337) TO ok ENDDO IF ok ?? ' you entered a key in time' ELSE ?? 'You failed to strike a key in time..'+chr(7) ENDIF ? ? ? ? RETURN