title 'XUTIL.ASM'
;* *
;* *
;* General purpose utility routines for X.25 *
;* protocol interface program *
;* *
;* rev 0.16 08/21/84 E. Elizondo *
;* *
;* (c) 1984 E. Elizondo - all rights reserved. *
;* *
;* This program may be used freely for non- *
;* commercial applications. It may not be sold *
;* or used for commercial applications without *
;* written permission of the author. *
;* *
maclib Z80 ;DR Z80 macro library
; subroutine entry points
public ilprt ;in-line print routine
public ctype ;output char to console and printer
public cview ;output char to console only
public move ;move block of data
public decbin ;convert decimal ASCII to binary
public hexbin ;convert hex ASCII digit to binary
public pdec ;print binary number in ASCII decimal
public pbin ;print byte in binary
public phex ;print byte in hex
public phex1 ;print nibble in hex
public disptch ;dispatch routine
public instr ;input string from console
public poll ;poll console & printer
public delay ;wait a bit
; address hooks
public inbuf ;console input buffer
public prnflg ;printer ena/dis flag
; external subroutines
extrn putbuf ;put byte into a fifo buffer
extrn getbuf ;get byte from a fifo buffer
; external addresses
extrn cibcb ;A(console input buffer)
extrn cobcb ;A(console output buffer)
extrn pobcb ;A(printer buffer)
; standard ASCII equates
bell equ 07h
tab equ 09h
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
esc equ 1bh
; CP/M BDOS function equates
conotf equ 2 ;console output function
listf equ 5 ;list output function
diriof equ 6 ;direct console I/O
frcbuf equ 10 ;read edited input line
; CP/M address equates:
fcb equ 005ch ;default file control block
bdos equ 0005h ;BDOS entry address
cseg ;code section
; in-line print routine
; on entry: text to be printed follows call
; to this routine, and is
; terminated by a 0
; on exit: , flags clobbered
; all other registers unchanged
; routine returns to instruction
; immediately following message
ilprt: xthl ;point to first byte of msg
ilplp: mov a,m ;get byte
ora a ;terminator?
jz ilpret ;yes, exit
call ctype ;else output character
inx h ;bump pointer
jmp ilplp ;and go back for more
ilpret: inx h ;bump past terminator
xthl ;put next address on stack
ret ;and go there
; output character in to console buffer
; and to printer buffer if printer enabled
; on entry: = character
; on exit: all flags, regs unchanged
ctype: push psw ;save regs
push h ; /
push d ; /
push b ; /
mov b,a ;save char in
lxi h,cobcb ;point to console output buffer
call putbuf ;and write it there
lda prnflg ;get print flag
ora a ;printer enabled?
jz ctyexi ;no, exit
mov a,b ;get back byte
lxi h,pobcb ;point to printer output buffer
call putbuf ;write char there
; common exit
ctyexi: call copol ;poll crt output
pop b ;restore regs
pop d ; /
pop h ; /
pop psw ; /
; output character in to console buffer (only)
; (used for clearing crt screen, end of line, etc)
; on entry: = character
; on exit: all flags, regs unchanged
cview: push psw ;save regs
push h ; /
push d ; /
push b ; /
lxi h,cobcb ;point to console output buffer
call putbuf ;and write it there
call copol ;poll crt output
pop b ;restore regs
pop d ; /
pop h ; /
pop psw ; /
; general purpose move routine
; (internally and externally called)
; on entry: =source address
; =destination address
; =number of bytes to move
; on exit: =last source address+1
; =last dest address+1
; =0
; dispatch routine
; on entry: =offset into table (0-127)
; table of addresses follows calling routine
; on exit: ,flags clobbered
; all other regs unchanged
rlc ;double the offset bits
xthl ;save hl, get adress of table
push d ;save de
mov e,a ;put doubled code in e
mvi d,0 ;and clear d
dad d ;offset into table
mov a,m ;get low byte of destination
inx h ;and now high byte
mov h,m ;high byte into h
mov l,a ;and low byte into l
pop d ;restore de
xthl ;put dest address on stack, restore hl
ret ;dispatch to destination
; get edited console string
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all regs unchanged
; console string is in inbuf
push b
push d
push h
mvi c,frcbuf
lxi d,inbuf
call bdos
pop h
pop d
pop b
; convert ASCII decimal number in input buffer to binary
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: =binary number
; carry set if conversion error
decbin: push h ;save regs
push b ; /
lxi d,0 ;clear binary number
lxi h,inbuf+1 ;=A(# of input characters)
mov b,m ;,=# of input characters
mov a,b ; /
ora a ;no input?
jz addexi ;yes, return with =0
dbloop: inx h ;get a digit
mov a,m ; /
sui '0' ;convert to binary
jc addexi ;return with carry if <0
cpi 10 ;or if >9
cmc ; /
jc addexi ; /
ora a ;=0?
jz nxtdig ;yes, get next digit
adddig: inx d ;else add digit in to
dcr a ; /
jnz adddig ; /
nxtdig: dcr b ;last digit?
jz addexi ;yes, normal exit
push h ;else save
lxi h,0 ;clear
mvi c,10 ;and multiply by 10
mult10: dad d ; /
dcr c ; /
jnz mult10 ; /
xchg ;restore number to
pop h ;restore
jmp dbloop ;and get next digit
addexi: pop b ;restore regs
pop h ; /
; convert ASCII hex digit to binary
; (externally called)
; on entry: = hex digit
; on exit: = binary equivalent
; carry set if conversion error
; other flags clobbered
; all other regs unchanged
sui '0' ;subtract ASCII bias
rc ;error if <0
cpi 10 ;is it <10?
cmc ;yes, return with value
rnc ; /
ani 0101$1111b ;convert to upper case
cpi 'G'-'0' ;is it >F?
cmc ;yes, return with carry
rc ; /
sui 'A'-'9'-1 ;else adjust A-F
cpi 10 ;set carry if not >10
; print binary number in ASCII
; on entry: =binary number
; on exit: ,flags clobbered
; all other regs unchanged
push h ;save regs
push d ; /
push b ; /
lxi d,numbuf ;point to number buffer
call bindec ;convert # to ASCII
lxi h,numbuf ;point to number buffer
mvi b,4 ;max # of leading zeros
mvi a,'0' ;blank leading zeros
blnklp: cmp m ;is char a zero?
jnz pdec1 ;no, all finished
mvi m,' ' ;yes, blank it
inx h ;bump pointer
dcr b ;last leading zero?
jnz blnklp ;no, keep going
pdec1: call ilprt ;print it
numbuf: db '00000',0
pop b ;restore regs
pop d ; /
pop h ; /
; convert binary number 0-65535 to decimal ASCII
; (internally called)
; on entry: =binary number
; =address of buffer to put ASCII digits
; on exit: buffer contains ASCII number
; terminated by binary 0
; regs, flags clobbered
bindec: lxi b,-10000 ;digit value
call cdigit ;convert first digit
lxi b,-1000 ;convert next digit
call cdigit ; /
lxi b,-100 ;convert next digit
call cdigit ; /
lxi b,-10 ;convert next digit
call cdigit ; /
lxi b,-1 ;convert last digit
call cdigit ; /
mvi a,0 ;put terminator in buffer
stax d ; /
; convert a digit
cdigit: mvi a,'0'-1 ;initialize ASCII value
push d ;save buffer pointer
cdloop: mov e,l ;save last iteration
mov d,h ; /
inr a ;increment ASCII digit
dad b ;subtract value
jc cdloop ;repeat till underflow
mov l,e ;get previous iteration
mov h,d ; /
pop d ;restore buffer pointer
stax d ;store byte in buffer
inx d ;bump pointer
; print byte in binary '1''s and '0''s
; (clever routine adapted from TDL)
; on entry: =byte
; on exit: ,flags clobbered
; all other regs unchanged
push b ;save
mvi b,8 ;# of bits to output
pbit: ral ;move msb to carry
push psw ;sabe byte
mvi a,'0'/2 ;make '0' or '1'
adc a ; /
call ctype ;output char
pop psw ;restore byte
dcr b ;last bit?
jnz pbit ;no, keep going
pop b ;else restore
; print byte in ASCII hex format (phex)
; print nibble in ASCII hex format (phex1)
; (externally and internally called)
; on entry: =byte
; on exit: ,flags clobbered
; all other regs unchanged
phex: push psw ;save byte
rrc ;move upper nibble down
rrc ; /
rrc ; /
rrc ; /
call phex1 ;output it
pop psw ;restore byte
phex1: ani 0fh ;strip lower nibble
adi 90h ;convert to ASCII character
daa ; /
aci 40h ; /
daa ; /
call ctype ;output hex digit
; poll console and printer
; (externally and internally called)
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all registers unchanged
poll: push psw ;save all registers & flags
push b ; /
push d ; /
push h ; /
call cipol ;poll console input
call copol ;poll console output
call popol ;poll printer output
pop h ;restore registers & flags
pop d ; /
pop b ; /
pop psw ; /
;--> poll console input
cipol: mvi c,diriof ;direct I/O function
mvi e,0ffh ;console request
call bdos ;do it
ora a ;console input ready?
rz ;no, return
lxi h,cibcb ;else put byte in queue buffer
call putbuf ; /
rnc ;return if all ok
call ilprt ;else display error message
db cr,lf,'L4: console input buffer overflow',cr,lf,bell,0
;--> output byte to console if available
copol: lxi h,cobcb ;get byte from queue buffer
call getbuf ; /
rc ;return if no byte available
mvi c,diriof ;direct I/O function
mov e,a ;else, output byte
call bdos
;--> poll printer output
popol: lhld 0001h ;get start of bios vector table
lxi d,2dh-3h ;offset to list status entry point
dad d ; /
call go ;get list device status
ora a ;ready?
rz ;no, return
lxi h,pobcb ;get byte from queue buffer
call getbuf ; /
rc ;return if no byte available
mov e,a ;else, output byte
mvi c,listf ;list output function
call bdos ;and do it
go: pchl ;dispatch to
; wait a little bit
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all regs, flags unchanged
delay: push psw ;save regs
push h ; /
push d ; /
push b ; /
lxi d,0 ;= outer loop
lxi h,0 ;= inner loop
dloop: dcx d ;bump
dloop1: dcx h ;bump
mov a,h ;all counted out?
cmp l ; /
jnz dloop1 ;no, keep counting
mov a,d ;outer loop counted out?
cmp e ; /
jnz dloop ;no, keep counting
pop b ;restore regs
pop d ; /
pop h ; /
pop psw ; /
; *****************
; * data area *
; *****************
dseg ;data segment
prnflg db 0 ;print on/off flag
inbuf: db 128,0,0 ;initialized console input buffer
ds 127 ;console input buffer area