(X+HELP ME! CAUTION BUG ENTER AQMFREEBASEDQC4ϣLIBRARY DATPNSEARCH AQMVB H - E - L - P ------------- As I hope I've made clear in the other documents enclosed here, this is a flawed attempt at what I think will be a really nifty system for keeping track of unstructured information. There's only one little problem: THE DAMNED THING DOESN'T WORK! If anyone can do anything to help get this sucker working, it would be greatly appreciated. I also think that once it is working, it will be a nice addition to everyone's stock of CP/M programs. I really can't take a hell of a lot of credit for doing any 'writing' of these programs; although I have modified them slightly for this purpose. As I've tried to mention throughout, the program which I call "SEARCH" is a slightly modified version of Ward Christensen's "FIND". The program called "ENTER" was built up from a simple sequential file writer in THE SOLE OF CP/M. Any help with these programs would be super appreciated as I have a dozen uses for FREEBASE II. Just look over the file CAUTION.BUG for details on how it DOESN'T work. Rename this library of programs something ending in a 2 and stick'er out there. Thanks David Brown Studio City, CA F r e e B a s e I I BUGS !!! These programs contain several significant bugs: First, files made with ENTER are NOT compatible with any other files. That goes for WordStar files, Vedit files, BASIC or those created by using the optional [Sstring^Z] or [Qstring^Z] parameter of PIP. This probably has something to do with the end of file marker... Furthermore, the SEARCH program often breaks records for no apparent reason. For example, if you run SEARCH on the enclosed LIBRARY.DAT, and search for the word "I", you will see that the program will read out something like this: 6 "Birth of the 7 killer Robots....................... Now, if you TYPE LIBRARY.DAT, you will see that " "Birth of the Killer Robots," by Michael Rogers, NEWSWEEK, June 25, 1984, Computers, Technology, weapons, Prowler " was entered as one record. Unfortunately, this bug defeats the real purpose of FREEBASE II which is to bring up all records containing the key word upon which you are searching. (I have a feeling this is a buffer size problem... I thought I made the necessary changes, but perhaps someone should check after me) Rather than searching the default file LIBRARY.DAT, as the default, it would be much better to search *.* as the default. I could not get this to work, however. It might also be nice to be able to put the results of SEARCH into a file... perhaps with the switch -F added to the command line... but this isn't necessary for the success of this project. Also could use a CHANGE.COM to alter records. I have a random access program which should work, but.... So, those of you who wish to use this program in the manner described in the DOC file, perhaps better wait until someone with better 8080 sense than me has a chance to work these programs over. Thanks, David Brown Studio City, CA vENTER.ASMb o !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXuYZ[\]^_`a?j|o^NUӪJ?T`h2vD"t:2$ސt- RЪ1@GgiK0!HoV /6Hpd!qjVƿ.aƋ_?[|7iՀkb>:sZUCw~Oo?}ėzo???WOZ5VMUӊÖrgzXo-etI+;L &-b!o+O~**=,B)Պ WnWq**=,B) eVÂej[qTomej;8P3=,|~pK1TBwrX ‡ r O6T_m-7.ߡ&_ "!l$DL1wZ=?=mjZ5#'"gτy> y{Dp=M?hqaKs [.ViҊ'V첰:<pf_?e 9< Ԁ"UӪu 6PE> y{]55J!8iu8Ӥ'#xjմj!cZz'ՙ ,E2˻U$GǛagm[+T+\&j4·o,b’ \ƤU a<,En!Xd.c9IUcf#ofmpِh6 O,%A K6ZS!ljZl]Nd8rXV<_ӈ]+N>FlZ5H/> MN.a;:MՊc?·o,J), mdHV\g;ہ~V|ix1x8NC N*&AvZq<:vLK$& $=V|Ihl .x8Gܪ B.S'ZiմjWq X;x8N*ΐp3gxtlGOV|ґ4ⲩh[q`ZigU+N>FlZ y{8 !oJAVlGOV|aj'q<ǫ*l(WgN0}Shv[| e8oP7A.ՙVl'N2b e.Ɉ]+N(xx#gSn7Dِh eǏ_xx/|?_GJ+N($#dĮj']V(PvGh8qx5`B e.Ɉ]+_D\'$8WW7ݰ׊턲/[2aۉg |xDxɐ7{PV;쒌صBY턲K2b e.Ɉ]+w ߘ 4BY+N(8 en?BY턲^+N($#vPV;r_ZvB%k ewxZvB=j eGlqe/H e.Ɉ]+N($#v7N(=/[n{PV;쒌GV(Pv{^V//nHL)φ^+N($#vPV;(P_,Kptfj']H2b en/AOq!gCsBY턲K2bBY턲ۣ}.қ-BY턲K2bGJ+N(=/[n{N|x&d05Q&$n7oh ed>kմJ ;jUӊ_?${oBM^tƏDvFREEBASE.DOCU o !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST>>[80 +.W|-nn57lpcԌԐ2V|@vOюJ-=|@voŵY}@ג=|6Z(虍luL|@_v_+|@DºF>251)adth)Q 8K/afS(o3q=:=|D)Ü ӑvV6fG gBJ0 _>C6 L.ѶЃ3aL>.'3g=LJGr`6` =g#%Ԃ >.V;qa+JdL8i0n{z:gdܐ1۔D.I38:DV1g;dp&X5(;fƁ2JF[D]) =vV(VGp&\RY\"9!lH XQIDFlVGrpkP83lhgL푐C: n6V8+|@] z !I0 `Wgv`ˉZ<3gO9 cvX1ejщCch`+:kMu)ڒ9V4Gcce̙+FA$luD'M(8Б4:k  >.M(ڒcH aY{zLhTv^39 &f$Xъ>bds$e0 J 0@8Š(ZAӣ8kG'>.4D{m` `@AӣuH.%ف4)&5L{`=YX1E+Lu!l4t$gB4 V6 X;0|@]bq9!bS V;qa+ {mJ2 #>.MQp&6^NXϐ%!F39P#6&EAg"DdJiV)8D2nԥhba7#↨a#fgIQ};|@]Fve`+H((s46C"7(\||ԗ>>:k {JCʆ(wf$||P8۝z{ú]HXW F< ilizr-|@]v\ ]hۇ fӶԾ|կe)2z)$38S$,zr&E/ap-1K&'ְAgE\\DikuUoqqQR:{$\\@LKAŤhְAg 6%4=Z>.MaA x"#F70۔p$#2uimDܘLڡHak:{=z) R|՟gF" z)h:9[a >.4& *LqM%hiV[zFqa=z)hLMapV;qa+ ,H2$N'05AGr=ۆKAc. 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Third line entered... it would be record three Here's still another line And another "Birth of the Killer Robots," by Michael Rogers, NEWSWEEK, June 25, 1984, Computers, Technology, weapons, Prowler vSEARCH.ASMb  !"#$%&'()*+,-.o/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`atƏWeZSp'܁?1~Ld]Rv^[r/}c1 w;tƏk>@>o6-nWt<ў^+wjA{jqZlEͧ_v߾+2;:hO"rgb}}x^[z9>O_[:(S@;z9oi_>.BߝvA󯎧弥#e]d7Ivŭ;M_?~&#gޮSb?4ת:bAGZ6w|쏧+.^6gZ7.=={w;rV wPoxK=npKmr-"}͂NGxlS:n_.}n7isKt{ḡw}owͧtAiX|]fO_O_,Nv"~!xYn'GvA_8ѻqC/-.+:n-Cw@mq] w;ݬ7;EHIu }LSSsJbd,:/&NpFIs]%y7;%`xm!f\ xm!f< L nOL;Ȼד`mSw3AZȻ׿nn7y7񣅼qKҸ&!f\D@xbw3g$H y7G*Ax`} n/'CIp݌Qp\*Ȼ\? 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