SIG/M Volume 204 Forth-83 for CP/M 80 - Version 2.0 -CATALOG.204 contents of SIG/M Volume 204 released November 16, 1984 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LIB donation form SHOW .COM bidirectional pager for squeezed & unsqueezed files USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk index name size crc description 204.01 F83 .COM 24K 09 33 compiled Forth 204.02 README .8Q 13K DD E2 original F83 instructions 204.03 F83-FIXS.TQT 4K 52 E2 changes from F83 v 1.0 204.04 BASIC .BQK 5K 1B 94 BASIC compiler in F83 204.05 CLOCK .BQK 3K 0B C0 Source for a calendar example 204.06 CPU8080 .BQK 10K 08 B1 8080 dependent code 204.07 EXPAND80.BQK 3K AE E5 original source to EXPAND.HUF 204.08 EXTEND80.BQK 9K ED D0 entensions source 204.09 HUFFMAN .BQK 13K 25 1A compression program 204.10 KERNEL80.BQK 63K B8 75 kernel source 204.11 META80 .BQK 13K 6E D8 metacompiler source 204.12 UTILITY .BQK 37K 4E 38 utility source SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-204, 12 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA