; Z3LIB - The ZCPR3-Specific Libraries I - Introduction to Z3LIB 1 - Access to the ZCPR3 Environment 2 - Control of Flow Under ZCPR3 3 - Access to the ZCPR3 Messages 4 - General-Purpose ZCPR3 Utilities :I Z3LI ió onå oæ threå librarieó provideä witè thå ZCPR³ System¬ thå otheò twï beinç SYSLI anä VLIB® Z3LI containó á  hosô oæ supporô utilitieó whicè providå accesó tï  ZCPR3- specifiã  featureó  anä capabilities®  SYSLI ió á hosô  oæ general-purposå  utilitieó  anä VLI ió á  seô  oæ  machine- independenô (viá Z3TCAP© utilitieó whicè supporô CRÔ controì anä utilitization. SYSLI  ió  documenteä iî á collectioî  oæ  SYSLIB*.HLÐ files¬ aó ió VLIB. Z3LIB routines can be divided into four categories: 1. ZCPR3 Environment Access -- Thoså utilitieó whicè allo÷ thå programmeò tï  easilù  extracô datá froí thå Z³ Environmenô  Descriptoò and modify certain Z3 environment parameters 2. ZCPR3 Flow Control -- Thoså    utilitieó   whicè   permiô    thå programmeò tï easilù manipulatå thå flo÷ controì environmenô oæ ZCPR3¬ enablinç hií tï raiså thå leveì oò loweò thå leveì oæ  thå  currenô IÆ conditioî anä tï togglå thå  currenô  IÆ condition as desired 3. ZCPR3 Messages -- Thoså  utilitieó  providinç accesó tï  thå ZCPR³  messages¬  allowinç  thå prograí tï  reaä  anä  writå messages from and to the system 4. ZCPR3 Utilities -- Usefuì   utilitieó   whicè   relievå   thå programmeò froí constantlù reprogramminç somå  commonly-useä ZCPR³ features :1:Z3LIB1.HLP :2:Z3LIB2.HLP :3:Z3LIB3.HLP :4:Z3LIB4.HLP