Introduction - VLIB Clear Screen - CLS Erase to EOL - EREOL Goto XY ------ AT/GOTOXY Initialization VIDINIT/Z3VINIT Print -------- GXYMSG/VPRINT Standout Mode STNDOUT/STNDEND Term Init ---- TINIT/DINIT :Introduction to VLIB VLI ió á librarù oæ utilitù routineó whicè ió designeä tï  supporô screeî manipulatioî undeò thå ZCPR³ environment® Usinç  VLI anä thå ZCPR³ Terminaì Capabilitieó  Datá  Fileó (Z3TCAP)¬  thå  ZCPR³  programmeò caî creatå codå  whicè  ió transportablå  betweeî  ZCPR³ systemó thaô caî adapô  itselæ readilù tï á varietù oæ moderî terminals®  Foò example¬ thå VFILEÒ filå manipulatioî utilitù caî bå moveä froí onå ZCPR³ systeí tï anotheò witè á totallù differenô terminal¬  anä aó lonç  aó thaô seconä systeí ió installeä witè á  Z3TCAР foò itó  particulaò terminal¬  VFILEÒ wilì continuå tï  functioî exactlù aó iô diä oî thå originaì systeí witè itó particulaò terminal. Alì  VLI routineó makå uså oæ thå Z3TCAÐ entrù  storeä iî thå 2nä halæ oæ thå ZCPR³ Environmenô Descriptor. Iî general¬ á utilitù whicè useó VLI ió alwayó oæ thió general structure: General VLIB Usage ... ext tinit,dinit,z3vinit ;VLIB init routines exô ..® ;otheò VLIB routines ... lxi h,z3env ;get Z3 environment ptr call z3vinit ;init Z3 environment and VLIB call tinit ;init terminal for VLIB work ... ... call dinit ;deinit terminal when done jmp 0 ;warm boot (or return) ... Aó  illustrateä  above¬  thå  generaì stepó  whicè  arå always taken when using VLIB are as follows: 1. Initialize Environment Pointers - ENVPTR is ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor Addr - VIDPTR sets Z3TCAP Entry Address 2. Call Terminal Initialization Routine - TINIT 3. Call VLIB Routines as Desired 4. Call Terminal Deinitialization Routine - DINIT :Clear Screen Routine VLIB Routine: CLS Function: Clear the terminal screen Inputs: None Outputs: A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if function not available A=0FFH and NZ if clear screen sequence issued Registers Affected: PSW Side Effects: Screen is Cleared Special Error Conditions: None Examples of Use: ext cls ;reference routine ... CALL CLS ;clear screen ... :Erase to End of Line Routine VLIB Routine: EREOL Function: Eraså  thå currenô linå froí thå cursoò positioî tï thå end of the line Inputs: None Outputs: A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if function not available A=0FFH and NZ if ereol sequence issued Registers Affected: PSW Side Effects: Erase to End-of-Line occurs Special Error Conditions: None Examples of Use: ext ereol ;reference routine ... CALL EREOL ;erase to end-of-line ... :Cursor Positioning Š VLIB Routine: AT Function: Positioî  aô  ro÷ anä columî identifieä aô  thå  returî address on the CRT screen. The general syntax of usage is: ext at ;reference ... call at db row,column ;coordinates < code follows> Inputs: None Outputs: None Registers Affected: None Side Effects: None Special Error Conditions: None Example of Use: ext at ;reference ... CALL AT DB 12,25 ;ROW 12, COLUMN 25 ... VLIB Routine: GOTOXY Function: Positioî  thå  cursoò aô thå ro÷ (containeä iî  H©  anä columî (containeä iî L© indicated¬  wherå thå homå  positioî is H=1 and L=1 (upper left corner of screen) Inputs: H=Row, L=Column Outputs: A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if function not available A=0FFH and NZ if cursor motion sequence issued Registers Affected: PSW Side Effects: Cursor is positioned Special Error Conditions: Iô ió recommendeä thaô thå lasô columî oî thå screeî ió noô   referenceä   witè  GOTOXÙ  sincå  manù  screenó   wilì automaticallù  wrað  arounä tï columî ± oæ  thå  nexô  line¬ possibly advancing the screen image undesirably. Examples of Use: ext gotoxy ;reference routine ... LXI H,101H ;position to row 1/col 1 CALL GOTOXY ... MVI H,24 ;position to row 24 MVI L,79 ;position to column 79 CALL GOTOXY ... :Initialization of VLIB VLIB Routine: VIDINIT Function: Seô  thå  pointeò tï thå Z3TCAÐ entrù foò  thå  desireä terminal Inputs: HL contains the address of the Z3TCAP entry Outputs: None Registers Affected: None Side Effects: Pointer VIDPTR is set Special Error Conditions: Iî initializinç VLI routines¬ thå programmeò MUSÔ alsï seô  thå  globaì  pointeò  ENVPTÒ  tï  poinô  tï  thå  ZCPR³ Environmenô  Descriptoò  becauså thå delaù routineó iî  VLI uså  somå  Environmenô  Descriptoò  values¬  likå  processoò speed®  VIDINIÔ  ió  provideä iî additioî  tï  forcinç  thå programmeò tï seô ENVPTÒ iî ordeò tï givå thå programmeò thå flexibilitù oæ usinç á Z3TCAÐ entrù whicè ió noô thå samå aó that provided in the ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor. Examples of Use: ext envptr,vidinit ;reference pointer and routine ... lxi h,z3env ;address of ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor shld envptr lxi h,z3env+80H ;address of Z3TCAP in descriptor call vidint ... VLIB Routine: Z3VINIT Function: Seô thå pointeò tï thå ZCPR³ Environmenô Descriptoò anä thå followinç Z3TCAÐ entry Inputs: HL contains the address of the ZCPR3 Env Descriptor Outputs: None Registers Affected: None Side Effects: Pointers ENVPTR and VIDPTR are set Special Error Conditions: None Examples of Use: ext z3vinit ;reference pointer and routine ... lxi h,z3env ;address of ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor call z3vinit ... :Print Routines VLIB Routine: GXYMSG Function: Positioî  aô  thå  indicateä  row/columî  anä  prinô  á message¬  whicè  maù  optionallù contaiî thå  standouô  modå begiî  characteò (1© anä standouô modå enä characteò (2©  tï invokå  standouô modå anä enä standouô modå iî thå middlå oæ thå  message®  Alì  parameteró arå passeä aó iî  thå  PRINÔ routinå oæ SYSLI aô thå returî address® Thå generaì syntaø of use is: ext gxymsg ;reference ... call gxymsg ;call routine db row,column ;row and column numbers db 'message' ;normal message text dâ 1,'standouô message',² ;standouô message db 0 ;end of message indicator < code follows > Inputs: None Outputs: None Registers Affected: None Side Effects: Message is Printed at Coordinates Special Error Conditions: None Examples of Use: ext gxymsg ... call gxymsg db 5,10 ;row 5, column 10 db 'Hello ' ;"Hello " is printed normally db 1,'World',2 ;"World" is printed standout db 0 ... VLIB Routine: VPRINT Function: Prinô  á  message¬  whicè  maù optionallù  contaiî  thå standouô  modå  begiî characteò (1© anä  standouô  modå  enä characteò  (2© tï invokå standouô modå anä enä standouô modå iî thå middlå oæ thå message®  Alì parameteró arå passeä aó iî thå PRINÔ routinå oæ SYSLI aô thå returî  address®  Thå generaì syntaø oæ uså is: ext vprint ;reference ... call vprint ;call routine db 'message' ;normal message text dâ 1,'standouô message',² ;standouô message db 0 ;end of message indicator < code follows > Inputs: None Outputs: None Registers Affected: None Side Effects: Message is Printed Special Error Conditions: None Examples of Use: ext vprint ... call vprint db 'Hello ' ;"Hello " is printed normally db 1,'World',2 ;"World" is printed standout db 0 ... :Standout Mode VLIB Routine: STNDOUT Function: Begiî Standouô Modå - foò somå terminals¬  thió wilì bå reverse video, and for others this will be dim Inputs: None Outputs: A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if function not available A=0FFH and NZ if standout sequence issued Registers Affected: PSW Side Effects: Standout Mode is begun on terminal Special Error Conditions: Iî  alì  cases¬  aó  parô  oæ  thå  Z3TCAР definition¬ enterinç  Standouô  Modå  anä leavinç Standouô Modå  dï  noô causå anù positionó oî thå screeî tï bå occupied® Cursoò ió NOT moved. Iô  ió recommendeä thaô extensivå cursoò motioî ió  noô donå  betweeî STNDOUT/STNDENÄ calló (ie¬  don'ô uså  GOTOXY© sincå thå effectó oæ doinç thió arå noô generalizeä foò  alì terminals and may not be desirable in some cases. Note: See STNDEND for the complement of this function. Examples of Use: ext stndout,stndend ... call stndout ... < all screen output is now in Standout Mode > ... call stndend ... < all screen output is back to normal > VLIB Routine: STNDEND Function: Terminatå Standouô Modå - resumå normaì screeî display Inputs: None Outputs: A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if function not available A=0FFH and NZ if standend sequence issued Registers Affected: PSW Side Effects: None (see notes for STNDOUT) Special Error Conditions: None (see notes for STNDOUT) Examples of Use: (see notes for STNDOUT) :Terminal Initialization and Deinitialization VLIB Routine: TINIT Function: Initializå thå user'ó terminaì foò lateò processinç  bù VLIB routines Inputs: None Outputs: None Registers Affected: None Side Effects: Terminal may be reprogrammed Special Error Conditions: TINIT¬  aó á rule¬ shoulä bå issueä righô afteò settinç uð thå environmenô pointeró anä beforå anù oæ thå otheò VLI routines are called. DINIT is the complement routine. Examples of Use: ext envptr,vidinit ;reference ptr and init routine ext tinit,dinit ;reference routines ... lxi h,z3env ;set up environment pointers shld envptr lxi h,z3env+80H call vidinit call tinit ;initialize terminal ... < body of code > ... call dinit ;deinitialize terminal jmp 0 ;exit VLIB Routine: DINIT Function: Deinitialize the terminal Inputs: None Outputs: None Registers Affected: None Side Effects: None Special Error Conditions: (see notes on TINIT) Examples of Use: (see notes on TINIT)