* DATE 06/23/84 19:01 * add.bld STOR 'A' TO choice ERAS TEXT Welcome to the 'ADD' Menu. We can now add new buildings to the data file - or add new tenants to existing buildings already in the data base. Note that when you add a building, you will be given the option of adding the tenants or the units at the same time. add a new building add tenants to a building already in the data base return to main menu without adding ENDT @ 13,10 SAY 'How shall we proceed ? ' @ 13,42 GET choice picture '!' READ DO WHIL @(choice, 'ABC') = 0 @ 13,42 GET choice PICTURE '!' READ CLEA GETS ENDD while @(choice DO CASE CASE choice = 'A' DO add1.bld STOR t TO first CASE choice = 'B' STOR '99' TO findit @ 13,00 @ 13,10 SAY 'What is the code number of the building (99 to quit) ? ' @ 13,65 GET findit PICTURE '99' READ IF findit = '99' STOR t TO first RETU ENDI FIND &findit DO WHIL # = 0 STOR ' ' TO findit @ 13,65 GET findit PICTURE '99' READ IF findit = ' ' STOR t TO first RETU ENDI FIND &findit ENDD DO add2.bld CASE choice = '?' ERAS TEXT A D D M E N U H E L P S C R E E N The options are rather simple. In a normal case you would add a building and at the same time add all of the units. (Add them even if vacant - just leave the tenant name blank - so that it will appear on the vacancy list). When a unit becomes vacant - we suggest you not delete the record - but that you delete the name of the tenant. Note, however, the automatic rent posting program will post the rental to the unit - so you will have to make an offsetting journal entry for vacancy losses. Most people do that anyway. However, if you want to add a tenant who was never in the data base you have that option on this menu. Press any key to continue ENDT CASE choice = 'C' RELE ALL STOR t TO first ENDC