ûHTXT23 ASMáaTXT23 COM*ÀTXT23INFCOM?©README DOC.Ûeÿÿÿ;Bob Schultz contributed this change to txt.asm because of the fact ;that bdos handles the ^S in a strange way: if the first character ;entered is not a ^S then it ignore the first and subsequent valid ;^S entries. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; BDOS EQU 5 ;system call entry point BELL EQU 7 ;a bell if you whant one CONDIR EQU 6 ;direct console I/O CR EQU 13 ;carriage return LF EQU 10 ;line feed ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ---- START OF PGM ---- ; ORG 100H ; ; START: LXI H,BUFFER ;point to text LOOP: PUSH H ;save pointer MOV A,M ;get character CPI 0 ;at end? JZ EXIT ;yes, so quit MOV E,A ;move character to e MVI C,CONDIR ;console out CALL BDOS ;bdos CALL CONIN ;check for key pressed JZ LOOP2 ;if no key then continue CPI 'S'-40H ;is it ^S? JNZ CHECKC ; if not check ^C LOOP1: CALL CONIN ;check for key pressed JZ LOOP1 ;loop until key pressed CHECKC: CPI 'C'-40H ;is it ^C? JZ EXIT ; if so exit LOOP2: POP H ;get pointer INX H ;and bump to next character JMP LOOP ;go on doing it ; EXIT: POP H ;clean up the stack RET ;return to CCP CONIN: MVI E,0FFH ;direct input MVI C,CONDIR CALL BDOS ORA A ;set flags RET DB '?',CR,LF ;start of buffer marker ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Message space starts here, and is as large as your TPA -512 bytes ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- BUFFER: DB '<<-- Insert your Text between' DB ' the "?" and the "^@" -->>',CR,LF DB 0,26 ;force a NULL and an END of file marker END ;to keep the WordStar file clean !9å~þÊ+_ÍÍ-Ê&þÂ!Í-ÊþÊ+á#ÃáÉÿÍ·É? <<-- Insert your Text between the "?" and the "^@" -->> !9å~þÊ+_ÍÍ-Ê&þÂ!Í-ÊþÊ+á#ÃáÉÿÍ·É? TXT23.COM is a method of gaining instant .com files that will print out textual messages. The printout of the message may be intercepted with ^S and ^C as with other cp/m 'type' and 'print' routines. The 8080 source code for the routine at the start of this file (first line above) is in TXTxx.ASM. Version 1.0 (12/24/83) by: Simon Ewins, E-MX RCP/M --- (416) 484-9663 Version 2.0 (01/04/84) by: Harry Kaemmerer, CP/M-NET EAST --- (201) 249-0691 Version 2.3 (01/17/84) by: Bob Schultz, Toronto, Ontario. ******************************************************************************* The file TXT23.COM is basically a short program that sits at the head of a text file that is created in the NON-document mode. Load this file with Wordstar and you will notice that the first two lines contain some junk that looks like this: !9^Ae~~^@................^@7I? This is the short program that will print whatever text follows. The text that follows must be terminated with a null. To generate a null use ^P followed immediately by ^@. If your machine cannot do this because of internal key definitions then you can use ^Kb and ^Kk to mark one of the ^@ characters in the first line and then copy (^Kc) the character to the end of the text. (The Osborne and Otrona "Attache" are examples of systems that can't simply generate ^@) Alternately, we have included in this file a ^@ at the end which means that you could delete this text and in the future just insert your text between the ? on the first line and the ^@ that starts the second line. The file TXT23.COM is set up as described above. The procedure we have used to create the file that you are now reading is outlined here: 1. Load WS and go into Non-document mode. 2. Use filename.COM for the file to edit. 3. WS will respond with NEW FILE. 4. Use ^Kr to read into memory the file TXT23.COM. 5. Insert your text between the ? and the following ^@. 6. Save the file and then run it as a .com file. Note that the crlf combination after the ? on the first line prints. ALL characters up to the final ^@ will print. It is VERY important that the final ^@ be in place at the end of the file, otherwise strange things will be printed until a null is encountered. What use is all this? """""""""""""""""""" You may well ask.... It has been used to help on rcp/m's with the problem of some users typing QUIT or LOGOFF etc. instead of BYE. Instead of having to create an assembler file with DB lines and write a routine to print a message that says "Please use BYE to log off this system......" (plus other info), and then assemble it and then load it, we simply follow the procedure outlined earlier and create an 'instant' .com file with the editing capabilities of WS. It has also been used to display help files in a business environment. The operator simply types the name of the item she/he wishes to know more about and gets an instant screen-full of help. We hope you find this as useful as we have..... <----- Run this file (TXT23INF.COM) and you will see that this statement doesn't print!! The null marks the end of the text that starts at the ? on the first line. Note the ^@ above. (It is really a null, not a ^ & an @)! The fact that this text (following the null above) won't be printed means that you can include notes to yourself that will not be printed.  TXT23.COM ******************* Version 1.0 (12/24/83) by: Simon Ewins, E-MX RCP/M --- (416) 484-9663 Version 2.0 (01/04/84) by: Harry Kaemmerer, CP/M-NET EAST --- (201) 249-0691 Version 2.3 (01/17/84) by: Bob Schultz, Toronto, Ontario. This version (2.3) outdates the file N-TXT.COM that was version 2.0. ******************************************** A short note to let you know that you will need to load TXT23INF.COM, TXT23.COM as Non-document WordStar files to fully understand what they are. Running TXT23.COM will produce nothing but the message: '<<-- Insert your Text between the "?" and the "^@" -->>' followed by two linefeeds. This is as it should be and will be understood after running the file TXT23INF.COM...........