??ccَэ&,%)\>t#Z nSúx$_t7úd03ɿ A/t9>] v)ࢵ\<t PX\ApúARI4u+ u<"t<1t \23ҋu>1t&&G &W#OtG WOBىWWÃ>uËWWˋWW $4.?u2t,t&Sf[u>u>uS`[ u€>t-WWˋWW <tñ C]$8tuP>r2Ê$&GFËڊt CS[úF= 0ñ<tð    OW2ÉÉËQNY (Gwû  &P6666 ( Á>1u( tñ&GPá tñ&NP USAGE: A>UNERA Dr:FILENAME.TYP Filename and/or type may be wildcards. Wildcards may be either ? or * CAUTION! use the * wildcard with care. Using *.* will recover ALL erased filenames. The recoverable file(s) matching the FILNAME.TYP will be listed, you then have an option to quit. Be SURE to check recovered files before using to confirm that they are OK and function properly. If possible, make a CRC check on recovered files. HINT: for best results use UNERA immediately after making an unwanted erasure, else the space may be re-allocated to another file and recovery is impossible. UNERA ver 3.1 (2-16-84) for CP/M-86, CP/M-86+ & CCP/M-86 // for HELP ERROR OCCURED DURING DISK WRITE - ABORTED SPECIFIED AN ILLEGAL DISK DRIVE - ABORTED PLEASE! check recovered files before using them NO FILE NAME SPECIFIED - ABORTED FILE NOT FOUND Only CP/M-86 ver 1.1 & 3.1 Plus and CCP/M ver 3.1 are Supported THE MP/M OPERATING SYSTEM IS NOT SUPPORTED Do you wish to recover the File(s) (Y/N)? Press any key to continue Recovered File(s) will be on X: User 0 FILENAME.TYP - Extent # X  E<DD7gmA.