; (comm725c.asm) ; command line called by main menu in 'header' file C$LINE MVI A,TRUE ;automatic transfer to xprt mode STA XPRFLG XPRT CALL CRONLY ; then.. CALL CTEOP ;..erase-to-end-of page. CALL TO$DIM IF RTC AND (CW OR SS1) AND (NOT TIME$ONLY) CALL TIMEDAY ENDIF ;rtc and (cw or ss1) and (not time$only) IF RTC AND (CW OR SS1) AND TIME$ONLY CALL TIME ENDIF ;rtc and (cw or ss1) and time$only CALL ILPRTQ DB '>>>',0 MVI C,INQDISK ;get default drive CALL BDOS ;store as prevailing.. STA CMD$DR ;..command line drive. ADI 'A' ;make ascii and.. CALL TYPE ;..show on crt. MVI E,GET ;set to get.. MVI C,SGUSER ;..current user area.. CALL BDOS ;..and.. STA C$U$A ;..store. ORA A ;if user area 0 then.. JZ XPRT2 ;..don't process. CPI 10 ;user <10? JC XPRT1 ;no, then print now. SUI 10 ;if not, subtract 10 from it.. PUSH PSW ;..and save. MVI A,'1' ;output 10's digit.. CALL TYPE ;..locally. POP PSW ;get 1's digit back and.. XPRT1 ADI '0' ;..convert to ascii then.. CALL TYPE ;..finally show it. XPRT2 CALL ILPRTQ DB ': ',0 ;default drive prompt CALL TO$FULL GETCMD LXI D,CMDBUF ;point to storage for.. CALL INBUF ;..command entry. LDA CMDBUF+3 ;see if drive/user select CPI ':' ;yes, then.. JZ SETDRV ;..change, else.. LXI D,CMDBUF+2 ;..point to other command. IF US100 CALL ILCOMP DB 'SET',0 JNC US$SET ENDIF ;us100 CALL ILCOMP DB 'SAP',0 JNC S$A$P ;sort and pack directory of selected drive CALL ILCOMP DB 'SEL',0 JNC SETDPS ;select transmission characteristics CALL ILCOMP DB 'CPM',0 JNC PREEXIT ;leave modem, test line connection first CALL ILCOMP DB 'DIR',0 JNC DIR ;display directory and reset disk system CALL ILCOMP DB 'WRT',0 JNC WRTFILE ;write-to-ram or.. CALL ILCOMP DB 'DEL',0 JNC DELNEWF ;..delete newly saved file. CALL ILCOMP DB 'ERA',0 JNC ERASEF ;erase or.. IF UTL CALL ILCOMP DB 'UTL',0 JNC DISK7 ENDIF ; 'utl' IF VUE CALL ILCOMP DB 'VUE',0 JNC VIEWFIL ;..type-to-console declared file(s). ENDIF ; 'vue' IF PMMI OR MM100 OR US100 CALL ILCOMP ;de-pair set from 1st ilcomp call DB 'DSC',0 JNC DISCON1 CALL ILCOMP DB 'CAL',0 JC NEXTOPT CALL ILPRT DB CR,ESC,ETEOP,0 MVI A,' ' ;blank-out 'l' of 'cal' and.. STA CMDBUF+4 ;..fool cmdbuf to.. JMP DOOPT ;..look at option for dial. ENDIF ;pmmi or mm100 or us100 NEXTOPT LDA CMDBUF+1 ORA A ;ignore if null from.. JZ MENU ;..only entered. LDA CMDBUF+2 LXI H,COMPLIST ;compares list pointed to by hl-pair to char.. CALL COMPARE ;..in a-reg. (validate primary option) JC BADCMD ;carry set --> no match, show bad command. DOOPT CALL SETFCB ;setup cp/m-convention cmd line at fcb CALL PROCOPT ;process options. then.. JMP RESTART ;..go to beginning-of-program routine. ; 'setdrv' selects requested drive/user area with full entry error trapping SETDRV LDA CMDBUF+2 CPI 'A' ;don't allow less than 'a'.. JC BADCMD CPI (MAXDR)+1 ;..or more than 'maxdr'. JNC BADCMD SUI 'A' ;convert a: to 0 MOV E,A MVI C,LOGIN ;login new drive CALL BDOS LDA CMDBUF+5 CPI '0' ;no valid user area request.. JC MENU ;..then back to cmd line. CPI '9'+1 JNC BADCMD ;error, not a user area. SUI 30H ;convert to binary and.. CPI 1 ;..test if 10's digit. JNZ SETUSER ;no, then set user area now. LDA CMDBUF+6 ;anything else there? CPI '0' ;test for 1's digit JC SETUONE CPI '5'+1 ;if user area >15.. JNC BADCMD ;..go cmd line. SUI 30H-10 ;make 1 --> 11, 2 --> 12, etc. JMP SETEXIT SETUONE MVI A,1 ;set to user area one SETUSER MOV B,A LDA CMDBUF+6 CPI '0' ;if >19 user area, go menu. JNC BADCMD MOV A,B SETEXIT STA C$U$A ;store as user area and.. CALL SET$USR ;..establish as current. JMP MENU ; d e l ; delete file ram-saved in terminal mode DELNEWF CALL OKFILE ;file open? LXI D,FCB3 MVI C,ERASE ;erase file ram-saved.. CALL BDOSRET ;..in terminal mode. JMP LEAVE ; w r t ; write-to-disk file saved in terminal mode WRTFILE CALL OKFILE ;file open? CALL RAMDISK ;get # of records indicated by hl-pair.. CALL CLOSE3 ;..then write-to-disk and close file. ; default setting of file-save flag registers LEAVE MVI A,TRUE STA NFILFLG ;true indicates no-file being saved.. CMA STA ALERTFG ;..but false is required here.. STA SAVEFLG ;..and here for no-save. LXI H,FCB3 CALL INITFCB ; (now written-file can't be 'del'ed) CALL ILPRT DB CR,ESC,ETEOP,'---> Operation completed ',0 JMP MSGREAD ; file-open check and no-file-presently-open announcement OKFILE LDA NFILFLG ;make doubly sure.. ORA A JNZ NOFILE LDA FCB3+1 ;..a file is open. CPI ' ' RNZ NOFILE CALL ILPRT DB CR,ESC,ETEOP,'++ No file presently open ++ ',0 JMP MSGREAD ; e r a ; erase cp/m file(s) -- wildcard (*.ft) filenames permitted ERASEF CALL VERIFY ;does file exist? JNZ ERAFILE ;this is why we're here, do it. REDO CALL ILPRT DB CR,ESC,ETEOP,'++ Unable to locate file -- check ' DB 'spelling ++ ',0 JMP MSGREAD ;get delay to read message, go menu. ERAFILE CALL NOASK ;erase routine for filename at 'fcb' CALL ILPRT DB CR,ESC,ETEOP,'---> File(s) erased ',0 MSGREAD MVI B,20 ; 2-second time.. CALL TIMER ;..to read console message. JMP MENU ; v u e ; type file to console with pagination set to 'lps' -- single-line scroll ; using bar , to cancel, any other key to page screen. IF VUE VIEWFIL CALL VERIFY JZ REDO CALL TO$DIM CALL ILPRT DB ' cancels, turns up one line, ' DB 'other keys page screen.',CR,LF,LF,0 CALL TO$FULL MVI A,1 ;initialize.. STA LPSCNT ;..lines-per-screen counter. LXI D,FCB MVI C,OPEN CALL BDOS LXI D,TBUF MVI C,SETDMA CALL BDOS READF LXI D,FCB MVI C,READ ;read 128 bytes CALL BDOS ORA A ;good read? JNZ MENU ;to cmd line if 'eof' or bad read MVI B,80H ;ready to read.. LXI H,TBUF ;..128-byte record from 'tbuf'. READLP MOV A,M ;get character from memory CPI EOFCHAR ;don't send to console EXITVUE CZ CRLF ;exit with fresh line JZ MENU CALL TYPEQ ;display on console CPI LF ;at end of line? CZ PAGER ;yes, test if at # of lines limit. INX H DCR B JNZ READLP ;loop for 128 bytes or 'eofchar' JMP READF ;get more PAGER LDA LPSCNT ;is counter.. INR A ;..at.. STA LPSCNT ;..limit.. CPI LPS ;..of lines-per-screen? RC ;no, return. XRA A ;yes, initialize.. STA LPSCNT ;..for next screen full. CALL TO$DIM CALL ILPRT DB ' [more...]',CR,0 ;show msg line CALL TO$FULL CALL KEYIN ;wait for keyboard input CPI CAN ;cancel? PUSH PSW CALL CTEOP ;clear msg line POP PSW JZ EXITVUE ;yes, else.. CPI ' ' ;..see if bar. RNZ ;if not, return for another page. MVI A,LPS-1 ;if so, set up for single-line.. STA LPSCNT ;..scroll and.. RET ;..return for one more line. ENDIF ; 'vue' ; 'cmdbuf' set up for file procesing -- return with zero flag set if file ; not found. jump to 'redo' if filename not entered. VERIFY CALL SETFCB ;setup cp/m-convention cmd line at fcb CALL MOVEFCB ;move fcb+16 to fcb LDA FCB+1 CPI ' ' JZ REDO ;redo, if desired. LXI D,FCB MVI C,SRCHF CALL BDOS INR A ; 0ffh --> 0 means file not found RET ; ret with not-zero if found ; d s c ; disconnect telephone line with announcement -- check to protect ; for open save-file IF PMMI OR MM100 OR US100 DISCON1 CALL DISCONN ;if pmmi, disconnect.. CALL ILPRT ;..and display message. DB CR,ESC,ETEOP,'---> Disconnected ',0 MVI B,10 CALL TIMER ;get time to read message ENDIF ;pmmi or mm100 or us100 ALERT XRA A ;turn off direct i/o STA DTYPE LDA LISTFLG ;is printer on? ORA A JNZ LETFGBE ;no, let printer flags be. MVI A,TRUE ;turn printer off and.. STA LISTFLG ;..set flag to turn back on.. STA LSTRETF ;..if re-entering terminal mode. LETFGBE LDA ALERTFG ;check if save-file is active (i.e., if.. ORA A ;..' s' has been used at least once). JZ MENU ;reset options here or.. FILOPEN CALL ILPRT ;announce file still open DB CR,LF,'++ A file is open -- use T-WRT-DEL-DIR-M ' DB 'before other commands ++',BELL,CR,LF,0 JMP MENU ;..here. ; bad entry message BADCMD CALL ILPRTQ DB CR,ESC,ETEOP,'++ Invalid command ++ ',BELL,0 JMP MSGREAD ; list compare COMPARE MOV B,M ;compares a-reg with list.. COMPLP INX H ;..addressed by hl-pair. first character.. CMP M ;..of list must be number of elements.. RZ ;..being compared. returns with.. DCR B ;..carry set if a-reg does not.. JNZ COMPLP ;..match a character in list. STC RET COMPLIST DB 5, 'S', 'R', 'T', 'E', 'M' ;address in hl-pair ; s e l ; set data, parity, and stop (dps) bits. select full or half-duplex and ; filtering of control codes from received data in terminal mode. SETDPS CALL CLEAR$S ;clear screen CALL TO$DIM CALL ILPRT DB LF,LF,LF,LF,LF,LF ;lf down DB ' Transmission Characteristics -- for default ' DB 'settings',CR,LF,LF,0 CALL TO$FULL IF PMMI OR MM100 OR US100 DATABIT CALL ILPRT DB CR,' How many data bits (5,6,7,8)? ',0 CALL KEYIN CPI CR ;default requested so retain current.. JNZ DATAB ;..then show menu & cmd-line prompt. MVI A,'8' DATAB CPI '5' MVI B,M5$DATA ; 5-data-bits mask JZ EQUAL CPI '6' MVI B,M6DATA JZ EQUAL CPI '7' MVI B,M7DATA JZ EQUAL MVI B,M8DATA CPI '8' JNZ DATABIT EQUAL CALL TYPE ;print character MOV A,B ;put request into a-reg STA BITTEMP ;store parity request CALL LFONLY PARLP CALL ILPRT DB CR,' Parity (O>dd, E>ven, or N>one)? ',0 CALL KEYIN CALL UCASE CPI CR JNZ PARLP1 MVI A,'N' PARLP1 CPI 'O' MVI B,MOPAR ;odd parity.. JZ STOPBIT CPI 'E' MVI B,MEPAR ;..even.. JZ STOPBIT CPI 'N' MVI B,MNPAR ;..or none. JNZ PARLP STOPBIT CALL TYPE ;print character LDA BITTEMP ORA B ;add parity to data bits STA BITTEMP CALL LFONLY TSBLP CALL ILPRT DB CR,' Stop bits (1 or 2)? ',0 CALL KEYIN CPI CR JNZ TSBLP1 MVI A,'1' TSBLP1 CPI '1' MVI B,M1STOP ; 1 stop bit JZ SETBITS CPI '2' MVI B,M2STOP ; 2 stop bits JNZ TSBLP SETBITS CALL TYPE ; print character LDA BITTEMP ORA B ;add stop to data and parity bits ENDIF ;pmmi or mm100 or us100 IF PMMI STA ORIGMOD ;store full format here, then.. INR A ;..convert to answer mode and.. STA ANSWMOD ;..store again. ENDIF ;pmmi IF US100 MOV B,A ;save bits 2 thru 7 LDA UARTCTLB ;get mode byte ANI 3 ;save baudrate bits 0 and 1 ORA B ;combine word structure with baudrate STA INITB+1 ;put all bits in mode byte LDA MODCTLB ;ready to change on-the-fly by.. ANI 1111$1101B ;..setting 'dtr' low for 'logical'.. CALL OUTCTRL ;..on-hook state. CALL INITA ;reset uart and reinit modem ENDIF ;us100 IF MM100 STA UARTCTLB CALL OUTCTRL ENDIF ;mm100 CALL LFONLY F$H$LP CALL ILPRT DB CR,' F>ull or H>alf-duplex? ',0 CALL KEYIN CALL UCASE CPI CR JNZ F$H$LP1 MVI A,'F' F$H$LP1 CPI 'F' JZ FUL$DUP CPI 'H' JNZ F$H$LP ;neither, so query again. CALL TYPE ;print character ORI TRUE STA HALFDUP JMP FILCTRL FUL$DUP CALL TYPE ;print character XRA A ; 'full' is default STA HALFDUP FILCTRL CALL LFONLY FIL$LP CALL ILPRT DB CR,'Filter out control codes? (Y/N): ',0 CALL KEYIN CALL UCASE CPI CR JNZ FIL$LQ MVI A,'N' FIL$LQ CPI 'N' JZ FIL$NO CPI 'Y' JNZ FIL$LP ;query again CALL TYPE ;print character ORI TRUE STA FILBYTE JMP DIRCTIO FIL$NO CALL TYPE ;print character XRA A ;no filtering is default STA FILBYTE DIRCTIO CALL LFONLY ;go to next line DCTLP CALL ILPRT DB CR,' Use direct I/O in Terminal Mode? ',0 CALL KEYIN CALL UCASE CPI CR ;default = no JNZ DCT$IO MVI A,'N' DCT$IO CPI 'N' ;no JZ DCT$NO CPI 'Y' ;no JNZ DCTLP CALL TYPE ;print character ORI TRUE STA DIRECTB ;set byte JMP SETEND DCT$NO CALL TYPE ;print character XRA A STA DIRECTB ;set byte SETEND CALL ILPRT DB CR,LF,' All okay? (Y/N): ',0 CALL RESPOND CPI 'N' ;any other key starts the.. JZ SETDPS ;..routine over. JMP MENU2 ;go menu ; routine to show day and time at the command prompt line IF RTC AND CW CLKCTL EQU CLKBASE+1 ;clock control port CLKDATA EQU CLKBASE+2 ;clock data port TIMEDAY MVI A,10H ;prevent reg roll-over during read OUT CLKCTL ENDIF ;rtc and cw IF RTC AND SS1 CLKCTL EQU CLKBASE+10 CLKDATA EQU CLKBASE+11 TIMEDAY EQU $ ENDIF ;rtc and ss1 IF RTC AND (CW OR SS1) MVI A,6 ;day of week CALL CLKREAD RLC ; *2 for tbl offset LXI H,DTBL ;point to day table CALL TBLO ;table out CALL CS ;output ", " MVI A,9 ;get month units digit CALL CLKREAD MOV B,A ;save in b MVI A,10 ;get month tens digit CALL CLKREAD MOV A,B ;get the units back (don't set flags) JZ SKIP ;was 1-9 (january-september) ADI 10 ;plus 10 if (october-december) SKIP DCR A ;make 0-11 RLC ; *2 for tbl offset LXI H,MTBL ;point to month table CALL TBLO ;table out MVI A,' ' ;print a space CALL TYPE ;output byte MVI A,8 ;get day tens digit CALL CLKREAD ANI 3 ;strip leap year bit MOV B,A ;save day tens for 11, 12, or 13 check CNZ ODGT ;output the digit, if it is non-zero. MVI A,7 ;get day units digit CALL CLKREAD MOV C,A CALL ODGT ;output the digit MOV A,B ;put day tens in reg-a CPI 1 ;if one for day tens.. JZ THER ;..don't test for day units else.. MOV A,C ;..get day units back and.. CPI 1 ;..check if 1, 2, or 3 day units. JZ STER CPI 2 JZ NDER CPI 3 JZ RDER THER CALL ILPRT DB 'th',0 JMP PAST STER CALL ILPRT DB 'st',0 JMP PAST NDER CALL ILPRT DB 'nd',0 JMP PAST RDER CALL ILPRT DB 'rd',0 PAST CALL CS ;output ", " CALL ILPRT DB '19',0 ;comtemporary century (19th) MVI A,12 ;year tens CALL RDOD ;read and output digit MVI A,11 ;year units CALL RDOD ;read and output digit CALL CS ;output ", " ; call here for time display without day and date TIME EQU $ ENDIF ;rtc and (cw or ss1) IF RTC AND CW AND TIME$ONLY MVI A,10 OUT CLKCTL ENDIF ;rtc and cw IF RTC AND (CW OR SS1) MVI A,5 ;hour tens CALL CLKREAD PUSH PSW ;save 12/24. am/pm bits and.. ANI 3 ;..now strip them. CALL ODGT MVI A,4 ;hour units CALL RDOD ;read and output digit MVI A,':' ;separator CALL TYPE MVI A,3 ;minute tens CALL RDOD ;read and output digit MVI A,2 ;minute units CALL RDOD ;read and output digit MVI A,':' ;another separator CALL TYPE MVI A,1 ;seconds tens CALL RDOD ;read and output digit MVI A,0 ;seconds units CALL RDOD ;read and output digit POP PSW ;restore to test 12/24, am/pm bits MOV B,A ;save tmp ANI 8 ; 24 hour mode? JNZ T4HR ;yes, print trailing spaces at exit ret. MOV A,B ;restore ANI 4 ;am or pm? JZ AM ;if am, branch. CALL ILPRT ;pm DB ' pm ',0 ;do afternoon or.. JMP FOO T4HR CALL ILPRT ; 2 spaces after 24-hr mode display DB ' ',0 JMP FOO AM CALL ILPRT DB ' am ',0 ;..morning display. ENDIF ;rtc and (cw or ss1) IF RTC AND CW FOO XRA A ;let register.. OUT CLKCTL ;..go free. RET CLKREAD ORI 20H ;add register offset OUT CLKDATA ;this digit is wanted so.. PUSH PSW ;..a short.. POP PSW ;..delay then.. IN CLKDATA ;..go read it. ORA A ;set flags RET ENDIF ;rtc and cw IF RTC AND SS1 FOO RET CLKREAD ORI 10H+40H ;register offset and hold OUT CLKCTL IN CLKDATA PUSH PSW ;save data XRA A ;let register.. OUT CLKCTL ;..go free. POP PSW ;data back to a-reg ORA A ;set flags RET ENDIF ;rtc and ss1 ; calendar subroutines IF RTC AND (CW OR SS1) RDOD CALL CLKREAD ;read and output digit ODGT ORI 30H ;convert to ascii MOV E,A JMP TYPE TBLO MOV E,A ;shift factor.. MVI D,0 ;..into de-pair. DAD D ;add offset to hl-pair MOV E,M ;put address into.. INX H MOV D,M ;..de-pair. then.. XCHG ;..into hl-pair and.. JMP TEXTOUT ;..go display it. CS CALL ILPRT DB ', ',0 ;print ", " RET ; dispatch tables MTBL DW JAN ;month table DW FEB DW MAR DW APR DW MAY DW JUN DW JUL DW AUG DW SEP DW OCT DW NOV DW DEC JAN DB 'January','@' FEB DB 'February','@' MAR DB 'March','@' APR DB 'April','@' MAY DB 'May','@' JUN DB 'June','@' JUL DB 'July','@' AUG DB 'August','@' SEP DB 'September','@' OCT DB 'October','@' NOV DB 'November','@' DEC DB 'December','@' DTBL DW SUN ;daytable DW MON DW TUE DW WED DW THU DW FRI DW SAT SUN DB 'Sunday','@' MON DB 'Monday','@' TUE DB 'Tuesday','@' WED DB 'Wednesday','@' THU DB 'Thursday','@' FRI DB 'Friday','@' SAT DB 'Saturday','@' ENDIF ;rtc and (cw or ss1) ; s a p (sort and pack routine) ; obtain 'bios' vectors S$A$P LDA ALERTFG ; 'sap' not allowed if.. ORA A ;..a file is being.. JNZ FILOPEN ;..saved in terminal mode. ; move 'bios' addresses into place LXI D,S$WBOOT ;point to local storage table LHLD CPM$BASE+1 ;entry address for 'bios' jump table MVI B,53 CALL MOVE MVI C,GETVERS ;cp/m function 12 CALL BDOS MOV A,H ;hl-pair --> 0020h if cp/m 2 ORA A ;exit if.. JNZ MPM$YES ;..mp/m. ORA L ;else store a zero.. STA VERFLG ;..if cp/m 1. ; setup for selecting drive and loading disk parmeter block CALL SETFCB ;get comm7 command line.. CALL MOVEFCB ;..drive entry, if.. LDA FCB ;..one entered. DCR A JP SELDISK ;branch if specific drive requested MVI C,INQDISK ;otherwise get current default drive CALL BDOS ;query 'bdos' for drive SELDISK MOV C,A CALL SELDSK ;direct 'bios' call for 'dph' LDA VERFLG ;if cp/m 1.4, show.. ORA A ;..no-support.. JZ CPM14 ;..message. ; determine cp/m 2 disk parameter block from address base in hl-pair MOV E,M ;base of 'dph' for selected drive INX H MOV D,M INX H XCHG SHLD RECTBL XCHG LXI D,8 ;offset to 'dpb' within header.. DAD D ;..returned by 'seldsk' in cp/m 2. MOV A,M ;get address of 'dpb' INX H MOV H,M MOV L,A LXI D,DPB ;point to destination: our 'dpb' MVI B,15 ; 'dpb' length CALL MOVE ; 'sap' main-line CALL RD$DIR ;read requested drive directory CALL CLEAN CALL S$SORT ; 'sap' sort CALL PACK CALL WR$DIR CALL ILPRT DB '-- done',CR,LF,LF,0 CALL RESET ;rewritten directory requires system reset JMP MENU ;return to comm7 command line ; 'sap' subroutines ; read (or write) directory routines RD$DIR CALL ILPRT DB CR,LF,LF,'---> Reading, ',0 XRA A JMP DO$DIR WR$DIR LDA NOSSWAP ;rewrite unnecessary? ORA A JZ OK$NOW CALL ILPRT DB 'writing ',0 MVI A,1 DO$DIR STA WR$FLAG LHLD SYSTRK CALL DO$TRAK ;set track LXI H,0 SHLD SECTOR LHLD DRM ;number of directory entries.. INX H ;..relative to 1. MVI B,2+1 ;divide by 4 to.. CALL SHIFTLP ;..get sector count. SHLD DIRCNT LXI H,BOTTRAM SHLD ADDR ;for dma address DIRLOP LHLD SECTOR ;get sectors per track INX H XCHG LHLD SPT ;current sector CALL SUBDE ; 'sector' minus 'spt' XCHG JNC NO$TROV ;branch if no track overflow LHLD TRACK INX H CALL DO$TRAK LXI H,1 ;rewind sector number NO$TROV CALL DO$SEC ;set current sector LHLD ADDR MOV B,H ;set up dma address MOV C,L CALL SSETDMA LDA WR$FLAG ;time to figure out.. ORA A ;..if we are reading.. JNZ D$WRT ;..or writing. ; read CALL SREAD ORA A ;test flags on read JNZ RERROR ;nz --> error, else good read. JMP MORE ; directory already sap'd OK$NOW CALL ILPRT DB '(previously sorted) -- done',CR,LF,LF,0 CALL RESET JMP MENU ; write D$WRT MVI C,1 ;for cp/m 2 deblocking bios's CALL SWRITE ORA A ;test flags on write JNZ WERROR ;nz --> bad directory write ; good write (or read) MORE LHLD ADDR ;bump dma address for next pass LXI D,80H DAD D SHLD ADDR LHLD DIRCNT ;countdown entries DCX H SHLD DIRCNT MOV A,H ;test for zero left ORA L JNZ DIRLOP ;loop till zero ; directory i/o done -- reset dma address LXI B,80H JMP SSETDMA ;returns to caller ; track and sector update routines DO$TRAK SHLD TRACK MOV B,H MOV C,L CALL SETTRK RET DO$SEC SHLD SECTOR MOV B,H MOV C,L LHLD RECTBL XCHG DCX B CALL SECTRN MOV B,H MOV C,L LDA VERFLG ORA A RZ CALL SETSEC RET ; clean -- reformat with e5's -- delete files of zero length (except those ; starting with fn's of '-') CLEAN LXI H,0 ;i = 0 CLEANLP SHLD I CALL INDEX ;hl = bottram + 16 * i MOV A,M ;jump if this is a deleted file CPI 0E5H JZ FILL$E5 LXI D,12 DAD D ;hl = hl + 12 MOV A,M ;check extent field ORA A JNZ CLBUMP ;skip if not extent zero INX H ;point to record count field INX H MOV A,M ;get s2 byte (extended rc) ANI 0FH ;for cp/m 2, 0 for cp/m 1. MOV E,A INX H MOV A,M ;check record count field ORA E JNZ CLBUMP ;jump if non-zero LHLD I ;clear all 32 bytes of.. CALL INDEX ;..directory entry to e5h. INX H MOV A,M ;get first char of filename DCX H ; (ward christensen's cat pgms CPI '-' ; have diskname of zero length JZ CLBUMP ; that start with '-', don't delete.) FILL$E5 MVI C,32 ;number of bytes to clear FILLOP MVI M,0E5H ;make it all e5's INX H DCR C JNZ FILLOP CLBUMP LHLD DRM ;get count of filenames INX H XCHG LHLD I ;our current count INX H PUSH H CALL SUBDE ;subtract POP H JC CLEANLP ;loop till all cleaned RET ; fcb buffer offset INDEX DAD H DAD H DAD H DAD H DAD H LXI D,BOTTRAM DAD D RET ; sort directory S$SORT XRA A STA NOSSWAP ;set zero flag to indicate 'already sorted' CALL ILPRT DB 'sorting ',0 LXI H,0 ;i = 0 SHLD I SSORT1 LHLD I ;j = i + 1 INX H SHLD J SSORT2 CALL COMP ;if name(j) < name(i), swap. CC S$SWAP LHLD J ;j = j + 1 INX H SHLD J XCHG LHLD DRM INX H XCHG PUSH H CALL SUBDE ;if j < drm goto sort2 POP H JC SSORT2 LHLD I ;i = i + 1 INX H SHLD I XCHG LHLD DRM XCHG CALL SUBDE ;if i < drm goto sort1 JC SSORT1 RET ; compare subroutine COMP LHLD I ;hl = bottram + 16 * i CALL INDEX PUSH H LHLD J ;hl = bottram + 16 * j CALL INDEX XCHG POP H MVI C,13 ;number of bytes to compare COMP1 MOV A,M ;get next byte ANI 7FH ;remove attributes MOV B,A ;save in b LDAX D ANI 7FH ;remove attributes CMP B ;compare character RNZ ;return if not equal INX D INX H DCR C ;loop thru first 13 bytes JNZ COMP1 XRA A ;clear flags and exit RET ; swap subroutine S$SWAP MVI A,1 STA NOSSWAP ;swap used, rewrite needed. LHLD I CALL INDEX PUSH H LHLD J CALL INDEX XCHG POP H MVI C,32 S$SWAP1 LDAX D MOV B,A MOV A,M STAX D MOV M,B INX D INX H DCR C JNZ S$SWAP1 RET ; pack directory PACK CALL ILPRT DB 'and packing, ',0 LXI H,0 ;i = 0 PACK1 SHLD I CALL INDEX ;hl = bottram + 16 * i LXI D,9 DAD D ;hl = hl + 9 MOV A,M ;jump if filetype not 'x$$'.. SUI '0' ;..where 0.le.x.le.9. JC PACK2 CPI 10 JNC PACK2 STA J INX H MOV A,M CPI '$' JNZ PACK2 INX H MOV A,M CPI '$' JNZ PACK2 INX H ;set extent number to x LDA J MOV M,A DCX H ;set filetype to '$$$' MVI M,'$' DCX H MVI M,'$' DCX H MVI M,'$' PACK2 LHLD I ;i = i + 1 INX H XCHG LHLD DRM INX H XCHG PUSH H CALL SUBDE POP H ;loop until i > drm JC PACK1 RET ; 'sap' error messages ; cp/m 1.4 not allowed with comm7 CPM14 CALL ILPRT DB CR,ESC,ETEOP,'++ Comm7 not used with CP/M 1.4 ++',0 JMP MSGREAD ; mp/m not allowed with comm7 MPM$YES CALL ILPRT DB CR,ESC,ETEOP,'++ SAP not used with MP/M ++',0 JMP MSGREAD ; read error RERROR CALL ILPRT DB CR,LF,'++ Read error -- directory unchanged ++' DB CR,LF,BELL,0 JMP MENU ; write error WERROR CALL ILPRT DB '++ Write error -- directory in ' DB 'unknown condition ++',BELL,CR,LF,0 JMP MENU LINK COMM725D ;chain to 'comm725d.asm' using lasm.com