; M7LO-1.ASM -- Lobo Max-80 overlay file for MDM7xx. 11/11/83 ; ; This overlay adapts the MDM7xx program to Max-80 computers from Lobo. ; You will want to look this file over carefully. There are a number of ; options that you can use to configure the program to suit your taste. ; This file places particular emphasis on using an external modem that ; does not match one of the other special overlays. ; ; If using the Hayes Smartmodem, switch SW6 should normally be down. If ; for any reason you must have it up, then use the Lobo XCONFIG.COM to ; to disable the hardware and sofware handshaking on the RS-232C ports. ; ; Edit this file for your preferences then follow the "TO USE:" example ; shown below. ; ; TO USE: First edit this file filling in answers for your own ; equipment. Then assemble with ASM.COM or equivalent ; assembler. Then use DDT to overlay the the results ; of this program to the original .COM file: ; ; A>DDT MDM7xx.COM ; DDT VERS 2.2 ; NEXT PC ; 4300 0100 ; -IM7LO-1.HEX (note the "I" command) ; -R ("R" loads in the .HEX file) ; NEXT PC ; 4300 0000 ; -G0 (return to CP/M) ; A>SAVE 66 MDM7xx.COM (now have a modified .COM file) ; ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; ; 11/11/83 - Renamed to M7LO-1.ASM, no changes - Irv Hoff ; 10/07/83 - Revised to include modem break - Steven J. Davidson ; 08/22/83 - Revised to work with Max-80 - Larry Richards ; 07/27/83 - Revised to work with MDM712 - Irv Hoff ; 04/04/83 - 1st version of M712GP - Irv Hoff ; ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; BELL: EQU 07H ;bell CR: EQU 0DH ;carriage return ESC: EQU 1BH ;escape LF: EQU 0AH ;linefeed ; YES: EQU 0FFH NO: EQU 0 ; ; ; Change the following information to match your equipment ; PORT: EQU 0F7E4H ;MAX-80 data port MODCTL1: EQU PORT+1 ;modem control port MAX-80 MODDATP: EQU PORT ;modem data in port MODDATO: EQU PORT ;modem data out port MODDCDB: EQU 4 ;carrier detect bit MODDCDA: EQU 0 ;value when active BAUDRP: EQU 0F7D0H ;baud rate port MAX-80 MODCTL2: EQU PORT+1 ;2nd modem control port MODRCVB: EQU 1 ;bit to test for receive MODRCVR: EQU 1 ;value when ready MODSNDB: EQU 4 ;bit to test for send MODSNDR: EQU 4 ;value when ready ; ORG 100H ; ; ; Change the clock speed to suit your system ; DS 3 ;(for "JMP START" instruction) ; PMMIMODEM: DB NO ;yes=PMMI S-100 Modem 103H SMARTMODEM: DB NO ;yes=HAYES Smartmodem, no=non-PMMI 104H TOUCHPULSE: DB 'T' ;T=touch, P=pulse (Smartmodem-only) 105H CLOCK: DB 50 ;clock speed in MHz x10, 25.5 MHz max. 106H ;20=2 MHh, 37=3.68 MHz, 40=4 MHz, etc. MSPEED: DB 1 ;0=110 1=300 2=450 3=600 4=710 5=1200 107H ;6=2400 7=4800 8=9600 9=19200 default BYTDLY: DB 5 ;0=0 delay 1=10ms 5=50 ms - 9=90 ms 108H ;default time to send character in ter- ;minal mode file transfer for slow BBS. CRDLY: DB 5 ;0=0 delay 1=100 ms 5=500 ms - 9=900 ms 109H ;default time for extra wait after CRLF ;in terminal mode file transfer NOOFCOL: DB 5 ;number of DIR columns shown 10AH SETUPTST: DB YES ;yes=user-added Setup routine 10BH SCRNTEST: DB YES ;Cursor control routine 10CH ACKNAK: DB YES ;yes=resend a record after any non-ACK 10DH ;no=resend a record after a valid-NAK BAKUPBYTE: DB NO ;yes=change any file same name to .BAK 10EH CRCDFLT: DB YES ;yes=default to CRC checking 10FH TOGGLECRC: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of CRC to Checksum 110H CONVBKSP: DB NO ;yes=convert backspace to rub 111H TOGGLEBK: DB NO ;yes=allow toggling of bksp to rub 112H ADDLF: DB NO ;no=no LF after CR to send file in 113H ;terminal mode (added by remote echo) TOGGLELF: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of LF after CR 114H TRANLOGON: DB YES ;yes=allow transmission of logon 115H ;write logon sequence at location LOGON SAVCCP: DB YES ;yes=do not overwrite CCP 116H LOCONEXTCHR: DB NO ;yes=local command if EXTCHR precedes 117H ;no=external command if EXTCHR precedes TOGGLELOC: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of LOCONEXTCHR 118H LSTTST: DB YES ;yes=printer available on printer port 119H XOFFTST: DB NO ;yes=checks for XOFF from remote while 11AH ;sending a file in terminal mode XONWAIT: DB NO ;yes=wait for XON after CR while 11BH ;sending a file in terminal mode TOGXOFF: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of XOFF checking 11CH IGNORCTL: DB YES ;yes=CTL-chars above ^M not displayed 11DH EXTRA1: DB 0 ;for future expansion 11EH EXTRA2: DB 0 ;for future expansion 11FH BRKCHR: DB '@'-40H ;^@ = Send 300 ms. break tone 120H NOCONNCT: DB 'N'-40H ;^N = Disconnect from the phone line 121H LOGCHR: DB 'L'-40H ;^L = Send logon 122H LSTCHR: DB 'P'-40H ;^P = Toggle printer 123H UNSAVE: DB 'R'-40H ;^R = Close input text buffer 124H TRANCHR: DB 'T'-40H ;^T = Transmit file to remote 125H SAVECHR: DB 'Y'-40H ;^Y = Open input text buffer 126H EXTCHR: DB '^'-40H ;^^ = Send next character 127H ; ; DS 2 ; 128H ; IN$MODCTL1: LDA MODCTL1 ! RET ;in modem control port MAX-80 12AH DS 6 OUT$MODDATP: STA MODDATP ! RET ;out modem data port MAX-80 134H DS 6 IN$MODDATP: LDA MODDATP ! RET ;in modem data port MAX-80 13EH DS 6 ANI$MODRCVB: ANI MODRCVB ! RET ;bit to test for receive ready 148H CPI$MODRCVR: CPI MODRCVR ! RET ;value of rcv. bit when ready 14BH ANI$MODSNDB: ANI MODSNDB ! RET ;bit to test for send ready 14EH CPI$MODSNDR: CPI MODSNDR ! RET ;value of send bit when ready 151H DS 6 ; 156H ; OUT$MODCTL1: NOP ! NOP ;out modem control port #2 15AH OUT$MODCTL2: LDA MODCTL2 ! RET ;out modem control port #1 15DH ; LOGONPTR: DW LOGON ;for user message. 160H DS 6 ; 162H JMP$GOODBYE: JMP GOODBYE ; 168H JMP$INITMOD: JMP INITMOD ;go to user written routine 16BH RET ! NOP ! NOP ;(by-passes PMMI routine) 16EH RET ! NOP ! NOP ;(by-passes PMMI routine) 171H RET ! NOP ! NOP ;(by-passes PMMI routine) 174H JMP$SETUPR: JMP SETUPR ; 177H JMP$SPCLMENU: JMP SPCLMENU ; 17AH JMP$SYSVER: JMP SYSVER ; 17DH JMP$BREAK: JMP SENDBRK ; 180H ; ; ; Do not change the following six lines. ; JMP$ILPRT: DS 3 ; 183H JMP$INBUF DS 3 ; 186H JMP$INLNCOMP: DS 3 ; 189H JMP$INMODEM DS 3 ; 18CH JMP$NXTSCRN: DS 3 ; 18FH JMP$TIMER DS 3 ; 192H ; ; ; Routine to clear to end of screen. ; ; CLREOS: CALL JMP$ILPRT ; 195H DB 1BH,59H,0,0,0 ; 198H RET ; 19DH ; CLRSCRN: CALL JMP$ILPRT ; 19EH DB 1BH,2AH,0,0,0 ; 1A1H RET ; 1A6H ; SYSVER: CALL JMP$ILPRT ; 1A7H DB 'Version for Lobo Max-80',CR,LF,0 RET ;..... ; ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; NOTE: You can change the SYSVER message to be longer or shorter. The ; end of your last routine should terminate by 0400H (601 bytes ; available after start of SYSVER) if using the Hayes Smartmodem ; or by address 0C00H (2659 bytes) otherwise. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; You can put in a message at this location which can be called up with ; CTL-O if TRANLOGON has been set TRUE. You can use several lines if ; desired. End with a 0. ; LOGON: DB 'Hello from a Lobo MAX-80 computer',CR,LF,0 ;..... ; ; ; This routine allows a 300 ms. break tone to be sent to reset some ; time-share computers. ; SENDBRK: MVI A,5 STA MODCTL1 MVI A,0F8H ;send a break tone JMP GOODBYE1 ;..... ; ; ; This routine sends a 300 ms. break tone and/or sets DTR low for the ; same length of time to disconnect some modems such as the Bell 212A, ; etc. The second entry (GOODBYE1) just sends the modem break, needed ; to "alert" some timesharing services. ; ; GOODBYE: MVI A,5 STA MODCTL1 ;send to the status port MVI A,68H ;turn off dtr ; GOODBYE1: STA MODCTL1 MVI B,3 ;wait for 300 ms. CALL JMP$TIMER MVI A,5 STA MODCTL1 MVI A,0E8H ;restore to normal, 8 bits, dtr on, etc. STA MODCTL1 RET ;....... ; ; ; Uses the initialization already established by CP/M BIOS on a reboot. ; INITMOD: RET ;..... ; ; SETUPR: LXI D,BAUDBUF ;point to new buffer CALL JMP$ILPRT DB 'Input baud rate (300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, ' DB '9600 or 19200):',0 CALL JMP$INBUF LXI D,BAUDBUF+2 ;past the 2 size bytes CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB '300',0 JNC OK300 ;see if 300 baud CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB '600',0 JNC OK600 ;see if 600 baud CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB '1200',0 JNC OK1200 ;see if 1200 baud CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB '2400',0 JNC OK2400 ;see if 2400 baud CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB '4800',0 JNC OK4800 ;see if 4800 baud CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB '9600',0 JNC OK9600 ;see if 9600 baud CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB '19200',0 JNC OK19200 ;see if 19200 baud CALL JMP$ILPRT ;both matches failed DB '++ INCORRECT ENTRY ++',CR,LF,BELL,0 JMP SETUPR ;try again ;..... ; ; OK300: MVI A,1 ;for 300 baud MVI B,5 JMP SAVEALL ;... ; ; OK600: MVI A,3 ;for 600 baud MVI B,6 JMP SAVEALL ;... ; ; OK1200: MVI A,5 ;for 1200 baud MVI B,7 JMP SAVEALL ;... ; ; OK2400: MVI A,6 ;for 2400 baud MVI B,10 JMP SAVEALL ;... ; ; OK4800: MVI A,7 ;for 4800 baud MVI B,12 JMP SAVEALL ;... ; ; OK9600: MVI A,8 ;for 9600 baud MVI B,14 JMP SAVEALL ;... ; ; OK19200: MVI A,9 ;for 19200 baud MVI B,15 JMP SAVEALL ;... ; ; SAVEALL: STA MSPEED MOV A,B STA BAUDRP RET ;..... ; ; BAUDBUF: DB 10,0 DS 10 ;..... ; ; ; If using the Hayes Smartmodem this is unavailable without a special ; change. ; SPCLMENU: RET ; ; ; NOTE: Must terminate prior to 0400H (with Smartmodem) ; 0C00H (without Smartmodem) ;..... ; END ;  JNC OK19200 ;see if 19200 baud CALL JMP$ILPRT ;both matches failed