PLEASE READ THIS FILE FIRST BEFORE YOU PROCEED We have assembled all current overlays and other information on MDM727 on Volumes 168, 169 and 170 together with a completely separate communication program, COMM725. Both of these programs are excellent and one or both should suit your requirements. For both space and ease of use reasons, we have removed these files from the .LBR format. We have had to leave them squeezed, but have included the current wildcard version of unsqueeze. In most cases to assemble MDM727 you unsqueeze the overlay file for your computer and edit in any changes called for by the file. All of these changes are clearly explained in the overlay files. Also in the overlay file are instructions on how to assemble the file. COMM7 is assembles with LASM.COM, which is provided. NOTE: Modem 727 grew in size from the earlier versions to 73 sectors. Some of the overlays call for a smaller "SAVE." Please read the note at the end of this file. As part of this memorandum we have included the file note on the additional size and the update note explaining the function key addition. Please read them before you proceed. SIG/M -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC: MDM727.ASM MODEM PROGRAM FROM : IRV HOFF W6FFC DATE : 03 MAR 84 NOTE: This program when assembled is 73 sectors long. Use this figure when merging the appropriate overlay file for your computer via DDT, etc. (Most of the overlays were written when MDM7xx.COM was only 66 sectors and the example included in each says to store 66 sectors.) For MDM727 use: B>SAVE 73 MDM727.COM NOTE: Use M7FNK.COM to easily and quickly change any of the 10 function key assignments. You can read the M7FNK.DOC file for additional information. (by Sigi Kluger.) NOTE: M7LIB.COM is a rapid and surprisingly easy way to quickly change any entries in the phone number library. See M7LIB.DOC if instructions are needed. M7NM-6.ASM is necessary for setting or altering numbers for 'SPRINT', 'MCI', etc. It would also be better if making a lot of changes such as adding or deleting '1-' required for long distance dialing in some areas. NOTE: If using the phone number overlay to change the phone library numbers, be sure to use: M7NM-6.ASM (Previous versions of M7NM will not work with this new version, as the phone number library now contains 36 numbers (A-Z as usual plus 0-9) rather than the 26 in versions prior to MDM722.) Most users will not need the lengthy (162k) source code at all. Just get MDM727.COM and then check one of the associated over- lay programs to obtain the overlay for your particular computer. Merge that with MDM727.COM according to the instructions near the start of the overlay file, using DDT.COM, etc. (See above note relative to saving 73 sectors. STAT.COM would then show 146 records for 20k.) The following bytes can be changed easily with DDT, then SAVE 73 0DFEH - HEXSHOW 00 = do not show hex record count FF = show both hex and decimal count 0DFFH - SAVSIZ 20 = 4k file transfer buffer size (see table below for other options) 0E00H - NUMBLIB (start of telephone number library) To change the file transfer buffer size via DDT, change byte 0DFFH: 10 (hex) = 16 records = 2k 20 (hex) = 32 records = 4k 40 (hex) = 64 records = 8K 60 (hex) = 96 records = 12k 80 (hex) = 128 records = 16k - Irv Hoff RECENT CHANGES: -------------- (READ THE UPDATE HISTORY IN MDM727.ASM FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION) MDM727 - function key character shown in menu. Typing that character on command line shows all function key definitions, providing more versatility and ease in using the function keys. Fixed the dialing routine so phone library lines from (0-9) can now redial and continuously redial properly. MDM726 - 'T' no longer needed to return to terminal mode after a file transfer, i.e., 'RT' or 'ST' no longer used, just 'R' or 'S'. Exit routine changed to enable returning to CP/M even though incoming characters are still arriving. MDM725 - function key character can be used now even if it is a control character and local character required before control character. ACKNAK permanently set to robust mode. Option permits a retry for TYM-SHAR mainframes not using XMODEM, if set 'NO'. MDM724 - added 10 function keys for auto-typing preselected messages MDM723 - alphabetizes the phone library vertically for: 'CAL' - used with auto-dial modems including PMMI 'NUM' - used with manually-dialed modems MDM722 - phone number library now has 36 entries rather than 26 (has A-Z as usual plus 0-9). Better supports single-digit result codes for the Anchor Mark XII modem as well as Hayes and USR. MDM721 - makes it easier to abort an auto-dial call with CTL-X. MDM720 - changed from BIOS to BDOS call to run the printer. MDM719 - modest changes, PMMI pulse dialing set faster. MDM718 - now supports the Anchor Mark XII modem. Buffer size for ASCII capture set for 16k. Buffer size for file transfers adjustable from 1 sector to 16k. (Allows for slow floppy disk systems so XMODEM does not show a timeout error.) MDM717 - Log-on now works properly on main frames that echo characters with parity set. MDM716 - Robust addition to minimize problems due to intermittent noise. Gives added protection against timeouts on mainframes. Batch mode transfer improved. CREDITS: ------- MDM727 - Irv Hoff MDM726 - Irv Hoff MDM725 - Irv Hoff MDM724 - Sigi Kluger MDM723 - Irv Hoff with routine developed by Ken Lovett MDM722 - Bill Brehm with routines developed by Fred Viles MDM721 - Bill Brehm MDM720 - Irv Hoff MDM719 - Keith Petersen MDM718 - Irv Hoff with routine developed by Fred Viles MDM717 - Irv Hoff MDM716 - Bob Plouffe ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MDM7 update information 02/17/84 Sigi Kluger, El Paso TX 02-17-84 Being used to a great non-public modem program with a number of function keys, I decided to add ten function keys to MDM7. Great for things you do most, like DIR *.* $U0AD, or XMODEM S, or you could even save your name in a function key for logon. 1. HOW TO ACCESS (transmit) THE FUNCTION KEYS. You transmit the contents of a function key by typing first the INTERCEPT CHARACTER, then a digit 0..9. The INTERCEPT CHARACTER is an unique char- acter which tells MDM7 that a function key command follows. The INTERCEPT CHARACTER is set to ^ (circumflex). It could as easily be set to CTL-A or 'escape', for example. In the distribution version, the following keys are defined: ^A0 DIR ^A1 DIR *.* $U0AD ^A2 XMODEM S ^A3 XMODEM R ^A4 BYE ^A5 CBBS (Function keys 2 and 3 have no trailing CR). 2. HOW MUCH ROOM? A total of 256 bytes are reserved for the function key definition. Each definition takes up the number of bytes in the string, PLUS 2. Note that you must not enclose any control characters in the definitions (CR is allowed and is optional). 3. HOW TO CHANGE THE FUNCTION KEYS In order to not increase the size of MDM7 considerably, I have written the M7FNK utility. M7FNK.COM is virtually self-explanatory and it is covered by its own short DOC file. (M7FNK.COM v1.10 is current.) 4. WHAT WILL NOT WORK Do not attempt to use DDT to modify the function keys. Especially, do not force any control characters into the definitions. There can only be three non-printing characters in each definition, the start byte, an optional CR at the end, and the end byte. 5. DEFINITION FORMAT This is an example of the definition for function key 1: DB 1,'THIS IS A FUNCTION KEY',CR,0 | | | | | |__stop character | |________________key definition plus CR |________________________________start character Each key definition string starts with the key number in binary. The function key processor searches for that number. Those numbers must be unique throughout the key definitions. EMPTY key definitions are en- coded thusly: DB 9,0 ;empty function key #9