; NOTE: This overlay is VERY dependent on version of the MDM7xx ; that it is running with. As of 5 Mar 84, it is configured ; for MDM727.OBJ as distributed. Be careful if configuring ; for different versions of MDM7xx. ; You should be able to configure it for your system just ; by modifying the two routines SETDTRH and SETDTRL. They ; are USART-specific. Then just overlay this file AFTER ; overlaying your normal configure file. Make sure that ; your normal configure file doesn't go past 3FFH since this ; one starts at 400H. ; ; M727RV.ASM Racal-Vadic VA212PA overlay for MDM727 ; ; The Racal-Vadic VA212PA modem is configured as follows ; ; 1*2 STANDART OPTN 2*1 ASYNCH/SYNCH ; 3*2 DATA RATE SEL 4*1 103 OPERATION ; 5*3 CHARACTER LEN 6*1 ORIG/ANS MODE ; 7*2 SLAVE CLOCK 8*2 DTR CONTROL ; 9*2 ATT/UNATT DISC 10*1 LOSS CXR DISC ; 11*2 REC SPACE DISC 12*2 SEND SPACE DIS ; 13*1 ABORT DISC 14*1 REMOT TST RESP ; 15*4 DSR CONTROL 16*2 CXR CONTROL ; 17*1 AUTO LINKING 18*3 ALB CONTROL ; 19*6 AUTO ANSWER 20*1 TERMINAL BELL ; 21*1 LOCAL COPY 22*3 DIAL MODE ; 23*2 BLIND DIAL 24*1 CALL PROGRESS ; 25*2 FAIL CALL SEL 26*9 AUTO REDIAL ; ; #, K, and * may be used in the phone number command line, ; CAL #8K9Kxxx-xxx-xxxx (up to 31 digits). ; ; Initialization routines need to be changed to support your I/O devices ; are: SETDTRH and SETDTRL - Examples for USART ; initialization may be found in BYE2-16.LBR. The modem is disconnected ; from on-line by dropping the DTR line, this must be implemented in the ; SETDTRL: routine in accordance with your I/O devices. The modem is ; enabled by setting DTR high and must be implemented in your SETDTRH: ; routine. ; ; To install the overlay make your changes for the USART ; dependent routines. This overlay may directly be used ; if your system uses the Intel 8251 USART. ; ; A>DDT MDM727.COM <== Start with MDM727.COM (or .OBJ) ; DDT VERS 2.2 ; NEXT PC ; 4A00 0100 ; -IM7xx-1.HEX ; -R <== Read in your normal MDM7xx overlay ; -IM727RV.HEX ; -R <== Read in this to add PA212 support ; NEXT PC ; 4A00 0000 ; -G0 ; ; A>SAVE 73 MDM727.COM ; ; K, # and * are valid characters for the Racal (#8K9Kxxx-xxxx) and may ; be included in the phone number. #8 is used by some PBX systems to ; have a clear phone line with no call waiting signals. INSURE ALL NAMES ; IN THE PHONE NUMBER LIBRARY HAVE LOWER CASE "k" and phone numbers upper ; case "K" if needed. ; ;*********************************************************************** ; ; 3/5/84 - Adjusted equates for mdm727 ; 2/18/84 - Adjusted equates for MDM724 ; 2/16/84 - Adjusted equates for MDM723 and modified DIAL routine so ; it can handle the new 36 number phone number library. ; 1/5/84 - Set up equates at end for MDM716 and removed all hardware- ; specific routines (except SETDTRH and SETDTRL) so that ; this file can be used with most other systems assuming ; there is an overlay for those systems already. ; 11/11/83 - Renamed to M7RV-1.ASM, no changes - Irv Hoff ; 10/15/83 - First version for Racal-Vadic - Fred Willink ; ;*********************************************************************** ; YES: EQU 0FFH NO: EQU 0 ; CANCEL: EQU 'X'-40H ;^X = Cancel ESC: EQU '['-40H ;^[ = escape BELL: EQU 'G'-40H ;^G = bell character LF: EQU 'J'-40H ;^J = linefeed CR: EQU 'M'-40H ;^M = carriage return PRINT: EQU 9 BDOS: EQU 0005H ; LIBLEN: EQU 34 ; Length of each phone number ; ;======================================================================= ; ORG 0100H ; ; DS 3 ; Skip JMP START ; PMMIMODEM: DB NO SMARTMODEM: DB YES ; yes=Racal-Vadic VA122PA the main ; program test this byte to use the ; new routines DS 1 CLOCK: DS 1 ;clock speed x10, up to 25.5 mhz. ;2 MHz=20, 3.68 MH=37, 4 MHz=40, etc. MSPEED: DS 1 ;sets display time for sending a file ;0=110 1=300 2=450 3=600 4=710 ;5=1200 6=2400 7=4800 8=9600 9=19200 DS 3 SETUPTST: DS 1 ;yes=non-PMMI setup routine SCRNTEST: DS 1 ;yes=home cursor and clear screen DS 29 ; ; ; Handles in/out ports for data and status ; IN$MODCTL1: DS 10 ;in modem control port OUT$MODDATP: DS 10 ;out modem data port IN$MODDATP: DS 10 ;in modem data port ANI$MODRCVB: DS 3 ;bit to test for receive ready CPI$MODRCVR: DS 3 ;value of receive bit when ready ANI$MODSNDB: DS 3 ;bit to test for send ready CPI$MODSNDR: DS 3 ;value of send bit when ready ; IN$BAUDRP: DS 3 ;in baudrate port OUT$BAUDRP: DS 3 ;out baudrate port OUT$MODCTL1: DS 3 ;out modem control port #1 OUT$MODCTL2: DS 3 ;out modem control port #2 ; LOGONPTR: DS 2 JMP$DIAL: JMP DIAL ; \ JMP$DISCONNT: JMP DISCONNT ; > We change these vectors JMP$GOODBYE: JMP GOODBYE ; / JMP$INITMOD: DS 3 JMP$NEWBAUD: RET ; Defeat this one... DS 2 JMP$NOPARITY: RET ; ...and this one... DS 2 JMP$PARITY: RET ; ...and this one... DS 2 JMP$SETUPR: DS 3 JMP$SPCLMENU: RET ; ...and this one. DS 2 JMP$SYSVER: DS 3 JMP$BREAK: DS 3 ; JMP$ILPRT: DS 3 JMP$INBUF: DS 3 JMP$INLNCOMP: DS 3 JMP$INMODEM: DS 3 JMP$NXTSCRN: DS 3 JMP$TIMER: DS 3 ; ;..... ; After all the absolute locations above will generally be the user's ; hardware-specific subroutines. We allow up to 3FFH for those and ; then start some routines of our own that support the Racal-Vadic PA212 ; modem. If the user's routines need more room, this might be able to ; start a little lower, but just a few bytes probably. ORG 400H ; ; NOTE: You will have to change these next two routines if you don't ; have an 8251A for your USART. ; ENABL EQU 37H DTR EQU 2 ; ; Raise DTR to enable modem ; SETDTRH: MVI A,enabl JMP OUT$MODCTL1 ;..... ; ; ; Drop DTR to disable modem ; SETDTRL: MVI A,enabl-dtr JMP OUT$MODCTL1 RET ;..... ; ; End of USART dependent routines ;======================================================================= ; ; RACAL-VADIC DIALING ROUTINES ; ;======================================================================= ; ; Dialing routine ; DIAL: XRA A ; Zero out some flags STA CRFLAG STA RINGBKFL STA RINGFLG STA DOT ; Indicates dot encountered in library LXI H,0 SHLD DIALCT LXI H,CMDBUF+1 ; Point to character count of user MOV A,M ; input to prompt CPI 3+1 ; More than 3 letters input ? JC DIAL1 ; No, then go display library of #'s ; ; ; If there were only 3 characters, then "CAL" was typed -- the user ; obviously expecting to get a phone number (or letter) from the library ; file. If 4 or more, a number (or letter) was typed in from the menu ; command line, so move the characters down 4 to compensate. Needed for ; auto-redialing of menu command line entries. ; MOV C,A MVI B,0 SUI 4 ; Adjust count down by 4 MOV M,A ; Store back in CMDBUF+1 INX H ; Point to CMDBUF+2 XCHG LXI H,CMDBUF+6 CALL MOVER ; Move buffer down by 4 JMP DIAL4 ;... ; ; ; Comes here if no phone number was manually entered after "CAL" and if ; no phone library letter was entered. Displays the phone number li- ; brary, then asks for an entry. ; DIAL1: MVI C,18 ; Lines of phone numbers to display LXI H,NUMBLIB LXI D,BUFFER CALL NEWLINE STAX D INX D ; DIAL2: MVI B,LIBLEN CALL MOVE CALL SPACES MVI B,LIBLEN CALL MOVE CALL NEWLINE DCR C JNZ DIAL2 ; DIAL3: MVI A,'$' STAX D CALL CLRTST ;clear screen MVI C,PRINT LXI D,BUFFER ;show library CALL BDOS CALL JMP$ILPRT DB CR,LF,'Enter library letter or phone number,',CR,LF DB 'CTL-X quits while dialing or ringing: ',0 LXI D,CMDBUF CALL INBUF ;get input, library letter or phone # ; ; ; You now have either a library letter or a manually entered phone num- ; ber. These either came from the menu command line or from the library ; command line. Next we see if a letter, if so, get the corresponding ; line with phone number from the library. If a number we ignore the ; library look-up. (Ringback numbers must end with letter 'R'.) ; DIAL4: LXI H,CMDBUF+1 MOV A,M ; Get character count ORA A ; No entry ? JZ DIALEXIT ; then exit PUSH H CALL DISCONNT ;disconnect the modem and place in idle POP H MOV A,M ; Get count again CPI 1 ; One character (ie. get phone number JZ DIAL4A ; from library) ? MVI A,YES ; Set dot flag so that we don't skip STA DOT ; anything user types in JMP DIAL9 DIAL4A: INX H ; Point to user entry MVI B,'A' ; Need to compare against A-Z MVI E,0 MVI C,'Z'-'A'+1 ; How many to check MOV A,M ; Get user input character ; DIAL5: CMP B ; Compare against letter (A-Z) JZ DIAL6 ; Got match INR B ; Next letter INR E ; Keep count DCR C JNZ DIAL5 ; Loop for all letters ; Checked all letters, now do numbers 0-9 MVI B,'0' ; Start at 0 MVI C,'9'-'0'+1 ; How many to check DIAL5A: CMP B ; Compare against number JZ DIAL6 ; Got match INR B ; Next number INR E ; Keep counter DCR C JNZ DIAL5A ; Loop for all numbers (0-9) JMP DIAL9 ; This should only happen with illegal ; entries. ; ; ; Now have a match between the requested letter and one in the library ; E-reg. holds the decimal equivalent (0-25) of the letter (A-Z) or ; (26-35) of the number (0-9). ; DIAL6: LXI H,NUMBLIB ; Starting address of library LXI B,LIBLEN ; Length of each entry of library MOV A,E ORA A JZ DIAL8 ; DIAL7: MOV A,M ORA A ; Make sure we don't go past library JZ DIALBAD ; Jump if we do DAD B ; Index into library by (E)*LIBLEN DCR E JNZ DIAL7 ; ; ; Now have the line in the phone number library matching the requested ; letter so store that line starting at 'CMDBUF+1' ; DIAL8: MVI B,LIBLEN LXI D,CMDBUF+1 XCHG MOV M,B XCHG INX D CALL MOVE ; ; ; Now have the full line including phone number in 'CMDBUF' area. ; DIAL9: LDA SMARTMODEM ORA A CNZ SMINIT ; DIAL10: LXI H,CMDBUF+1 MOV E,M INX H ; DIAL11: MOV A,M ORA A JZ DIALBAD ; ; ; Dial a digit, check keyboard for abort ; CALL DIALA CALL STAT JZ DIAL13 CALL KEYIN CPI CANCEL JNZ DIAL13 JMP DIALEXIT ; DIAL13: INX H DCR E JNZ DIAL11 ; ; ; Show the number of dial attempts ; MVI B,CR ;end with cr CALL SENDCHR ; EATIT: CALL JMP$INMODEM ;gobble the modem response JNC EATIT CALL JMP$ILPRT DB ' - try #',0 LHLD DIALCT INX H SHLD DIALCT CALL DECOUT MVI A,' ' CALL TYPE MVI B,CR CALL SENDCHR ; DIAL14: CALL JMP$INMODEM JNC DIAL14 JMP SMRESULT ; DIALAGN: LDA CRFLAG ORA A JNZ DIALAGN1 CALL JMP$ILPRT DB ' Redial? ' DB '(Y/N/C): ',BELL,0 CALL KBDCHR CALL CRLF CPI 'N' JZ DIALAGN2 CPI 'Y' JZ DIALAGN1 CPI 'C' JNZ DIALAGN MVI A,1 STA CRFLAG ; DIALAGN1: MVI B,35 CALL JMP$TIMER CALL CRLF LDA RINGBKFL ORA A JZ DIAL4 STA CMDBUF+1 JMP DIAL4 ;..... ; ; DIALAGN2: CALL DIALBGN ;disconnect the modem JMP MENU ; ; ; Connection has been made ; CONMADE: CALL JMP$ILPRT DB CR,LF,LF,'CONNECTION MADE',BELL,0 LDA CRFLAG ORA A JZ RETURN CALL JMP$ILPRT DB ' - hit any key to stop the bell ',0 ; CONMADE1: CALL STAT JZ CONMADE2 CALL KEYIN XRA A JMP RETURN ; CONMADE2: MVI B,10 CALL JMP$TIMER MVI A,BELL CALL TYPE JMP CONMADE1 ;..... ; ; ; Automatic dialing routine, prints the number being dialed ; DIALA: CALL TYPE CPI 'R' JNZ DIALA1 PUSH PSW MOV A,E CPI 1 JZ RINGBK POP PSW ; DIALA1: MOV B,A CALL DIALAD CPI '.' ; Are we at a dot in the string ? JNZ DIALA1A ; Jump around if no MVI A,YES STA DOT ; Set flag if yes DIALA1A: LDA DOT ; Have we encountered a dot yet ? ORA A RZ ; Return if no MOV A,B CPI '*' ;* is valid dial digit JZ DIALA2 CPI '#' ;# is valid dial digit JZ DIALA2 CPI 'K' ;k indicates wait for next dial tone JZ DIALA2 ;all k's in phone # library should be CPI '0' ;lower case. RC CPI '9'+1 RNC ; ; ; Sends the digit to the modem. ; DIALA2: MOV C,A JMP SENDCHR ; ; ; Print bad library number message and abort if a null is encountered. ; DIALBAD: CALL JMP$ILPRT DB CR,LF,'++ Bad library number called ++',CR,LF,0 ; DIALEXIT: CALL DISCONNT ; DIALEXT1: CALL CRLF XRA A STA CRFLAG ; DIALEXT2: CALL JMP$INMODEM JNC DIALEXT2 CALL JMP$GOODBYE JMP MENU ;..... ; ; DIALBGN: JMP DISCONNT ; ; ; Do any alternate dialing such as 'MCI' or 'SPRINT' ; DIALAD: MOV A,B CPI '<' JNZ DIALAD1 PUSH H LXI H,ALTDIAL1 JMP DIALAD2 ; DIALAD1: CPI '>' RNZ PUSH H LXI H,ALTDIAL2 ; DIALAD2: MOV A,M CPI '$' JZ DIALAD3 CALL TYPE MOV B,A CALL SENDCHR INX H CALL STAT JZ DIALAD2 CALL KEYIN CPI CANCEL JZ DIALEXIT JMP DIALAD2 ; DIALAD3: MVI A,' ' CALL TYPE POP H RET ;..... ; ; ; Disconnect the Smartmodem from the phone line ; GOODBYE: DISCONNT: CALL SETDTRL ;drop dtr LXI H,DISC0 ;send the idle command just in case CALL SENDMDM ;the modem was in command mode instead ;of on line DISCONN2: CALL JMP$INMODEM ;gobble the idle message from the JNC DISCONN2 ;modem after the 'I' command is MVI B,10 ;sent and give it time to CALL JMP$TIMER ;reinitialize CALL SETDTRH ; Set DTR active again RET ;..... ; ; DISC0: DB 'I',CR,'$' DOT: DS 1 ; Flag for don encountered ;..... ; ; ; Set Smartmodem for dialing ; SMINIT: CALL SETDTRH ;enable dtr LXI H,SM$DAL1 ;put racal in command mode CALL SENDMDM JMP SMRESULT ;get results (hello:i'M READY) ; SMINIT0: MVI B,10 CALL JMP$TIMER LXI H,SM$DAL2 ;put racal in dial mode CALL SENDMDM CALL JMP$INMODEM ;gobble the modem echo smresult ;will take care of the the rest JMP SMRESULT ;number? ; SMINIT1: RET ;..... ; ; SM$DAL1: DB 'E'-40H,CR,'$' ;get into command mode ; SM$DAL2: DB 'D',CR,'$' ;dial ; ; ; Send the string pointed to by 'HL' to both the CRT and the modem. ; SENDOUT: PUSH H CALL SENDNOW POP H MOV A,M CPI '$' RZ MOV A,M CALL OUT$MODDATP CALL TYPE INX H JMP SENDOUT ;..... ; ; ; Send the string pointed to by 'HL' to the modem only ; SENDMDM: PUSH H CALL SENDNOW POP H MOV A,M CPI '$' RZ CALL OUT$MODDATP INX H JMP SENDMDM ;...... ; ; ; Checks for answer from Smartmodem ; SMRESULT: LXI H,RESULBUF PUSH H ; SMRESUL2: CALL RCVREADY JZ SMRESUL1 CALL STAT JZ SMRESUL2 CALL KEYIN CPI CANCEL JNZ SMRESUL2 MVI B,CR CALL SENDCHR POP H JMP DIALEXT1 ; RESULBUF: DS 16 ; SMRESUL1: CALL JMP$INMODEM JC SMRESUL4 ; SMRESUL6: ANI 7FH CPI ' ' JZ SMRESUL1 ;throw away spaces, lf, cr, nuls CPI LF ;bell, and * in the resulbuf JZ SMRESUL1 CPI 00H JZ SMRESUL1 CPI '*' JZ SMRESUL1 CPI CR JZ SMRESUL1 CPI BELL JZ SMRESUL1 POP H MOV M,A INX H PUSH H JMP SMRESUL2 ; ; ; Compare the Racal response ; SMRESUL4: POP H LXI D,RESULBUF CALL INLNCOMP DB 'HE',0 ;hello:i'M READY JNC SMINIT0 CALL INLNCOMP DB 'NU',0 ;number? JNC SMINIT1 CALL INLNCOMP DB 'BU',0 ;busy JNC NUM$BUSY CALL INLNCOMP DB 'DI',0 ;dialing... JNC SMRESULT CALL INLNCOMP DB 'RI',0 ;ringing... JNC RING CALL INLNCOMP DB 'AN',0 ;answer tone JNC SMRESULT CALL INLNCOMP DB 'ON',0 ;on line JNC CONMADE CALL INLNCOMP DB 'NO',0 ;no dial tone JNC NO$DT CALL INLNCOMP DB 'FA',0 ;failed call JNC FAILCAL CALL INLNCOMP DB 'VO',0 ;voice JNC VOICE CALL INLNCOMP DB 'ID',0 ;idle JNC FAILCAL ; SMDM1: JMP FAILCAL ;..... ; ; VOICE: CALL CRLF CALL JMP$ILPRT DB 'VOICE !!! pick up reciever and enter return ',BELL,0 CALL KBDCHR CPI CR JNZ VOICE CALL SENDCHR ; VOICE1: CALL JMP$INMODEM ;gobble modem response JNC VOICE1 CALL DISCONNT JMP MENU ; ; ; Failed call is the result of no answer after 60 sec of ringing, wrong ; baud rate, or an incorrect response from the modem. ; FAILCAL: CALL CRLF CALL JMP$ILPRT DB 'No answer... Failed call....',0 JMP DIALAGN ; ; ; No dial tone can occur when using the alternate dialing option and a ; dial tone is not detected after the pause 'K' or within 5 sec after ; the start of the modem dialing routine ; NO$DT: CALL CRLF CALL JMP$ILPRT DB 'No dial tone present....',0 JMP DIALAGN ; NUM$BUSY: CALL CRLF CALL JMP$ILPRT DB 'Number busy....',0 JMP DIALAGN ; RING: LDA RINGFLG ORA A JZ SMRESULT JMP RINGBK1 ; ; ; Handles the special ringback numbers. Dials, lets it ring only once, ; hangs up and then redials. ; RINGFLG: DB 0 ; RINGBK: POP PSW LDA CMDBUF+1 STA RINGBKFL STA RINGFLG SUI 1 STA CMDBUF+1 RET ;..... ; ; ; Hang up and redial ; RINGBK1: CALL HANGUP MVI B,50 CALL JMP$TIMER CALL CRLF JMP DIAL9 ;..... ; ; HANGUP: MVI B,CR ;abort the dialing process CALL SENDCHR XRA A STA RINGFLG ;clear flag for next dial ; HANGUP1: CALL JMP$INMODEM ;wait for the modem to complete its JNC HANGUP1 ;response to the cr JMP DISCONNT ;return here ;..... ; ; ; Time-out routine. Must be called with mask in 'D' reg. for input at ; relative port 2 and number of seconds (times 10) in 'C' reg. ; WAIT: MVI B,2 CALL JMP$TIMER CALL IN$MODCTL1 ANA D RZ PUSH B PUSH D CALL STAT JZ WAIT1 CALL KEYIN CPI CANCEL JZ WAIT2 ; WAIT1: POP D POP B DCR C JNZ WAIT STC RET ;..... ; ; WAIT2: POP D POP B JMP DONETCD ;..... ; ; ; Patch for SETUPENT: to prevent sending of Hayes commands to Racal ; ; ORG SETUPENT ; ; LDA SETUPTST ORA A JZ NOTVLD CALL JMP$SETUPR JMP XPRT ; ; ; ; Lets fix the byebye routine. It calls GOODBYE: directly and not ; through the jump vectors at the begining so make it use the jump ; vectors. ; ; ORG BYEBYE ; ; LDA PMMIMODEM ORA A CNZ JMP$GOODBYE LDA SMARTMODEM ORA A CNZ JMP$GOODBYE CALL JMP$ILPRT DB CR,LF,'<>',CR,LF,0 JMP EXIT ;..... ; ; ; Fix for DONETCD: the routines GOODBYE: and DISCONNT: are the same so ; no need to call twice. ; ; ORG DONETCD ; ; CALL JMP$ILPRT DB CR,LF,'<< DISCONNECTED >>',BELL,CR,LF,0 CALL JMP$GOODBYE JMP MENU0 ; ; ; ; M727RV.ASM uses these routines located in the main program. ; These equates have to be set for particular releases of MDM7xx. ; Currently they are set for MDM727. ; ALTDIAL1: EQU 0DCEH ;alt dial 1 ALTDIAL2: EQU 0DE6H ;alt dial 2 BUFFER: EQU 4E00H BYEBYE: EQU 402EH CLRTST: EQU 484FH ;clear screen test CMDBUF: EQU 4992H ;cmd buffer CRFLAG: EQU 497DH ;cr flag CRLF: EQU 2B4FH ;print crlf DECOUT: EQU 2B91H DIALCT: EQU 4972H DONETCD: EQU 2AD8H EXIT: EQU 2C2EH INBUF: EQU 2F12H INLNCOMP: EQU 2FE9H ;compare routine KBDCHR: EQU 2B7EH ;wait for keyboard input KEYIN: EQU 2B67H ;kbd input MENU: EQU 32C6H ;menu MENU0: EQU 327FH MOVE: EQU 2C6FH MOVER: EQU 30B8H ;move routine NEWLINE: EQU 4801H NOTVLD: EQU 3F59H NUMBLIB: EQU 0E00H ;number library RCVREADY: EQU 1E28H ;receiver ready RETURN: EQU 196EH RINGBKFL: EQU 498DH ;ring back flag SENDCHR: EQU 2C78H ;send character SENDNOW: EQU 1E3AH SETUPENT: EQU 46DEH SPACES: EQU 480AH STAT: EQU 2B5CH ;console status TYPE: EQU 2B71H ;type XPRT: EQU 3DDFH ; END