; =======================================================
; Module composed of workspace operators for REC/MARKOV.
; These are specialized subroutines for manipulating a
; "workspace," which is an array together with five
; pointers. The workspace will probably (but not always)
; hold text, subdivisions of which are marked off by the
; pointers. They in turn are:
; p0 the beginning of both space and text
; p1 the beginning of a specific segment
; p2 the end of a specific segment
; p3 the end of the entire text
; p4 the physical end of the available space
; The uniform method to designate intervals is that the
; beginning is inclusive, while the end is exclusive. In
; that way a null interval can be represented through two
; equal pointers. The workspace operators and predicates
; move data around and compare it with the help of these
; pointers. Other operators move data between the work-
; space and the pushdown list.
; The complete list of operators and predicates is:
; A advance pointer 1 if possible
; B retract pointer 1 if possible
; D delete interval between p1 and p2
; E test equality between workspace and PDL
; F find a specified segment in the workspace
; I insert in the workspacve following p2
; J move p1 to beginning
; M test workspace for lexicographically larger
; Q move interval between p1 and p2 to PDL
; U find segment between delimiters
; V find segment including delimiters
; Y restore pointer 1 to previous value
; Z move p2 to end
; a extend interval from p1 if possible
; b extend interval to p2 if possiblle
; e extend limit of text if possible
; f fill if space is available
; h fetch workspace header for PDL
; j null interval at front of segment
; q place p1, p2-p1 on PDL
; w store (or possibly exchange) workspace header
; z null interval at end of segment
; < restrict workspace to segment p1-p2
; > open workspace to previous span
; Version released during the Summer School, 1980.
; MKV86 - Copyright (C) 1980
; Universidad Autonoma de Puebla
; All Rights Reserved
; [Harold V. McIntosh, 25 April 1982]
; May 1, 1982 - M tests for an interval rather than making
; a simple comparison. should be used
; where was formerly written. In general,
; tests for a .LE. WS .LE. b and leaves
; P1 and P2 surrounding such a segment. Both a
; and b are always lifted.
; May 29, 1983 - h discontinued; use ''w instead
; =======================================================
; =======================================================
; Workspace subroutines for REC/MARKOV.
; =======================================================
; (a) Generate a segment of length n forward from p1 if
; possible. A predicate which, when FALSE, leaves the
; deficit by which the segment could not be formed on the
; pushdown list.
LCA: call CXLD ;load n into (cx)
add cx,P1
cmp P3,cx
jc LAF
sto cx,P2
jmp SKP ;return with the value TRUE
LAF: sub cx,P3
push cx ;argument to putw must be on 8080 stack
call PUTW ;record deficit
ret ;FALSE return: won't do
; (A) Pointer 1 advances by one byte, if possible.
UCA: ld ax,P1 ;fetch pointer 1
inc ax ;advance by 1
cmp P3,ax
jc UAF ;forget it, return FALSE if past limit
sto ax,P1 ;we can safely store pointer 1
cmp P2,ax ;but it still must not pass pointer 2
jnc UA2 ;but it still must not pass pointer 2
sto ax,P2 ;if it did, pointer 2 = pointer 1
UA2: jmp SKP ;but in either event, return TRUE
UAF: ret
; (b) Generate a segment of length n backward from p2,
; if possible.
LCB: call CXLD ;load top argument into (cx), erase it
ld ax,P2 ;fetch pointer 2 into (HL)
sub ax,cx ;calculate difference
cmp ax,P0
jc LBF ;low limit passed, abandon the attempt
sto ax,P1 ;record it
jmp SKP ;generate TRUE return for the predicate
LBF: ret
; (B) Pointer 1 retreats by one byte, if possible.
UCB: ld ax,P1 ;fetch pointer
dec ax ;move backwards one byte
cmp ax,P0 ;
jc UBF
sto ax,P1 ;otherwise store new position
jmp SKP ;and return with value TRUE
UBF: ret ;return false as NOP if passed
; (D) Delete text between pointers 1 and 2.
UCD: ld si,P2 ;fetch end of deleted text
ld di,P1 ;fetch beginning of deleted text
cmp si,di
jz UD2 ;null interval to delete
sto di,P2 ;after deletion, interval is null
ld cx,P3
sub cx,si ;length of string to move
jz UD1
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
UD1: sto di,P3 ;destination limit is new end of text
UD2: ret
; (e) Attempt to move pointer 3 forward. If insufficient
; space remains, this predicate is false and places the
; amount of remaining space [p4-p3] on the pushdown list.
; If the extension is possible, P1 and P2 will surround it.
LCE: call CXLD ;load argument into (cx), pop it
add cx,P3
cmp P4,cx
jc LEF ;skip if increment not greater
ld ax,P3
sto cx,P2
sto cx,P3
sto ax,P1 ;make it the beginning of new interval
jmp SKP ;TRUE return
LEF: sub cx,P4
push cx ;putw requires argument on 8080 stack
call PUTW ;insert balance on pushdown list
ret ;TRUE return: won't work
; (E) Check equality between the pushdown list and the
; workspace. The top argument will be erased whatever
; the outcome of the test, a characteristic common to
; E, F, M, U, and V. If there is a segment originating
; at p1 which is equal to the argument, p2 will move to
; delimit it, otherwise p2 remains unchanged.
UCE: ld cx,PY ;end of top argument
ld si,PX ;beginning of top argument
ld di,P1 ;beginning of workspace segment in (HL)
sub cx,si
jcxz UEN ;''E is TRUE, sets P2=P1
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
jnz UEF ;mismatch terminated scan
cmp P3,di ;see whether we've run over
jc UEF
UEN: sto di,P2
jmp CUCL ;skip for TRUE
UEF: jmp UCL ;FALSE for one reason or another
; (f) Fill. <'XXX' f> will replace the text following
; pointer 1 by XXX if pointer 2 does not conflict,
; whereupon pointers 1 and 2 delimit what remains of
; the interval they originally encompassed, making this
; predicate TRUE. Otherwise it will be FALSE, with the
; pointers unaltered. When f fails, its argument is
; erased, otherwise the insert is conserved for repeated
; use in a block fill. f is true even if its argument
; completely fills the available space, since it reports
; whether or not an insertion took place rather than
; whether any space remains.
LCF: ld si,PX
ld cx,PY
sub cx,si
ld di,P1 ;load p2
ld dx,P2 ;now load p1
sub dx,di
cmp dx,cx ;compare this to p2
jnc LFT
jmp UCL ;insert too big, FALSE and erase insert
LFT: cld
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
sto di,P1 ;final destination location is new p1
jmp SKP ;keep insert, generate TRUE return
; (F) Search for text. The text in the workspace is
; examined from left to right beginning at pointer 1 to
; see if the object of comparison on the pushdown list
; can be found. If so, its replica in the workspace is
; bracketed by pointers 1 and 2, while the model itself
; is discarded. Even if no replica is found, the model
; is still discarded, but then the value is FALSE and the
; pointers 1 and 2 retain their original sites. Should
; several replicas exist, only the first is taken; if
; consecutive searches for the same object are made, the
; same replica will be found repeatedly. This permits
; nested fragments of the same object to be found on
; successive searches, but requires an intermediate
; collapse of the interval p1-p2 in favor of p2 [say by
; using ''I] to scan multiple occurrences of the same
; object.
UCF: ld dx,PY
ld bx,PX
ld di,P1
sub dx,bx ;length of comparison object
jz UFX ;fast exit for null object
ld cx,P3
sub cx,di ;length of search field
cmp cx,dx
jc UFF ;useless to even try
cld ;searches go forward
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax ;CP/M might derange ES
dec dx
jz UFS ;look for single byte
UF1: mov si,bx
repnz ;search by increment until limit
jnz UFF ;end without even 1st word
cmp cx,dx ;are there enough chars left
jc UFF ;can't possibly fit it in
push cx
push di
mov cx,dx
jz UFT
pop di ;comparison failed
pop cx
jmp UF1 ;go on where we left off
UFT: pop ax ;comparison accomplished
pop cx
UFV: dec ax
sto ax,P1
UFX: sto di,p2
jmp CUCL
UFS: ld al,[bx]
jnz UFF
mov ax,di
jmp UFV
UFF: jmp UCL
; (I) Insert text following pointer 2; upon completion
; pointers bracket inserted material. If the proposed
; insertion will not fit, an error indicator is generated
; and the attempt is abandoned. An F followed by an I
; will insert material after the found text, but if an
; intermediate ''F is given, insertion will be made at
; the front of the text. A ''I may be used to form null
; intervals, if they are desired at the end of a segment.
UCI: ld ax,P2 ;point where insertion will be made
sto ax,P1 ;pointer 1 to precede inserted material
ld dx,PY ;source origin
sub dx,PX ;source end
jz UIN ;null insert
ld si,P3
ld cx,P4
sub cx,si
cmp cx,dx
jc UIE ;insufficient space for insert
mov cx,si
sub cx,P2
add P2,dx
add P3,dx
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
jcxz UIA
ld di,P3
dec si
dec di
UIA: mov cx,dx
ld si,PX ;source origin into (DE)
ld di,P1 ;new p1 is destination origin, in (HL)
UIN: jmp UCL ;I removes its argument upon completion
UIE: call RER
; (j) Null interval at p1. Equivalent to ''F or ''E.
LCJ: ld ax,P1 ;pointer to beginning of interval
sto ax,P2 ;make end of interval the same
; (J) Back to beginning of workspace. Extends whatsoever
; interval back to the beginning of the entire text.
UCJ: ld ax,P0 ;fetch pointer to beginning of text
sto ax,P1 ;make it the beginning of the interval
; (M) Compare inequality between the pushdown list and
; the workspace. M is TRUE if there is a segment in the
; workspace beginning at p1 which is lexicographically
; larger than the argument on the pushdown list. In that
; event, p2 marks the "larger" interval, which terminates
; after the first byte in the workspace which is larger -
; by unsigned integer comparison - than the argument. M
; is also TRUE if an equal segment lies in the workspace.
; According to the common style of E, F, I, M, U, and V,
; the argument is erased whatever might be the outcome of
; the comparison. Likewise, FALSE results in no pointer
; changes.
UCM: ld cx,PY
ld si,PX
sub cx,si
push cx
push si
call UCL
ld cx,PY ;pointer to argument to be compared
ld si,PX ;pointer to workspace under comparison
sub cx,si
call UCL
ld bp,P1
jcxz UMT ;trivial comparison to be made
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov di,bp
UML: cmpsb ;(SI) - (DI) sets flags
jc UMM ;decided if WS > PD
jnz UMF ;failure if WS < PD
loop UML ;repeat for WS = PD
UMM: xchg di,bp
cmp P3,bp
jc UMF ;fail if we run over
pop si
pop cx
jcxz UMT ;treat '' as 'no comparison'
mov ax,cx
mov cx,bp
sub cx,di
cmp ax,cx ;set flags by l(PD) - l(WS)
sbb dx,dx ;(nc) when l(WS) .LE. l(PD)
jz UMN ;(z): workspace is shorter, equal
xchg ax,cx ;check only common segment
UMN: cmpsb ;set flags from PD - WS
jc UMG ;WS > PD means outside inclusive bound
jnz UMT ;WS < PD means bound is satisfied
loop UMN ;WS = PD means keep testing
or dx,dx
jnz UMG ;(z): workspace fulfils 'short before long'
UMT: sto bp,P2
jmp SKP
UMF: add sp,#4
UMG: ret
; (q) Put p1, p2-p1 on PDL.
LCQ: ld ax,P2
sub ax,P1
push ax ;stash P2-P1 on 8086's PDK
push P1 ;and then P1 on top of that
call PUTW ;one argument from top of 8080 stack
call PUTW ;then another so we've got both
ret ;cannot use jmp putw for call putw, ret
; (Q) Copy workspace to pushdown. The interval between
; p1 and p2 is placed on the pushdown list.
UCQ: ld si,P1 ;fetch beginning of interval
ld cx,P2 ;fetch end of interval
sub cx,si ;length of interval into (cx)
call NARG ;close old arg, check space, def new
ld di,PX ;fetch destination origin for (HL)
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
sto di,PY ;destination end is argument end
; (w) Store workspace header. There are two forms of
; this operator which are available: the argument may be
; either a single block of ten bytes, or else the pair
; . The distinction is implicit, according to
; whether the top argument has two bytes or ten bytes.
; The first case arises from a previous usage of h (or
; perhaps deliberate construction), while the second is
; more likely in the initial allocation of a workspace. A
; single block is erased after use, while it is supposed
; that a previous definition existed when the pair form
; is used. In such a case, the old block of bytes would
; be substituted for the two arguments in case it needed
; to be restored later. When a workspace is generated
; from its specifications, pointers 1 and 2 as well as 3
; are set to encompass the entire space. Many other forms
; can be arranged by a subsequent use of j, D, and so on.
LCW: ld si,PX
ld cx,PY
sub cx,si ;determine size of argument
cmp cx,#10 ;ten for comparison
jnz LWW ;if length not 10, suppose it was 2
cmp cx,#0
jnz LWX
call UCL
LWH: ld cx,#10 ;10 bytes required from PDL
call NARG ;verify space, new px into (HL)
ld si,#P0 ;source is pointer block itself
mov di,bx
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
sto di,PY ;final destination is arg end
LWX: ld di,#P0 ;p0 is destination origin
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
jmp UCL ;erase the argument
LWW: ld bx,PX ;create p0...p4 from org,siz
call TWOL ;trnsfr two args from PDL to 8080 stack
call LWH ;place existing header on PDL
pop bx ;recover under arg, namely org
pop cx ;recover upper arg, namely siz
sto bx,P0 ;origin of workspace
sto bx,P1 ;segment at front of workspace
add bx,cx ;add size
sto bx,P2 ;segment traverses whole workspace
sto bx,P3 ;which defines end of occupied text
sto bx,P4 ;as well as physical end
; (U) Search for interval, excluding limits. The object
; of the search is defined by its delimiters: thus if the
; text YYY is to be found, it must be specified as the
; one sandwiched between XXX and ZZZ. Then by executing
; 'XXX'F followed by 'ZZZ'U pointers 1 and 2 will bracket
; YYY. U erases its argument, whether TRUE or FALSE, by
; a custom common to all search or comparison predicates.
; By the same custom, pointers 1 and 2 remain unmoved if
; the search fails. ''U generates a null interval at the
; end of the last interval that was created.
UCU: push P1 ;fetch beginning of last interval
ld ax,P2 ;fetch end of last interval
sto ax,P1 ;search begins at end of p1-p2 interval
push ax
call UCF ;use the search subroutine
jmp UUF ;search failed [MUST be 3-byte jmp] <===
ld ax,P1 ;beginning of found interval
sto ax,P2 ;is end of result interval
pop P1 ;recover end of last interval
pop ax ;discard beginning of last interval
jmp SKP ;TRUE return from predicate
UUF: pop ax ;discard end of last interval-it's same
pop P1 ;recover beginning of last interval
ret ;FALSE return from predicate
; (V) Search for interval, including limits. This
; predicate is similar to U, the difference being that
; after a successful search, p1 and p2 bracket both the
; delimiters as well as the text which they define,
; whereas U merely brackets the intervening text.
UCV: push P1 ;pointer to beginning of last interval
ld ax,P2
sto ax,P1 ;pointer to end of last interval
call UCF ;predicate F always makes the search
jmp UVF ;search failed, F was FALSE
pop P1 ;recover the old p1
jmp SKP ;TRUE return with old p1, new p2
UVF: pop P1 ;recover original p1
ret ;FALSE return with p1 and p2 unchanged
; (Y) Recover pointer 1. There are those times when it
; is desirable to note a spot in the workspace, through
; qL for example, and then be able to return to it later
; on. However intervening deletions, insertions or even
; workspace openings and closings may have rendered it
; invalid so a check is made to ensure the preservation
; of the relative order of p0, p1, and p3. If p2 lies
; in an acceptable range, it is untouched; otherwise it
; is set to define a null interval at p1.
UCY: ld bx,PX
ld cx,PY
sub cx,bx
cmp cx,#4
jz UYI
ld bx,[bx] ;fetch low byte of pointer
cmp bx,P0 ;check that p1 will be greater or equal
jnc UYM ;if less, store p0 instead
ld bx,P0
jmp UYZ
UYM: cmp P3,bx ;check that p1 will be less or equal
jnc UYN ;if not, make p2 = p1 = p3
ld bx,P3
jmp UYY
UYN: cmp P2,bx ;check that p1 less or equal to p2
jnc UYZ
UYY: sto bx,P2 ;record null interval between p1 and p2
UYZ: sto bx,P1 ;give p1 whatever value it'll have
jmp CUCL ;pop the argument
UYI: ld cx,[bx]
ld bx,[bx+2]
cmp cx,P0
jc UYF
add bx,cx
cmp P3,bx
jc UYF
sto cx,P1
sto bx,P2
jmp CUCL
UYF: jmp UCL
; (z) Null interval at end of segment. Equivalent to
; ''I, ''U, or 0b.
LCZ: ld ax,P2 ;pointer to end of interval
sto ax,P1 ;make beginning of interval the same
; (Z) Move p2 to the end of the workspace, thereby
; extending whatever interval on to the end of the text.
UCZ: ld ax,P3 ;pointer to the end of text
sto ax,P2 ;make end of interval the same
; (<) Close down workspace. The workspace is confined to
; the interval between pointers 1 and 2. The reason for
; this could be to restrict the editing operations to a
; smaller range, or it could be to have absolute freedom
; to work over some material before incorporating it into
; the main text. As a practical matter, the text between
; pointers 2 and 3 is displaced to the far end of the
; workspace and the original values of pointers 0 and 4
; are recorded before setting up the new values of the
; pointers. Subsequent insertions and deletions then have
; much less material to move.
BRA: ld di,P4
ld si,P3
mov cx,di
sub cx,si
sub cx,#4
jc BRE
mov cx,si
sub cx,P2
dec di
dec si
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
dec di
ld ax,P4
sto di,P4
ld ax,P0
ld ax,P2
sto ax,P3
ld ax,P1
sto ax,P0 ;store it as new beginning of text
ret ;p2 remains at end of newly made text
BRE: call RER
; (>) Open up the workspace. This is the complementary
; operator to <, which is used to return the scope of the
; pointers p0 and p4 to their original range. The text
; forming the restricted workspace is incorporated in its
; entirity in place of the material originally lying in
; the interval p1-p2. An error condition can arise from
; opening a workspace that was never closed, but it will
; be anulled if a zero address was placed at the pointer
; 4 during initialization of the workspace.
KET: ld bx,P4 ;load the end of the universe
ld cx,[bx]
jcxz KEE ;zero means opening too many times
sto cx,P0 ;restore it
ld cx,[bx+2]
sto cx,P4
add bx,#4
sub cx,bx
mov si,bx
ld di,P3 ;end of txt is dest to replace old tail
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
sto di,P3 ;destination end is new end of text
KEE: call RER ;note error and abandon attempt