Y  y% MODEM 9.01.04 - 24/Sep/83 CP/M-86 version by Michael Mellinger and Bill Bolton STRING #0 at 240HSTRING #1 at 260HSTRING #2 at 280HSTRING #3 at 2A0HSTRING #4 at 2C0HSTRING #5 at 2E0HSTRING #6 at 300HSTRING #7 at 320HSTRING #8 at 340HSTRING #9 at 360HA=Amrad 1-703-734-1387B=Ben Bronson 1-312-955-4493C=CBBS Pasadena 1-213-799-1632D=PMMI 1-703-379-0303E=Tech. CBBS 1-313-846-6127F=Ron Fowler 1-313-729-1905RG=Gasnet NASA 1-301-344-9156H=Dave Hardy 1-313-846-6127I=Wayne Hammerly 1-301-953-3753J=RBBS Pasadena 1-213-356-1034K=David Kozinn 1-216-334-4604L=Program Store 1-202-337-4694M=Kelly Smith 1-805-527-9321N=SuperBrain Sys 1-617-862-0781O=R.L.Plouffe 1-703-524-2549P=K.Petersen 1-313-759-6569RQ=Bruce Ratoff 1-201-272-1874R=Mark Pulver 1-312-789-0499S= T= U= V= W= X= Y= Z= Y *PX$<$<+ Set Up for: Godbout 816 System with Interfacer 3 ð.UN. ڊ'Sa USART/Modem Control Current settings -  Enter choices below - for no change  RBaud Rate (110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200): 6 c!110s`X!300sUM!600sJB!1200s>6!2400s2*!4800s&!9600s!19200s ! sN..  Word Length (7, 8):  7s 8 s s .  R Stop Bits (1, 2): \ 1@s 2s w s c.   Parity (None, Even, Odd):  = NONEs$1 EVEN0s% ODDs  s . .  .  .  . New settings - [zWord length is . <u _seven SeightJ, number of stop bits is . <@u %onetwo, parity is . <u none . <u odd even .$ . .$. $0. ++ Incorrect entry ++ 2567:<>? @ $%. t*oCarrier $@uZnot Rpresent Ì.H.H[؎мHSyg.C.1C.ZCc.2C< tUm u .ZC.1C.1C.<t RSZuZõuދ.1Ct9 ** There may be text in the memory buffer ** ** It will be lost unless NOL or WRT commands are used ** .ȻQ KuuuACMC G:C3C<.eC.cC ~ Single Letter Commands H - Display this information ? - Display current settings T - Terminal mode E - Terminal mode with echo L - Terminal mode with local echo For capturing text use T(or E or L) FILENAME.TYP and Start & Stop toggles described on subsequent screen. R - Receive CP/M file using Christensen Protocol S - Send CP/M file using Christensen Protocol Command is: R(or S) FILENAME.TYP R and S can use the following subcommands: B - Bulk transfer using wildcards (e.g. *.*) Q - Quiet mode (no messages to console) T - Return to terminal mode after transfer V - View bytes transferred on console The single letter commands may also be used on the command line when the program is initially executed. ? Three Letter Commands CPM - Exit from this program to CP/M DIR - List directory and space free (may specify drive) ERA - Erase file (may specify drive) LOG - Change default drive/user (specify drive/user) and reset disks. e.g. LOG A0, LOG B (user unchanged) FOP - Display commands for setting terminal mode file output parameters .t8DSC - Disconnect the modem from the telephone line .u+TIM - Set S mode time-to-send message . t/QTCC - Toggle Checksum/CRC mode on receive .t.TBR - Toggle backspace to rub conversion . t]TLC - Toggle 1) local command immediate 2) local command after .&} .  t6TLF - Toggle send linefeed after carriage return INUM - List remote systems . t#"SET - Set communication ports  The following are terminal text buffer commands: DEL - Delete memory buffer and file NOL - Return to terminal mode - no loss of data in buffer WRT - Write memory buffer to disk file 0 Local Commands while in Terminal Mode .  - Exit to command mode . tu.! - Transmit string Must be followed by number of string (0-9) or L to display list of strings .t."B - Toggle printer Z.%! - Start copy into buffer .# - Stop copy into buffer Start & Stop may be toggled as often as desired. A ":" at start of line indicates buffer is open. XOFF automatically used to stop input when writing full buffer to disk, XON sent to resume. .$ - Transfer ASCII file to remote .  .&u3 - Send local control character to remote 7 - Next character will be used for local control u Drive A<tPX, User XZ.1Cu 7 bytes of buffer free COMMAND (H for Help): nC!pCKCPMr?LOGre3DIRrB'ERArpDSCr?rc SPDrFOPr? TIMrTCCr\TBRrTLCrTLFrFTSLrTXFrTXNr&TWErmTEFr uNUMrZ . t aSETrUNOLr.1C t2 .fC6WRTr*DELrS.pC*C [rS[8 ++ Invalid Command ++ ñ.CW%.C.1Cu.tC< uA,A.C<r.uC< t7.vC< tȊ<rqQbY:tZ Insert disk for drive .CA Hit return when ready& < u .CG ++ Terminal mode file open ++ ++ Use WRT or DEL before LOG command ++ 2nC\ >] u\u5 ++ File not found ++ \ File erased . u>m ** Disconnected ** ] Enter character output delay [0(none) - 9(longest delay)]: Ks.[ Enter additional delay after [0-9]: s.inCd .pC< t ,0< rXz, Terminal mode file output delay is 0..X seconds per character Additional delay after is 0.. seconds < s0 Sط, [. t Use 0-7 to give baud rate for S mode time-to-send message, where 0=110, 1=300, 2=600, 3=1200, 4=2400 5=4800, 6=9600 and 7 = 19200 baud Enter value: <r'.[. u: Rate for the S mode time-to-send message is set to  Modem speed is ûk.ڊC.<rCt.<r0gB 0 baud 11306012244896192. uf.. u CRC mode set Checksum mode set . u..J.tBackspace is rub Backspace is backspace .  u. mUse .  .&tI before local command - to send local command to remote .  uX.Linefeed . uNOT sent after .  u. BLinefeed .  tNOT sent after in terminal mode file output . u\Use XOFF testing? (Y/N): @r.m. u..CUse XON waiting after (Y/N): r.g. u`..oJUse echo waiting before transmitting next character (Y/N): r.!. u..SWaiting for character echo . u,NOT $used in terminal mode file output únC.pC< t. u}^.1C uh.cD< t`bDv .1C.ZCbD .fC.>1Ct3.cD< t+.fC  3 .1C.ZCbD{ .fCE++ No File Open ++ )/C:tuHIT any KEY to CONTINUEt.tð ~ wuJ Current Settings .. tm :HTerminal mode file buffer is .1Ctinactive Unused portion of buffer is 2 bytes .t~ .R .fCÊ؊NJV Commands for Setting Terminal Mode File Output Parameters SPD - Set speed of file output TEF - Toggle transmission of end-of-file character .  tLTSL - Toggle stripping linefeeds TWE - Toggle wait for character echo .tF`TXF - Toggle XOFF testing TXN - Toggle XON waiting after . End-of-file character .uNOT sent in terminal mode file output SL Library of Phone Numbers of Remote Systems H"ڈBCC CCt" ڈ CBð ڈCCCð$ڈڱ H74[< t< t< t< r<rP( X)QRSб[ZYP  XVQRS.%2%[ZY^QRS2%[ZY QRS2&[ZYQRS.&&2[ZYQRS/&2[ZY 2,ZY[XĞZ[SR/CC Cu[C9:t.lC .lC Enter number to transmit string [.]Csiv.aC tPrinter is on Printer is off PwuXي._C u.^C t v` :u . tMt$uH2[.^C tٰ :t.u.^C t .ZC uÈ/C.fC :u: :QuYð.aCu.1Ct(.hC:u .hC.jC/C.hC.bCuÊu.jCC.jC.jC.;hCtû.hC.jC.bCðض:.[C3.\CRQhZt.[CC7t .\CC)SqSY[DtI uvCںtڊаЊ߷PXÊúRbDZ€KuúbDQRSPX[ZYûbDA\bD ,SRQPD+l%;.pC< t+sz TO QUIT: nCúnCD+úDúDõRzZ<u . uÊ<u t<uCuP. tu.  tXP< tXP.C. tX< t. uh.. uÊuSe. tf.^C t ._C tLSZ[J. t uSt$<u@u z$<u t*<uð2.CuV$.C:u.C< u :u.C.CuðIt.`C.9CuIvReady to send in the batch mode .C.cC t/s.9CB >] u<QPr*6.PC|.`C urdr ..`C;.9C u.CrsB.9CX ]< ud,r.9C t!File open, ready to receive .`C uC.`C ufCRC in effect PChecksum in effect r .IEuAwaiting name NAK PpCx.C\ .C ðLS .C]$5.3C tQYr$<uCuڰ.3C t:t&uChecksum error P&[û\RAwaiting file name <t S.C]Cs$Time out receiving filename g<u<tC.3C tQLYC<tA.C.>C t < tÊ< ..3C t <t(\2 ++ Checksum error ++ ;[ò}<uu.cC.C].C\D`1 r%f$u.C\ڵ ׇ.CCCuû.C.CpBj . .DD