1 ' signon subsystem -- make test versions of name files 2 VERSION$="0.2 {4/25/82}" 4 ' by dick lieber 8 CRLF$=CHR$(&HA)+CHR$(&HD) 10 ' 14 ' WARNING 18 ' 22 ' If running this program with BASIC-80 the DRIVER.REL jump table 26 ' must be located at 0F800H. Unless you change the following 30 ' location, the program will go away! 34 ' 38 TESTADDRESS=&HF800 42 ' 50 DATA "NOACC", "BULLETIN", "INSTRUCT", "SUCESS", "SPECIAL", "OPTION", "BYEBYE" 53 DATA "the end" 99 GOTO 10000 300 ' 310 ' set user number 320 ' 330 USERMD=TESTADDRESS+9 340 CALL USERMD(SETUSERNUMBER%) 350 RETURN 10000 ' 10010 ' main program 10020 ' 10030 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 10040 PRINT "This program will make test version of all of message text" 10050 PRINT "files needed to test the SIGNON subsystem." 10060 PRINT 10061 IF PEEK(TESTADDRESS) <> &HC3 THEN PRINT "FATAL ERROR!": PRINT "The driver test routines are not loaded at "; HEX$(TESTADDRESS);"H.": END 10070 PRINT "What user number should the files be stored in > "; 10080 INPUT SETUSERNUMBER% 10090 IF SETUSERNUMBER% > 15 THEN GOTO 10060 10100 GOSUB 300 10110 STARS$=STRING$(25,"*") 10120 MIDDLE$="*"+STRING$(23," ")+"*" 10130 LEFTEND$="* " 10140 RIGHTEND$=" *" 10150 PRINT "Making:" 10160 PRINT 10170 WHILE FILENAME$<> "the end" 10180 READ FILENAME$ 10190 IF FILENAME$="the end" THEN GOTO 10320 10200 OPEN "O",#1, FILENAME$ 10210 MIDDLEND$=STRING$(8," ") 10220 LSET MIDDLEND$=FILENAME$ 10230 PRINT FILENAME$ 10235 PRINT #1,CRLF$ 10240 PRINT #1, STARS$ 10250 PRINT #1, MIDDLE$ 10260 PRINT #1, MIDDLE$ 10270 PRINT #1, LEFTEND$+MIDDLEND$+RIGHTEND$ 10280 PRINT #1, MIDDLE$ 10290 PRINT #1, MIDDLE$ 10300 PRINT #1, STARS$ 10310 CLOSE #1 10320 WEND 10330 PRINT 10340 PRINT "These are the files:" 10350 FILES "????????. " 10360 SETUSERNUMBER%=0: GOSUB 300