ABSTRACT for SIG/M Volume 130 ============================= "SIGNON" SUBSYSTEM FOR RCP/M SYSTEMS (Reviewed by Jim Mills) Author: Dick Lieber (voice phone: (312) 326-4014) (RCP/M phone: (312) 326-4392) The "SIGNON" system consists of a variety of files intended for a variety of purposes and uses, both by users calling the RCP/M system, and by the SYSOP himself. Included are the following: *.BAS source code files for the main body of programs. *.SSB more source code, subroutines. *.MAC subroutines to allow things that MBASIC normally won't do. *.SUB submit files as guides for various compilations. *.DOC documentation on all of the above. These programs are written for the Microsoft BASIC80 Compiler. They will not easily convert to run under the interpreter, but they have been pretty well debugged and should give you little trouble. (I have been using them on my RCP/M for over a year (312-469-2597 at 300/600/1200 baud) and have been quite satisfied with the performance). If you do not have the MBASIC Compiler, the recent version with the BRUN.COM module, then you'd better get it, or get a friend to compile these programs for you. You can't run without it. The disadvantage of this system (the only one so far as I can determine) is that it is programmed in BASIC. This results in large .COM files that take up a lot of disk space. Maybe we can persuade Dick to rewrite it in "C"? Other prerequisites: You must use a BYE program that will run a specified .COM file on carrier loss (I use BYE 8.1). (BYE version 2 might be made to work, but I think some serious modifications and assembly language programming may be required). This is how the caller is logged off, his time-on-system calculated and recorded. XMODEM and other RCP/M utilities are assumed (If you don't have them, check earlier SIG/M releases). DESCRIPTION: SIGNON Version 1.2 9/29/82 Note, not all of the files are in the distribution package. Those in the standard distribution version are marked with a -. SIZE NAME COMMENTS - 2K 1100.SSB Reads configuration file, "pwds". - 2K 1300.SSB Unpacks user's record. - 2K 1400.SSB Opens user file. - 2K 1600.SSB Gets time & date by calling TMOD. - 2K 200.SSB Pack and put user's records. - 2K 2100.SSB Send comment to SYSOP (by user). - 2K 2300.SSB Set R/O file attribute. - 4K 2500.SSB Display user file. - 2K 3000.SSB Modem control by user. - 2K 3100.SSB Send string to local terminal. - 2K 3300.SSB Selector, used with menus. - 2K 400500.SSB Console input(500) and input(400). - 2K 4900.SSB Check message subsystem summary. - 2K 600.SSB Get a password. - 2K 7800.SSB Jumpout to another module (RUN). - 2K 800.SSB Print a file. - 2K 8000.SSB Send comment to SYSOP (by system). - 2K 9100.SSB Calculate elapsed time. - 16K BYECMD.BAS Run by user to disconnect modem. - 8K CNFG1.BAS CONFIG overlay. - 24K COMGR.BAS Comments manager. - 4K COMPILE.SUB Compile one SIGNON Subsystem module. - 22K CONFIG.BAS Configure Subsystem. - 2K CONFIG.CMN Common block for CONFIG. - 18K CONVRBB.BAS Convert old user file for SIGNON. - 4K CONVRBB.DOC Documentation for above. - 2K CRCKLIST.CRC - 6K FINISH.BAS Update user's records. Run by BYE. - 2K JOB.SUB Compile entire subsystem. - 2K MAKELIB.SUB Build library of SIGNON .REL files. - 2K MFIL.BAS Make text files to test subsystem. - 18K POSYS.BAS Subsystem manager. - 2K SELDSK.MAC Change default drive. - 2K SETFMD.MAC Set cp/m 2.2 file attributes. - 14K SIGNON.BAS Entry module. - 32K SIGNON.DOC Documentation for all but CONVRBB.BAS. - 4K TMOD.MAC Read-time clock/calander interface. - 4K TOS.BAS Time on system command. - 2K USERMD.MAC Change user number. Assuming you are prepared with the necessary prerequisites, what can this system of programs do for you? There are certainly other systems that perform similar functions. SIGNON serves as entry and exit for logging a caller onto and off of the RCP/M, keeping track of time-on-system and other data. Other programs do the same, but I personally think that the SIGNON system has its advantages. Check out the DOC files and judge for yourself. Jim Mills, August 1983