SIG/M Volume 130 "SIGNON" System of programs for RCP/M Usage by Dick Lieber of CACHE -CATALOG.130 contents of SIG/M Volume 130 released September 9, 1983 ABSTRACT.130 information regarding this disk CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 130.01 1100 .SSB 2K 3D 01 Subroutine files for use with SIGNON 130.02 1300 .SSB 1K 0B 4C / 130.03 1400 .SSB 1K A2 F8 / 130.04 1600 .SSB 1K 8B 08 / 130.05 200 .SSB 2K 94 4F / 130.06 2100 .SSB 2K F4 94 / 130.07 2300 .SSB 1K 92 FF / 130.08 2500 .SSB 3K E3 11 / 130.09 3000 .SSB 1K 6D 99 / 130.10 3100 .SSB 1K 8C 0C / 130.11 3300 .SSB 1K 90 E3 / 130.12 400500 .SSB 2K 29 0D / 130.13 4900CBBS.SSB 2K AA A1 / 130.14 4900RBBS.SSB 1K DA 88 / 130.15 600 .SSB 1K D2 47 / 130.16 7800 .SSB 1K 5C 13 / 130.17 800 .SSB 1K 19 55 / 130.18 8000 .SSB 2K 5C 4D / 130.19 8100 .SSB 1K B7 03 / 130.20 9100 .SSB 1K 4B 27 / 130.21 BYECMD .BAS 4K 9C E6 exit program 130.22 BYEX .MAC 1K 0A 82 subroutine 130.23 CNFG1 .BAS 8K 11 F9 sysop's system configuration program 2 130.24 COMGR .BAS 10K 78 9E sysop's comments manager program 130.25 COMPILE .SUB 1K F7 99 submit file for compiling a .BAS file 130.26 CONFIG .BAS 21K 7E 39 sysop's system configuration program 130.27 CONFIG .CMN 1K B3 27 configuration program routines 130.28 CONVRBB .BAS 18K 21 69 program to convert RBBS files 130.29 CONVRBB .DOC 4K 06 12 / 130.30 DRIVER .MAC 1K 90 4D subroutine 130.31 FINISH .BAS 6K 19 3A exit program 130.32 JOB .SUB 1K A9 AE submit file used with SSUB to batch jobs 130.33 LOADRIVE.SUB 1K 3B 44 submit file 130.34 MAKELIB .SUB 1K 04 4A submit file 130.35 MFIL .BAS 2K 77 37 program to make necessary data files 130.36 POSYS .BAS 18K 39 6A sysop's general utility 130.37 SELDSK .MAC 1K F3 B6 subroutine 130.38 SETFMD .MAC 1K D2 D0 subroutine 130.39 SIGNMODS.DOC 2K 7F 46 documentation 130.40 SIGNON .BAS 16K 69 6F main program 130.41 SIGNON .DOC 32K 5A 6D documentation 130.42 TMOD .MAC 3K B5 C4 clock module interface program 130.43 TMODQT .MAC 3K FA 68 clock module for QT clock 130.44 TMODSCI .MAC 5K 48 43 clock module for Scitronics clock 130.45 TMODTEST.MAC 5K 79 13 tests tmod function 130.46 TOS .BAS 3K 8E 26 time on system program 130.47 USERMD .MAC 1K 1A A9 subroutine 130.48 USRMAINT.BAS 9K E1 DD sysop's user file maintenance program SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-130, 48 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA