+++ Remote CP/M Software Exchange Systems, List # 36 +++ Last Revised --- April 15, 1983 =============================================================== A summary of all known (and running) Remote CP/M Software Exchange Systems using XMODEM for program transfers. List # 36 revised and updated courtesy of: Kim Levitt and Jud Newell Changes should be sent to TORONTO RCP/M SYSTEM ONE (416-231- 9538) [leave as comments on exiting system] or HOLLYWOOD RCP/M RBBS (213-653-6398) =============================================================== CODE KEY: (See notes at end of list for more information) Baud Rates: B1 = PMMI B2 = 300 B3 = 212A 1200, 300 B4 = Vadic 1200, 300 B5 = 212A 1200, Vadic 1200, 300 Alternate Long Distance Services: LD1 = None LD2 = Sprint LD3 = MCI LD4 = ITT Call Back: CB = Call Back, NCB = No Call Back Disk Capacity: DSK: (total disk space shown in KB or MB). =============================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------- NORTHEAST --------------------------------------------------------------- Programmer's Anonymous RCP/M, (207) 839-2337. Ralph Trynor. NCB. 24 Hours. B3;LD1;DSK: 180k. [Gorham, Maine] Interest in new software, modem programs, help and software for the Osborne. (System runs on an Osborne 1.) Will be adding 22 Mb drive sometime soon. --------------------------------------------------------------- PROVIDENCE RCP/M, (401) 751-5025. Mark Rippe. CB. 1000 Sat-2200 Sun. B2;LD2,3;DSK:1.2mb [Providence, R.I.] --------------------------------------------------------------- TORONTO ONTARIO RCP/M SYSTEMS ONE and TWO, (416) 231-9538,231- 1262, Jud Newell. NCB. 24 hrs. B5;LD3;DSK: 20mb. Hard and 10mb Hard. [Toronto, Ontario, Canada] Interest in New and New Releases of Software. Online programs exceed 1000, and online program catalog of 6000 on request programs available. (System formerly named MISSISSAGUA RCPM.) (SYSTEM ONE and SYSTEM TWO now require preregistration and payment of an annual $25 fee. System One will allow limited access without pre-registration, System Two will not allow any access. Call System One for Access details. Membership is limited. This list will be updated when Membership is closed.) --------------------------------------------------------------- MISSISSAUGA ONTARIO HUG-RCP/M, (416) 231-4174, Toronto Heath Users Group. NCB. 1800-0600 wkdys, 24 hrs wkends. B1;LD1;DSK:2+mb. [Toronto, Ontario, Canada] --------------------------------------------------------------- Mid-Suffolk RCP/M and Data Exchange, (516) 751-5639, Al Klein, NCB. 1700-0900 weekdays, 1700 Friday - 0900 Monday. B2;LD2,3; DSK:400k. [Long Island, NY] Sysop interested in new programs for all micros. Note Phone will be answered voice 0900-1700 Monday-Friday. --------------------------------------------------------------- Johnson City, NY SJBBS, (607) 797-6416, Charles ---. NCB. Eves., etc. B2,LD1,DSK:2mb. [Upstate New York] --------------------------------------------------------------- SuperBrain RCPM, (617) 862-0781, Paul Kelly. NCB. 1900-0700 wkdys, 24 hrs wkends. B5;LD2,3,4;DSK:300k. [Lexington, MA:] Special interest in Superbrain-adapted CP/M programs. --------------------------------------------------------------- Rochester RBBS, (716) 425-1785, Arnie McGall. NCB. 24 hrs. B5;LD2,3,4;DSK:2.4mb. [Upstate New York] --------------------------------------------------------------- Bearsville Town SJBBS, (914) 679-6559, Hank Szyszka. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD1;DSK:4mb. [Upstate New York] --------------------------------------------------------------- Woodstock RCP/M RBBS. (914) 679-8734. John Doak. NCB. 24 Hrs. (Machine answers after 3rd ring.) B3;LD2,3,4;DSK:2.8mb. [Woodstock, New York] Heath H8 System. Sysop interested in all CP/M software, plus ham radio software. CPMUG and RCPM library is available. Baud rates in addition to 212A 1200/300: 75, 110, 134, 150 and 450. --------------------------------------------------------------- Brewster RBBS, (914) 279-5693, Paul Bosshold & Carl Erhorn. CB. 9pm-8am Weekdays, 24 hour weekends. B1;LD1;DSK:500k. [Downstate New York] (S-100 based. General CP/M software) --------------------------------------------------------------- EAST CENTRAL --------------------------------------------------------------- Flanders, NJ. (201) 584-9227, Ken Stritzel. NCB. 24 hrs, B3(0700 Monday-1700 Friday);B1(1700 Friday-0700 Monday); LD2;DSK: 26mb Hard. [Northern New Jersey] Emphasis on new programs and recent updates of standard programs --------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Bogdanovich's RBBS, (201) 747-7301, Paul Bogdanovich, NCB. 1800-2300 wkdys, 0800-2300 wkends. B1;LD1;DSK:1mb. [New Jersey] --------------------------------------------------------------- RIBBS of Cranford, New Jersey (201) 272-1874, Bruce Ratoff. NCB. 24 hrs. B1 (B3 on request); LD2,3; DSK: 3mb. [New Jersey] General CP/M software; Bulletin Board of SIG/M (Special Interest Group/Microcomputers, ACGNJ) Will soon have 75Mb on-line! --------------------------------------------------------------- The C-Line, (201) 625-1797, David Fiedler. NCB. Mon-Fri 2000- 0900, 24 hrs weekends. B1; LD2,3?,4?; DSK: 2 Mb. [Northwest NJ] Running CP/M under MicroShell. Special interest UNIX, UNIX-like systems, C software. On-line instruction in UNIX and C is planned. --------------------------------------------------------------- Allentown RBBS/RCPM System, (215) 398-3937, Bill Earnest. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD2,4;DSK:10mb Hard. [E. Pennsylvania] General CP/M software. Bulletin board of the Lehigh Valley Computer Club and SIG/M Group. --------------------------------------------------------------- Laurel, MD. RCPM/RBBS, (301) 953-3753, Wayne Hammerly. NCB. 24 hrs. B2;LD2;DSK: 64mb hard. [Washington DC Area] Now running on Molecular Super micro 32, with three phone lines for remote use. Note numbers 953-3753,3754 are 300 baud, 953-3755 is 1200 baud. --------------------------------------------------------------- BHEC RBBS/RCPM, (301) 661-4447, Walt Jung, Charlie Schnepf, Harry Barley. NCB. 6pm-9:30am Daily, 9pm Thu-9:30am Fri, 5pm Sat-9:30am Mon. B2;LD2,3,4;DSK:10mb Hard. [Baltimore, MD] --------------------------------------------------------------- PROVIDENCE RCP/M, (401) 751-5025. Mark Rippe. CB. 1000 Sat-2200 Sun. B2;LD2,3;DSK:1.2mb [Providence, R.I.] --------------------------------------------------------------- Arlington RCPM/DBBS of Virginia, (703) 536-3769, Eliot Ramey, NCB. 2200-1500 weekdays, random weekends, B1;LD2,3,4;DSK:800k. [Arlington, Virginia] Recent updates and new releases. --------------------------------------------------------------- OxGate-007 Grafton VA, (804) 898-7493, Dave Holmes. NCB. 24 hrs. B2;LD2;DSK:200k. [Tidewater, VA.] Carries CP/M, TRS-80 & Apple software; plans for setting up a dual system (on one line) with an LNW-80 as well as the CP/M computer. Active as bulletin board. --------------------------------------------------------------- State College, PA. CUG-NODE, (814) 238-4857, Joe Shannon. NCB. 24 hrs. B2;LD1;DSK:3mb. [Pennsylvania] --------------------------------------------------------------- MIDWEST --------------------------------------------------------------- Logan Square RCPM, (312) 252-2136, Earl Bockenfeld. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK:1mb. [Chicago] Special interest in recent releases and developing on- line databases, with daily change of software on B drive --------------------------------------------------------------- Palatine RCPM, (312) 359-8080, Tim Cannon. NCB. 24 hrs. B3;LD2,3,4;DSK:4.8mb. [Chicago area] Emphasis on very recent releases, updates to existing programs and BDS C programs. Disks on B:;C:; and D: are changed daily. --------------------------------------------------------------- IBM-PC BBS, (312) 647-7636, Gene Plantz. NCB. 1800-0700 wkdys & 24 hrs wkends. B5;LD2,3,4;DSK:200k. [Niles: Chicago area] --------------------------------------------------------------- AIMS, Hinsdale, Ill. (312) 789-0499, Mark Pulver. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK: 10mb Hard. [Chicago area] --------------------------------------------------------------- NEI RCPM System, (312) 949-6189, Chuck Witbeck. NCB. 1800-0100 wkdys, 1200-0100 wkends. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK:2mb. [Chicago area] Main emphasis is on communications programs, including versions adapted to non-standard CP/M systems. --------------------------------------------------------------- Technical CBBS, (313) 846-6127, Dave Hardy. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK:3mb. [Detroit area] Emphasis on very recent releases. RCPM sysops desiring access to the passworded RCPM Clearing House system should leave a msg on TCBBS. Active message system --------------------------------------------------------------- Royal Oak CP/M, (313) 759-6569, Keith Petersen. CB. 24 hrs. B1 (B5 available on request);LD2,3,4;DSK:10 mb. Hard. [Detroit area] Emphasis on new programs & recent updates of standard progs. --------------------------------------------------------------- Southfield, MI, RBBS/RCPM, (313) 559-5326, Howard Booker. NCB. 24 hrs. B2;LD2,3,4;DSK: 2.7mb. [Michigan] Special interest in BDSC programs, doc. files and recent updates of standard programs. --------------------------------------------------------------- MINICBBS/Sorcerer's Apprentice Group, (313) 535-9186, Bob Hageman. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK: 500k. [Detroit,Michigan] Running on an Exidy Sorcerer. Special interest in adapting CP/M software and assorted hardware to Sorcerer systems. --------------------------------------------------------------- OZZY #1 - Osborne RBBS/RCPM of Milwaukee, (414) 342-4599. Jim Ryan. NCB. Mon-Thu 11pm-8am, Fri-Sat 8pm-12pm, Sun 8pm-8am. B2; LD2,3,4; DSK: 416k. [Milwaukee, Wisconsin] Special Interest in Osborne Software and Info. System software is first generation and does have some bugs. Be patient. New hours since RCPM-034.LQT. -------------------------------------------------------------- Fort Fone File Folder, (414) 563-9932, Al Jewer, Shawn Everson, Ron Fowler. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD1;DSK: 20mb Hard. [Ft. Atkinson, Wisconsin] --------------------------------------------------------------- Mike's RCP/M System, (414) 647-0903, Mike Wesolowski. NCB. Mon- Fri 6pm-6am, 24 hrs weekends & holidays. B2;LD2,3,4;DSK: 700k. [Milwaukee, Wisconsin] --------------------------------------------------------------- Cincinnatti RBBS, (513) 489-0149, Henry Deutsch. NCB. 1800-0600 daily. B1;LD2;DSK: 1.8mb. [Ohio] Specializes in Telecommunications. --------------------------------------------------------------- West Carrolton RCP/M, (513) 435-5201, Rich Malafa & Bob Drake. NCB.24 hrs. B1;LD2;DSK:11mb Hard. [Dayton, OH] --------------------------------------------------------------- Columbus CBBS, (614) 272-2227, (268-CBBS), John Walpole. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK: 300k. [Ohio] Now running MP/M, on a Tarbell SD controller; occasional slow response means the sysop is also using the system; special interest in BDS-C programs. Also active as a bulletin board. --------------------------------------------------------------- Pickerington RBBS, (614) 837-3269. Greg Bridgewater. NCB. ??? Schedule. B2;LD2;DSK: 1mb. Running TRS-80 with Omikron. [Ohio] ------------------------------------------------------------- Mission, KA, (913) 362-9583, Dave Kobets. NCB. 24 Hrs. B3;LD2;DSK: 2mb. [Kansas] --------------------------------------------------------------- AlphaNet RCP/M RBBS, (913) 843-4259. Larry Miller. NCB. 1800- 0900 daily. B2;LD3;DSK: 700k. B drive changes daily. [Lawrence, Kansas] Superbrain w/Hayes Smartmodem. General CP/M Software. --------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH --------------------------------------------------------------- NACS/UAH RBBS/RCPM, (205) 895-6749, Don Wilkes. CB. 24 hrs. B1;LD1;DSK: 700k [Huntsville, Alabama] Run for N. Ala. Computer Soc. at U. of Ala.; general CP/M software. --------------------------------------------------------------- REDSTICK RCPM, (504) 766-8962, Phil Cary, NCB. W'days 2200- 1900, w'ends 2200-0900. B1;LD2;DSK: 2.3mb. [Baton Rouge, La.] Message system "REDSTICK" written by sysop. General software. Special Interest in CB-80. --------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA --------------------------------------------------------------- Los Angeles RCP/M, (213) 296-5927, Bob McCown. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK: 2.5mb. [West. L.A.] System features catalog of the latest CP/M, Apple, Atari, TRS-80 and IBM PC software. --------------------------------------------------------------- PatVac, (213) 306-3611, 'Pavlov's Cat' (H. B. Edelman), NCB, hours irregular until futher notice. B2;LD2,3,4; DSK: 366kb. [Venice, Ca] The RBBS/RCPM format becomes a magazine for the computer literate, frequently changing text files on varying topics. Articles, as well as esoteric and arcane software, are encouraged. Running on Osborne 1.43. -------------------------------------------------------------- Granada Engineering Group RCP/M, (213) 360-5053, Webber Hall. NCB. 24 Hrs. B2;LD2,3,4;DSK: 1mb. [Granada Hills, Ca.] Special interest in CP/M utilities, assembly language programs, hardware/software technical information. --------------------------------------------------------------- The MOG-UR'S HBBS, (213) 366-1238, Tom Tcimpidis. NCB. 24 hrs. B3;LD2,3,4;DSK: 2mb. [San Fernando valley, LA Area] Disk cap. now 2MB. 450 Baud supported (Bell 103 std). New version of system on-line as of Feb. 7 with new features and enhancements. CP/M and HDOS software is rotated on a monthly basis. --------------------------------------------------------------- G.F.R.N. Data Exchange (RBBS), (213) 541-2503, Skip Hansen. NCB. 24 hrs. B5;LD2,3,4;DSK: 2.4mb. [Palos Verdes, CA] Standard CP/M s'ware with special interest in ham radio-related programs. Soon (with MP/M) will also be reachable thru 450 mhz radio. --------------------------------------------------------------- Pasadena RBBS, (213) 577-9947, Rich Berg. NCB. 24 hrs. B1/B5;LD2,3,4;DSK: 3.98mb. Heath H89. [Los Angeles Area] General Interest CP/M Public Domain Software. Note System Power is off until Modem Carrier Lock. (does not recognize CR's for 15 seconds after lock, while System Auto Boots. --------------------------------------------------------------- HOLLYWOOD RCPM/RBBS. (213) 653-6398. Kim Levitt. NCB. 24 hrs. (Phone not answered when in use, keep trying...) B2; LD2,3,4; DSK: 382k. (Drive B: changed frequently, leave requests for off-line software on RBBS.) [Los Angeles, CA] Special Interests: CP/M utilities, data communications, videographics, applications for entertainment industry. System is a Kaypro II with Hayes Smartmodem 300. >>> THIS SYSTEM IS ALSO A COLLECTION POINT FOR UPDATES TO THIS LIST. PLEASE SEND THE INFO. AS A FILE OR MESSAGE TO SYSOP. -------------------------------------------------------------- Pasadena CBBS, (213) 799-1632, Dick Mead. NCB. 24hrs. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK: 8.3mb Hard. [Los Angeles Area] Also active as bulletin board. General CP/M software.) --------------------------------------------------------------- BARSTOW RCP/M, (619) 256-3914, Bill Wood. NCB. 24 hrs Monday- Friday, off 0900-1800 Sat/Sun. B5;LD1;DSK: 4.9mb. H89 system also supports 450 and 600 Baud. [Barstow, California] General interest CP/M Public Domain Software. Note System Power is off until Modem Carrier Lock. (does not recognize CR's for 15 seconds after lock, while System auto boots. --------------------------------------------------------------- San Diego RCPM, (619) 273-4354, Brian Kantor. NCB. 24 hrs. B5;LD2,3,4;DSK: 2.4mb. [San Diego, CA] --------------------------------------------------------------- G.F.R.N. Data Exchange (RBBS), Garden Grove, (714) 534-1547, Doug Laing, NCB. 24 hrs, B5;LD2;DSK: 5mb. [Garden Grove, Ca.] Special interest in amateur radio and apple/cpm software, also general interest CP/M. --------------------------------------------------------------- AnaHug RCPM/CBBS, (714) 774-7860, Bob Mathias, John Secor. NCB. 24 hrs. B2;LD2,3,4;DSK: 10mb Hard. [Ahaheim, Ca.] Special interest in hobby computing, ham, electronics hobbyists. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thousand Oaks Technical RCP/M, (805) 492-5472, Trevor Marshall. NCB. 24 hrs. B3, (also 600 baud, baud rate set at log on or with NEWBAUD); LD1; DSK: 2mb. [Thousand Oaks, CA] --------------------------------------------------------------- Simi RCP/M, (805) 527-2219, Pete Mack, NCB. 1900-2300 PST, Mon-Fri, 24 hrs on weekends. (300-600 PMMI rates); LD1; DSK: 10mb. [Simi Valley, Ca.] Mostly BDS C programs and occasional new releases of general interest. Disk capacity now 10 mb., another 10 mb due to be added in April. -------------------------------------------------------------- CP/M-Net(tm), (805) 527-9321, Kelly Smith. NCB. 1900-2300 (Pacific) Mon-Fri, 1900 Fri to 0700 Mon. B1;LD2;DSK: 20mb Hard. [Simi Valley, CA] --------------------------------------------------------------- NORTHERN CALIFORNIA --------------------------------------------------------------- OxGate-002 Milpitas, (408) 263-2588, Mel Cruts, CB, 24 hrs. B1;LD2,,3,4;DSK 1.2mb. [South SF Bay Area]. --------------------------------------------------------------- dBASE II RCP/M, (408) 378-8733, Roger D. Brown. NCB. 24 Hours, B2;LD2,3,4; DSK 4mb Hard. [Campbell, Ca] This RCP/M is dedicated strictly to dBASE II users. dBASE II command files are available for downloading. Soon dBASE II will be available to use on the system so as to generate software from independent software developers. --------------------------------------------------------------- Cro'sNEST RCP/M -- DataTech node 004, (408) 732-2433, Robert Kuhman. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK: 1mb. [South SF Bay Area] CROMEMCO system two based. Specializing in CP/M, CDOS, and CROMIX software. Many new CDOS programs (never before released to public domain) are available. --------------------------------------------------------------- Silicon Valley Interchange -- OxGate-004. (408) 732-9190, Ed Svoboda. NCB. 7:45am-11:00pm 7days/week. B2;LD2,3,4;DSK: 2.7mb. [South SF Bay Area] APPLE ][ CP/M based. Specializing in very recent releases, telecommunications, and Apple CP/M prgms. Note: additional 256k installed. --------------------------------------------------------------- RCP/M Sunnyvale, (408) 730-8733, Eric Sarti. NCB. 3:30pm- 10:00pm 7days/wk. B2;LD2,3,4;DSK: 256k, APPLE ][ CP/M based. [South SF Bay Area] --------------------------------------------------------------- OxGate-001 Saratoga, (408) 867-1243, Paul Traina, NCB. 24 hrs. B5;LD2,3,4;DSK: 2.4mb. [South SF Bay Area] Special Interest in latest releases, also functions as west coast "Sysop's Clearinghouse". (OxNet hub) --------------------------------------------------------------- DataTech Network Headquarters System, (415) 595-0541, Edward Huang. NCB. 24 hrs. B5;LD2,3,4;DSK: 200k. [ Box 290, San Carlos, CA 94070 S.F. Bay Area] Heath/Zenith based. Special interest in utilities and communications as well as general software. --------------------------------------------------------------- Piconet RBBS-RCP/M, (415) 965-4097, Byron McKay. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK 2.4mb. Sponsored by PicoNet CP/M group. [SF Bay Area] --------------------------------------------------------------- RBBS of Marin County, (415) 383-0473, Jim Ayers. NCB. Eves & nites wkdys, 24 hrs wkends. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK: 1mb. [SF Bay Area] --------------------------------------------------------------- Larkspur RBBS/RCPM, (415) 461-7726, Jim C. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK: 2mb. [SF Bay Area] --------------------------------------------------------------- Napa Valley RBBS/RCPM, (707) 257-6502, Dave Austin. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD1;DSK: 600k. [Napa, CA] Supports TRS, Apple, Osborne, Atari and CP/M systems. Also interested in amateur radio and net info. Phone number changed since RCPM-034.LQT --------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTHWEST --------------------------------------------------------------- Dallas RCP/M CBBS, (214) 931-8274, Dave Crane. NCB. 1800-0800 Mon-Fri, 24 Hrs Sat/Sun/holidays. B1;LD2,3,4;DSK: 2.4mb. [Dallas, Texas] Special interest in programs for and discussions of application of micros to science & engineering, especially earth sciences. --------------------------------------------------------------- Boulder, Colorado RCPM, (303) 499-9169, Jack Riley. NCB. 1900- 2230 weekdays, 1200-2230 weekends. B1;LD2,3;DSK: 32mb Hard. [Boulder, Colorado] --------------------------------------------------------------- Colorado Springs RIBBS, (303) 634-1158, Richard Evers (Arvada Electronics). NCB. 24 hrs. B3;LD2,3;DSK: 2.4mb. [Colorado Springs, Co]. --------------------------------------------------------------- Pinecliffe RMP/M RBBS, (303) 642-3034, Craig Baker. NCB. Irregular hrs, 24 hrs. soon, (try anytime). B3;LD2,3;DSK: 16mb. [Pinecliffe, Colorado] Login by using "LOGIN" program. On-line databases on such topics as nuclear power, Retrieval system, MP/M-II mods, interest in active discussions. --------------------------------------------------------------- Denver CUG-NODE, (303) 781-4937. ? Sysop. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD2,3;DSK: 1mb. [Denver, Colorado] --------------------------------------------------------------- Lakewood RCPM/RBBS, (303) 985-1108. Gary Shaffstall. NCB. 24hrs. B3;LD2,3;DSK: 12.86 MB. on A:-D:. [Denver, Colorado] General interests in CP/M, MP/M, CP/NET, CP/NOS. --------------------------------------------------------------- Satsuma RCP/M, (713) 469-8893. Charlie Sanborn. NCB. 1400- 2400 CST. B3;LD2,3;DSK: 10mb hard. [Houston, TX]. No Message system, either active or planned. Software exchange only. Heath H-8 with Hayes Smartmodem 1200. --------------------------------------------------------------- El Paso Texas Apple UG RBBS/RCPM, (915) 533-2202. NCB. 24 hrs. B2;LD2,3;DSK: 3.5mb. [El Paso, Texas] Runs on a 3.5Mb segment of North Star Hard Disk (multiuser system.) General, APPLE, and BDS C software. --------------------------------------------------------------- El Paso Texas RCPM, (915) 598-1668, Sigi Kluger. NCB. 24 hrs. B1(Fri 5pm-Mon 5pm),B3(Mon 5pm-Fri 5pm);LD2,3;DSK:2.7mb. [El Paso, Texas] XMODEM DISKMENU.DQC for list of available files. Diskettes on B: rotated every 2 days. --------------------------------------------------------------- NORTHWEST --------------------------------------------------------------- Olympia RCPM, (206) 357-7400. Tim Linehan. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD1;DSK: 16mb. Hard. [Olympia, Washington] Phone number changed since RCPM-034.LQT. --------------------------------------------------------------- Yelm RBBS & CP/M, (206) 458-3086, Dave Stanhope. CB. 24 hrs. B1;LD1;DSK: 250k. [Olympia, Washington] --------------------------------------------------------------- Edmonton RCPM, (403) 454-6093, Dave McCrady, NCB. 24 hrs (somewhat sporadic .. not answered when system in use by SYSOP), B5;LD1;DSK: 3.8mb. [Edmonton, Alberta, Canada] General CP/M software;some HDOS, Apple and TRS80 stuff available as well. --------------------------------------------------------------- Helena Valley RBBS/RCPM, (406) 443-2768. Marion Thompson. NCB. 8am-8pm Monday-Friday, intermittent on weekends. B3;LD1;DSK: 1.2mb. [Helena, Montana] Special Interest in CAI, S-100 and general CP/M software. --------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck Forsberg's RCPM, (503) 621-3193, NCB. 24 hrs. B5;LD2;DSK: ?. [Oregon] --------------------------------------------------------------- DOCTOR DOBB'S CP/M EXCHANGE RCPM, (503) 758-8408. Gene Head. CB. 2100-0900 weeknites. B2;LD1;DSK: 336k. [Corvallis, Or.] Interested in helping get new modems up and running, and magazine (DDJ) input from readers.(Letters, articles, listings, etc). People phone (503) 758-0279 0900-2100 daily. -------------------------------------------------------------- Beaverton, Oregon RCPM, (503) 641-7276, (641-RCPM), Dave Morgan. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD2;DSK: 26mb Hard. [Oregon] Interest in very recent releases and computer art. --------------------------------------------------------------- Frog Hollow CBBS/RCPM, (604) 937-0906, David Bowerman. NCB. 24 hrs. B1;LD1;DSK: 1.2mb. [Vancouver, BC, Canada] --------------------------------------------------------------- Anchorage RCPM, (AMS), (907) 337-1984, Thomas Hill. NCB. 11pm- 9am 7 days/wk. B2;LD1;DSK:12.4mb. Hard. [Anchorage, Alaska] Sysop interested in "just about everything". Has text files on articles written for Lifelines on C: user 6. Voice contact at same phone, 9am to about 7pm. --------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL NORTH AMERICA --------------------------------------------------------------- CP-MIG. On MicroNet, type 'R CP-MIG' or GO PCS-47, Sysops Dave Kozinn, Tom Jorgenson & Charlie Strom are arranging to have MN carry much of the new CPMUG and SIG/M software, plus a newsletter and a CP/M-oriented CBBS. --------------------------------------------------------------- OVERSEAS --------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTWARE TOOLS RCPM, 61-2-997-1018 (Australia), Bill Bolton. NCB. 24hrs. 300 baud CCITT V21 standard. LD1; DSK: 4.8Mb. [Sydney, Australia] Special interest in 'C' programs. --------------------------------------------------------------- MICOM CBBS, 61-3-762-5088 (Australia), Peter Jetson. NCB. 24hrs. 300 baud CCITT V21 standard. LD1; DSK: 500k. [Melbourne, VIC, Australia] (as of Jan'83, CBBS only, no XMODEM) --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: 1. Call-back systems are those where a computer and real people share the same telephone line. To contact the people, just dial & let the phone ring until you get an answer. To contact the computer: (1) dial, (2) let the phone ring once, (3) hang up just before the 2nd ring, & (4) re-dial. Call back systems are noted as CB, systems not requiring call back are noted as NCB. 2. Baud rates are shown as Bx, where x is a code indicating: 1= PMMI rates (110-710 baud) ; 2 = 300 baud only 3= Bell 212A and 300 baud ; 4 = Vadic 3451 and 300 Baud 5= Bell 212A, Vadic 3451 and 300 Baud. Note that the 212A/Vadic 1200 baud modems may not be compatable with yours. Most of the above systems are using Vadic 3451 Triple modems, compatable with both Bell and Vadic Standard. Sign on the first time at 300 baud to determine the system capabilities. Note also that PMMI's can sometimes be used over 300 baud with 1200 baud systems. PMMI baud rates are: 110, 300, 450, 600, 710. 3. Alternate Long Distance servies are shown as LDx, where x is a code indicating: 1= None 2=Sprint 3=MCI 4=ITT Whether a program exchange system is accessible by an a.l.d.s. (=alternative long-distance service) should be con- sidered when planning to modem over long programs. Charges on SPRINT, ITT/CITYCALL and MCI are 50-60% of Ma Bell's regular long distance rates. 4. Disk capacity is shown for reference. Note that disks not noted as HARD may be any combination of floppies, and that hard disks are generally divided into a number of logical disks. Check the system documentation for exact details when logging on. 5. All times listed are local time. 6. NEW SYSOPS: When messaging Jud or Kim with information about your system, please include the following data: a. Your System's Name (& BBS type) (examples: Joe Blow's RBBS, Home Town RCPM/CBBS) b. Your System's area code and phone number. c. Your Name. d. Call Back/No Call Back. e. Hours of operation. f. Baud rates supported. g. Alternative Long Distance Services that can call you. (Note that you don't have to subscribe to any, just list ones that can call your area. If you don't know, call the local MCI, SPRINT and/or ITT offices or their 800 number and ask 'em.) h. Your on-line storage capacity. (Total KB or MB). i. Your location. (City, State; State, Area) j. Special features and interests, hardware notes, etc. It will greatly assist Jud and Kim if you can modem the information in a format similar to those already existing in the current listing. This list revised by Jud Newell on 04/15/83.