CONTENTS OF VOLUME #13 Ouò  softwarå donationó arå graduallù becominç morå anä morå sophisticated® Thió volumå haó somå excellenô seeä ideaó foò sucè thingó aó graphics¬  B-treeó usinç pointers¬  automatiã  Terminaì inclusion, and a excellent demo for File I/O. 1®   Foò  thoså  interesteä  iî  Graphics¬   Richarä  Burkeì  oæ Cincinnati Control Dynamics Inc. in Ohio took the trouble tï  converô  thå  softwarå iî  thå  articlå  "3-Dimensionaì Computer Graphics "(written by Franklin Crow) published in "Byte" of March & April (1981). For those of you who pursue this to a successful conclusion let us know. Even better, send us a donation. GRAPHICS.PAS/COM INIT.PAS FILES.PAS MAKE.PAS UTIL.PAS CUB++.DAT CUBE1.DAT CUBE2.DAT PYRAMID.DAT SOLID.DAT 2. Roy Allen ,of Mill Valley, California combined a Game with Pascal/Z's direct File access tï  comå  uð  witè aî excellenô Demo®  Thå gamå  ió  aî  olä favorite called ANIMALS. Everything that ANIMALS learns is containeä  iî thå paiò oæ fileó calleä Beasts®  Iæ fileó  bù those names are not found on the currently-logged disk, the program will create a new set of files. It starts out with only two animals so you'll have to have your kids teach it some. ANIMALS.PAS/COM BEASTS.QQQ BEASTS.QQX 3. Ray Penley is working in a computer store called BIT-WIT in Clinton¬  Marylanä  sï  wherå  hå  getó thå  timå  tï  writå programs is beyond me, however, here is his latest donations. This first group is a Terminal installation program. It comeó   jusô  iî  timå  tï  helð  makå  ouò  programó   morå transportable. INSTALL.PAS/PAS/DOC Terminal installation program. TERMIO.PAS Source for procedures that are included in user's program. TERMIO.LIB Edited version that is to be included in Pascal program. TERMIO.VAÒ    Variableó foò functioî INITTERM TERMIO.FIL Terminal data file. Ray also included a clever little game to demostrate how his INSTALL program works. It looks for the terminal data file "TERMIO.FIL". The game moves three characters around on the terminaì  screen®  Characteró directionó maù bå  changeä  iî real time also. LEGAME.PAS/COM Š 4®   Mù   continuinç   interesô  iî  learninç  Pascal/Ú  tï   á professionaì  deptè  haó  leä må intï  somå  strangå  areas® Presently¬  É aí workinç iî thå Binarù Treå area®  Thrõ  thå uså  oæ pointeró É aí explorinç thå wayó Treeó anä  pointeró can better simple databases. TREE2 is a interesting example. I'll be writing a tutorial on it later, but if you want a simplå  examplå  oæ Post-order¬  In-ordeò anä  Pre-ordeò  iî traversaling a tree review TREE2. TREE2.PAS/COM The bench check that was used to compare MT+ and Pascal/Z wasn't correct in that Byte article. So when I looked at it I cleaned it up but the reason I am including it here is not the bench check aspect but the algorithm. It had some pretty shifty thinking. So I included it just as a curosity item. BENCH.PAS/COM MILEAGE came out of the class room. I cleaned it up and adapted it to Pascal/Z. It'll figure out your MPG. MILEAGE.PAS/COM