CONTENTS OF VOLUME #12 Craiç Rudliî haä promiseä må somå shorô programó thaô hå haä developeä becauså hå misseä somå featureó oæ Basic® Sï hå senô må thió disk® Noô onlù diä hå senä må thå Pascaì equivalenô oæ á loô oæ  Basiã  commands¬  hå senô må á commerciaì versioî oæ hió  NAÄ series®  Buô tható anotheò subject® Thå otheò majoò contributoró both have excellent programs so don't overlook RANDOM AND XREF. 1®  Thå  besô É coulä dï foò thió grouð oæ programó waó tï  lisô jusô whaô theù did®  It'lì brinç memorieó bacë tï thoså  olä timå  Basiã  programers®  Remember¬  Peeë anä Pokå haó  beeî already covered in Vol.3. UCASE.PAS/SRà Functioî  tï converô á  strinç  oæ  maø length=255 to all upper case and return the converted string(Basic=UCASE$) LCASE.PAS/SRC Function to convert a string "x" to all lower case characters(Basic=LCASE$(A$) STR.PAS/SRC Function to convert a string "str" to a real number(Basic=VAL$) SPACE.PAS/SRà Functioî tï returî "x¢ numbeò oæ spaceó to a write command or statement(Basic= SPACE$(X) or TAB(X)). POWER.PAS/SRà Functioî  tï raiså á numbeò  "x¢  tï  á power "y"...x must be real and y must be an integer...greater than zero. (Basic=arithematic command **as in A= x**2). RIGHT.PAS/SRC Function to return the "y" right most characters of a string "x"(Basci=RIGHT$ (A$,X). MID.PAS/SRC Function to extract char's from within a string, starting at position "y" and ending at postion "z"(Basic=MID$(A$,X,Y) LEFT.PAS/SRà Functioî  tï returî thå "y¢  lefô  mosô char'ó  oæ  strinç  "x¢ wherå ù  ió  aî integer value (Basic=LEFT$(A$,X)) INPUT.PAS CORRECT.PAÓ   Theså  worë  togeatheò  tï  providå   á function to position cursor on terminal scren, enter data, and then check the data to insure it is within acceptable limits, will erase for re-entry. Craig also has expanded his NAD program to such an extent that he is going semi-professinal on it but he wanted to donate some more goodies that will help expand the capabilities of the older versions. Look these over for ideas and use in conjunction with his NAD program. LOCATE.COM/PAS This will search a Com file for the starting and ending address of an array of characters. Then use INSTALL. Š INSTALL.COM/PAS This will install a new array into the addresó    determineä    witè    LOCATE® (Remember the 32,768 limit) LABEL.COM/PAS Print your labels. LOCACCTS.COM/PAS Get account without using NAD The rest of these are procedures which Craig uses often and can be considered part of his library. Look them over and see if you can use them or even modify them for your own use. INTEGER.PAS/SRC ERASE.PAS/SRC MOVE.PAS/SRC CLEAR.PAS REPCHAR.PAS/SRC QUERY.PAS/SRC PROMPT.PAS/SRC 2®  Raù  Penleù  hasn'ô  sloweä down®  Herå ió  hió  latest®  Á excellent Random number generator written in Pascal with a program to test them. RANDOM.LIB/REL/SRC RANTEST.COM/PAS 3. Warren Smith, of Sacramento, CA, is our newest professional programer to donate something outstanding. XREF is in itself aî  excellenô  prograí tï uså BUÔ Warreî tooë  iô  onå  steð further®  Hå  addeä  á beautifuì feature®  Iô no÷  doeó  thå normal cross-reference thing but in addition it prints out, with dash's, the blocks. For example: it tie's the BEGIN with it own END. It allows you to see at a glance, how the block structure nests. A really super program----- Warreî  alsï  donateä á Scientifiã  Calculatoò  prograí that can do almost everything. So now you don't have to buy a high priced calculator, use your computer. XREF.COM/PAS HANDCALC.COM/PAS