Documentation for CATALIST.BAS, SCATPAD.BAS and UN.COM CATALIST.BAS - Is used to produce a listing of the contents of the latest CPMUG and SIG/M volumes. It reads in SCATS, which is a modified version of MAST.CAT ( MAST.CAT is produced by FMAP.COM and UCAT.COM). The modifications were: 1> Exclusion filenames (those between parentheses) were deleted - parentheses too. 2> Volume filenames were deleted. It's just redundant information, since or are assumed to exist (or there would be no files of the form 'filename.ext, ????'. 3> A working copy was made using PIP.COM using the [z] option, since some programs were inadvertantly distributed with CP/M file attributes which set some bits in the filenames that prevent them from being properly sorted. 4> It was then sorted in ascending sequence on all fields in the following order: 1, 2, 4, 3. If CATALIST.BAS/COM is run, the listing file will be saved on disk and may be printed when convenient. If you want a listing in your own SCATalogical order, it will be necessary to sort SCAT. Since a good number of those wishing to do so will have a sort program which handles only fixed length records, a request was made that a simple program be included which will modify SCAT for use by those sort programs. This program is known as... SCATPAD.BAS - A quick and dirty program (minimal error checks) which will modify a file in one of two ways. 1> Make all records fixed length by padding spaces onto the end of each line. (This extends the size of the last field only). 2> Make all fields fixed length by padding them with spaces. Note that while the input file seperated the fields with commas, the output will not have any if you so specify. Just make sure that they are inserted before using CATALIST. If field lengths are stated to be larger the the max. possible, then the files could look as follows: SCAT OUTPUT /,DOC,CATALOG,040 | / DOC CATALOG 040 15/PUZ,ASC,CATALOG,013 | 15/PUZ ASC CATALOG 013 1500,ASC,CATALOG,013 | 1500 ASC CATALOG 013 1CHECK,BAS,CATALOG,054 | 1CHECK BAS CATALOG 054 If the field lengths are stated as being the true maximum, then the result will look like this: SCAT OUTPUT 21,ASC,CATALOG,005 | 21 ASCCATALOG005 21BIOS,ASM,SIGMLOG,017 | 21BIOS ASMSIGMLOG017 21BIOS,ASM,CATALOG,069 | 21BIOS ASMCATALOG069 21BIOS,DOC,SIGMLOG,017 | 21BIOS DOCSIGMLOG017 If commas were specified with field lengths of 8, 3, 7, and 3 bytes, the result will appear as: 21BIOS,DOC,SIGMLOG,017 | 21BIOS ,DOC,SIGMLOG,017 21BIOS,DOC,CATALOG,069 | 21BIOS ,DOC,CATALOG,069 21BOOT,ASM,SIGMLOG,017 | 21BOOT ,ASM,SIGMLOG,017 21BOOT,ASM,CATALOG,069 | 21BOOT ,ASM,CATALOG,069 If you would like to know where to obtain information on how to use Ward Christenson's catalog programs, just use them like so... Type 'CAT CAT??.*' or 'CAT FMAP??.*' and watch the tube. UN.COM - An updated version of the one submitted to the CPMUG several months ago. Use it to recover your Basic-80 programs which were saved with the 'P'rotect option. It is self documenting if you can figure out how, and running it can be a real 'Adventure'. This version works with all version 5.xx MBASICS up to 5.21, but unfortunately, not with Heath's CP/M. ***** Notes ***** CATALIST was timed using 8" drives, double density, single sided. The source file, SCAT was kept in drive A:, and the output file was always written to a empty disk in drive B:. The interpreter took 12 minutes to finish, while the compiled program made it in 2:50. However... the demo program supplied for UN.COM (TestProt.BAS) runs much slower when compiled. This will be a do-it-yourself disk for all of you that want the listing that CATALIST.BAS produces. In a previous life, this disk was known as SIGM Volume 12. Unlike #12, this disk has no room for the listing, but by the time you read this it should be available as part of the NYACC Catalog of Public Domain Software (Book #2). bye, - b.n. - 12/13/81