(***************************************************** * LIBRARY CURSOR CONTROL SUBROUTINE * written by Charlie Foster,Dec 80 ******************************************************) PROCEDURE CURSOR (X,Y : INTEGER; Z : CHAR ); (*This subroutine is designed to input the proper series of characters to the SD SALES Video Board 8024 to give XY Cursor. It needs ESC=XYZ where Z=character to print. It has a offset to worry about so this subroutine needs to take care everything. X=row, Y=column, Z=character *) VAR CODE : STRING 5; (*gets output to video*) C1,C2,C3,C4,C5 : CHAR; (*elements of CODE*) BEGIN Y := Y + 31; (*add offset*) X := X + 31; (*add offset*) C1 := CHR(27); (*ESC character*) C2 := CHR(61); (* = character*) C3 := CHR(X); (*integer*) C4 := CHR(Y); (*integer*) C5 := Z; (*any ASCII character*) CODE := C1; (*string it all togeather*) APPEND(CODE,C2); APPEND(CODE,C3); APPEND(CODE,C4); WRITE(CODE); (*write position to Video*) WRITE(C5); (*can call anything here*) END;