VOLUME 19 VARIOUS UTILITIES NUMBER SIZE NAME COMMENTS CATALOG.19 CONTENTS OF CP/M GROUP VOL 19 VOLUME19.DOC COMMENTS ON VOLUME CONTENTS 19.1 17K ADE.ASM ABSOLUTE DISK EDITOR. SEE VOL.DOC 19.2 6K COPY.ASM DISK COPY PROGRAM. SEE VOL.DOC 19.3 9K CPM.DOC IMSAI'S DESCRIPTION OF CP/M 19.4 21K LINK.ASM REMOTE COMPUTER CONTROL VIA D C HAYES MODEM BOARD. SEE VOL.DOC 19.5 17K LINK73.ASM EARLIER VERSION OF 19.4 FOR STANDARD MODEM 19.6 60K RM80.ASM RESIDENT PROM MONITOR. SEE VOL.DOC AND RM80.DOC 19.7 19.7 8K RM80.DOC COMMENTS ON RM80 19.6 19.8 4K SAP.ASM SORTS AND PACKS DIRECTORY. SEE VOL.DOC AND XFER 19.12 19.9 8K SCOPY.ASM DISKETTE COPY PROGRAM FOR SINGLE DISK SYSTEM SEE VOL.DOC 19.10 16K TREAD.ASM RM80 TAPE BACKUP UTILITY WITH 19.11 19.11 10K TSAVE.ASM RM80 TAPE SAVE UTILITY WITH 19.10 19.12 9K XFER.ASM FILE COPY PROGRAM FOR SINGLE DISK SYSTEM SEE VOL.DOC AND SAP 19.8 Documentation for LEH Diskette ADE - Absolute Disk Editor Allows user to view contents of absolute sectors or tracks, either in absolute sector order, or CP/M 6:1 interlace order. Very useful when debugging disk i/o programs. Also useful for exploring an unknown diskette. For details on ADE commands, see source file. COPY - Absolute Disk Copy Utility Yet another disk to disk copy program. This one runs in about 1.5 min. It uses a 5:1 interlace. It also entertains the user while running. SCOPY - Absolute Disk Copy Utility for single drive systems Version of COPY which runs on a single drive CP/M system. On a 32K system, 9 passes are required, for a total of 18 diskette swaps. Not terribly cool, but if all you got is one drive..... LINK - Communications Link Executive (for D C Hayes Modem Board) Allows user to link into remote processor via D C Hayes 80-103A modem board. Much more elaborate versions of this little jewel are in the works. All god's chillun ought to have a modem board. This program allows transfer of text files to and from disk. It appears to the remote system as a rather bright teletype. To use: LINK xxx-xxxx Dial and await answer, then link LINK Jump to link immediately if carrier present For further details on operation of LINK, see source file. LINK73 - Communications Link Executive (for outboard modem) Older version of LINK for you folks without Hayes modem boards, who do have outboard modems (or direct lines) to remote computers. RM80 - Resident Monitor for an 8080 or Z80 System 3K PROM monitor for a tape system. Currently set up for a Tarbell tape interface with motor control relays. Allows user to dump or enter memory in HEX or ASCII, read or write standard tarbell tapes, read, write, or scan its very own physical record format tapes (as used by TREAD and TSAVE). It also has a communications link facility with on-line loaders for object files or text files. Currently set up for outboard modem - version for D C Hayes board is planned. Lots of other goodies are detailed in the file RM80.DOC. This is a good way to help bring up your less fortunate friends who haven't yet figured out that disk is the only way to live. Also useful if you are responsible for other 8080 systems which don't have disks. SAP - Sort And Pack CP/M Directory Sorts CP/M directory, discards zero length files, and performs a pack on seperated chunks of a multi-extent file (see XFER). TREAD - Read RM80 Physical record format tapes to disk Useful for backing up disk files on (cheaper) cassettes. Also very useful for transferring files to a standalone tape system which is running RM80. TSAVE - Write CP/M disk files onto RM80 physical record format tapes Complementary program to TREAD. My first CP/M code - don't laugh. XFER - Diskette to Diskette File Transfer Utility Allows user to transfer any size file from one diskette to another with a minimum of hassle. A copy of this should be kept on every diskette (if you have a single drive system), as it comes in quite useful is case of diskette crash. This little gem makes a single drive CP/M system livable. Multi-extent files may be transferred one extent at a time and rejoined at the other end via SAP. *** I M P O R T A N T *** Please note that many of these programs require a more intimate interaction with the hardware than CP/M provides, hence must be edited and re-assembled for different memory and i/o configurations All versions supplied are for a 32K system with a PTC 3P+S at 0. When possible, CP/M standard I/O (via BDOS) was used. All other I/O is described fairly well in the internal documentation. I welcome helpful comments on any of the above code, but make no claims as to its perfection or applicability. (That means I will NOT fix or change things for free). All of the above code is hereby released into the public domain, for use in personal 8080 or Z80 computer systems. If you wish to obtain rights to use any of it for commercial purposes, please contact me. If you make lots of money from it without sending me a cut, your ears just might rot off (old family curse). Fairly elaborate extensions to CP/M are in the works, and will be announced via this club, and/or Dr. Dobbs. For further information, please contact me at Lawrence E. Hughes 8080 Software Development Center 1506 Myrick Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Phone (904) 385-4573 or (904) 576-7866 77/12/20 A.R.G. - Note that Larry's sytem has his BIOS jump table 300H below the nominal MEMSIZE, not normal 200H. These references should be changed before assembly if you decide to run with the fixed memory size versions offered here. Also notice in ADE some fancy (and non-standard) footwork with the IOBYTE in order to get a listing and console output from the same subroutine. Suggest a revision here.