Þ§FVCDPAT FORhæ88FVCDPAT HEXŠT88FVCDPAT MAC¶È‰8ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ Patch for FVCD Version 1.14B, XBIOS disk format utility, to replace the menu labels "Native 1" to "Native 4" with more meaningful labels indicating whether the selection is for 40 or 80 track disks and whether the selection is for boot disks or just for data. See source code header for instructions. :0817BE0034302020426F6F74EB :0817E60038302020426F6F74BF :081809003430202044617461B9 :0818310038302020446174618D :00000001FF €ˆ €@€$@$H@@@@€" ˆ ; FVCDPAT.MAC ; ; Patch for FVCD Version 1.14B, XBIOS disk format utility. ; ; This will replace the menu labels "Native 1" to "Native 4" with ; more meaningful labels indicating whether the selection is for ; 40 or 80 track disks and whether the selection is for boot disks ; or just for data. ; ; USAGE: Assemble to a HEX file and then use MLOAD or MYLOAD to ; overlay FVCD.COM. ; ; MLOAD NEWFVCD.COM=FVCD.COM,FVCDPAT.HEX ; ; THIS PATCH WILL ONLY WORK ON THE VERSION OF FVCD NOTED ABOVE. ; YOU ARE WARNED! ; org 17BEh ; db '40 Boot' ; org 17E6h ; db '80 Boot' ; org 1809h ; db '40 Data' ; org 1831h ; db '80 Data' ; end