September 01, 1987 SYSOPS: If you are operating a public access CP/M computer system with an XMODEM or YMODEM protocol file transfer facility for the exchange of public-domain software and data and would like to be entered on the listing file circulated to systems around the world, then you should send a message to either: Ian Cottrell (author of the list) Information Centre RCP/M Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (613) 952-2289 (613) 829-1650 (voice) (use the KMD RP option) Dick Roberts Peter Essl Holly Park RCP/M N.T.S. RCP/M New Jersey Pennsyslvania (201) 757-1491 (PC Pursuit) (215) 356-0860 (PC Pursuit) (use KMD RP or XMODEM RP option) (use the KMD RP option) Gary Inman Bucky Carr West Los Angeles RCP/M World Peace RCP/M Los Angeles Denver (213) 838-9229 (PC Pursuit) (303) 320-4822 (PC Pursuit) (use the KMD RP option) (use the KMD RP option) Keith Petersen The SYSOP RCP/M RCP/M Royal Oak The National Remote System Detroit Clearinghouse (313) 759-6569 (PC Pursuit) Detroit (use KMD RP or XMODEM RP option) (313) 885-0506 (PC Pursuit) (use KMD RP or XMODEM RP option) NOTE: If it is inconvenient or expensive to contact one of the above, then mail your update information to: Ian Cottrell 44 Lindhurst Cres Nepean, Ontario, Canada K2G 0T7 The message should include the following information: a. Your system's name. For example: Joe Blow's RBBS, Home Town RCP/M/CBBS. Scan the list and pick an original! b. Your System's area code and phone number. If your system is available thru PC Pursuit, let me know. c. Your location. (City and Province or State). d. Sysop's name. e. Hours of operation. f. Modem speeds supported. g. Your on-line storage capacity. (Total, in Mb). h. Hardware and BBS software used. i. Special features and interests, hardware notes, etc. j. Restrictions. (Fee charged, "first-time" restriction, etc.). NOTE: The combined text for items (i) and (j) should fit into two 75 character lines. If this size is exceeded, the text will be edited to conform to the desciption format now used. Below is a template for RCP/M list entries. Your update file should follow this format. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- System Name Location (city) Mdm Speed Phone Number Sysop's Name Hrdware & BBS Sftware Hours Size Date Description of system (up to two 75 character lines). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVEN IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE CURRENT LIST, please send this information if anything is missing, incorrect or has been changed. You should also send the information occasionally just to confirm that you are still up and unchanged. If you discover that another system has come up or gone down, it would be greatly appreciated if you would pass the word along to any of the systems listed above, so that I can keep the list as up-to-date as possible. Also, pass this document on to new Sysops. Note: It is better if you send a file with the information about your system using KMD or XMODEM, since is it easier to pick up files rather than messages and the error-checking will prevent errors in the phone number or other data. Use .DOC or .UPD or your area code as the filetype. Using your areacode will make it easier for the list editor to add updates. System operators of recognized systems may obtain free access to the Sysop RCP/M Detroit (a passworded clearing house for system operators that carries the latest software). To obtain access to this system, you must be running a significant system, the existence of which will be verified. To gain access to Sysop RCP/M, the National Remote System Clearinghouse, you must first obtain a password. This may be done by either: (1) Calling Technical CBBS RCP/M ([313] 846-6127) and leaving a note on the system as you exit the MINICBBS message system (use the 'G' for Goodbye, and it will then allow you to leave a note to Dave Hardy, the Sysop), or (2) Call Dave Hardy (voice) at CDP Corp. at (313) 846-1055 Mon-Fri 11AM-7PM. This is the preferred method and also the fastest. Be sure to also include your choice for your password for using the Sysop RCP/M. Please make your password at least 6 characters long (maximum of 20, no ";", "$" or "," characters please) and don't use anything obvious. ***DO NOT LEAVE YOUR REQUEST IN A MINICBBS MESSAGE! *** LEAVE IT ONLY AS A COMMENT WHEN YOU EXIT MINICBBS via the 'G' command. There is no fee for accessing the Sysop RCP/M. The password protection is to provide a private communications and exchange system for remote system operators. The telephone number for the Sysop RCP/M is (313) 885-0506. Sysops should also be aware that the RCPMnnnn.LST is periodically verified. If your system is non-operative around the middle of the month but not permanently down, send a message to me (Ian Cottrell) through any of the systems listed above, explaining the situation. While missing a single verification will not normally result in deletion from the list, it is better to be safe than sorry. If your system is no longer functioning, please have a friend modem a message so your system can be deleted. If your system is deleted in error, send a message and you will re-instated as soon as possible. The Remote CP/M Systems List is the work of Ian Cottrell. Editors and publishers please note this list is (c) 1987, but that it may be reproduced (in part or in whole) by anyone, including books, magazines or periodicals sold on a COMMERCIAL basis, provided that credit is properly given. Ian Cottrell Sysop, Information Centre RCP/M (613) 952-2289