0NZCOM.DOC No description available. 168OFFER One problem with CP/M, they say, is the lack of good new computers. This is an offer for the Xerox 16/8 DEM-II, a complete system with a 10 meg hard disk, for $379.95 including the shipping to your front door. A free years subscription to the Computer Journal and a $15 discount on NZCOM is included as well. 232APR88.GZG April edition of Ben Grey's series of articles dealing with programming. ADMIN.TXT Humorous announcement of the discovery of Administratium, heaviest element known to science. BATTERY.BZR A warning about computer clock batteries, particularly for owners of certain Kaypro models. BEWARE.PCP For PC Pursuit users: Some messages of interest captured from the Telenet NET- EXCHANGE BBS, regarding the compromise of PC Pursuit password security. Of particular importance if you use a script or auto-dial program with PC Pursuit. BOSKUG.INF No description available. BOSKUG.LST This file contains the names and phone numbers of the BOSKUG (Boston Computer Society Kaypro/Osborne/CPM Group) activists and consultants. CARDZ180.INF No description available. CPMSRC-J.LZT - Text Update to the list of sources for CP/M and Z System commercial software, hardware and hardware upgrades,and periodicals. CPMSVL-D.LBR CPMSVL-D.LBR is the 2nd edition of the CP/M Software Vendors List, from the CP/M SIG of the Pittsburgh Area Computer Club. It lists over 105 verified companies, vendors, users groups or other sources for both commercial or public domain CP/M software. NOTE: This library was released previously as CPMSRC C.LBR. -- S. Vincent DBPATCHS.DZC Beginnings of a list of the patchable bytes in DBASE 2.41 w/ special reference to auto date installation (with and without DATESTAMPER or ZSDOS). DEATHHAC.LTR Letter to editor, Computer Language, taking issue with "Death of the Hacker" column in July 1989 issue. (Bridger Mitchell) DOSDISK.MSG Announces revolutionary Bridger Mitchell/Plu*Perfect tool permitting CP/M and Z users to log into PC DOS diskettes and use them as they would any other disk. Long awaited, long requested. As usual, it's Bridger who produces it. This msg file tells you how to order it. 13 Dec 87 EUROPE.TZT An article on the home computer scene in Europe. Some interesting thoughts on public domain software. F80-M80.SAV How to modify the Heath version of F80 and M80 to run on other CPM machines. FEEDBACK.Z3P Wordy, possibly dated, underinformed info/questions/possible bug reports from experienced gained in installing large complex Z3PLUS system on a Morrow MD-5 (ATTN BARGAIN HUNRS, this machine w/all software + nice MT70 terminal + 5 Meg HD bought used 8/88 for $300: these suckers are getting cheap...) Uploaded at Jay Sage's request. Doubt anybody but Sage would want to look at it. Oh, well... FIDO.NZT Preliminary notes on implementing FIDO mail on RCP/Ms. FILEDATE.MZG This is the text of a message I sent to Carson Wilson on Lillipute Z-Node #1 about his extraordinary program FILEDATE.COM, a fully DateStamper-compatible directory program with a huge number of options to sort a directory by date. It is still in beta- testing and will be released with the new DOSes, ZDDOS and ZSDOS, but I have been beta- testing it and find it quite amazing and wanted folks to have a taste of what's to come. - Rick Charnes, 6/3/88 FORMAT.IZF 14592 06-08-93 This is a review of a several word format programs including ROFF4, RNF13, ALPHATXT and WordStar. It gives examples of how they insert fill blanks to justify to even margins and how (or if) they reformat munged text. It shows how they handle punctuation ending a sentence. Examples of the new JUSTIFY.COM program are included. Good informa-tion for anybody interested in word processing. 114 records, 15k. GS.ADA No description available. HDINFO.LBR Files translated from the original HD0591R4.ZIP into this library. It is a comprehensive compilation of data about most hard disk drives. The original ZIP file had the main data in a self-expanding EXE file and thus could be used only on an MSDOS system. The .PYN file included here is the resulting PRN file compressed using LZH rev 2. Al Hawley, Ladera Z-Node (central) 09/21/91 HISTSHEL.NZT 4608 06-08-93 Urgently soliciting comments on suggestion that a feature be included in new history shell now being developed by Rob Friefeld. When one is typing multiple commands directly at the ZCPR3 prompt, one could reference a token appearing earlier on the command line without retyping it. Instead of RENAME JONES.LTR HARVEY.LTR;VDE JONES.LTR we could type, using "$" as the "escape character" that indicates relative position from left, "RENAME JONES.LTR HARVEY.LTR;VDE $3". INFOCOM.IZF Bargain prices for CP/M Infocom games for all you Zork... INFOCOM.UZD Information on porting Infocom data files from other operating system for use with the CP/M version of the Infocom interpreter program. JULIAN.LBR Assembly language routines for converting between DateStamper and Julian (CPM+) format dates. Handles leap years and is correct through 2/28/2100 (you should live so long). Howard Goldstein KENMORE.RTC The new BDOS replacements such as ZSDOS give you the power of time date stamping. The problem is that most Z80 computers were sold without a real time clock! Here is an offer for the Kenmore clock, one of the most versatile clocks available for Z80 computers. MAC-CHAL.ZZ0 Solution to a "challenge" for macro assembler programmers, presented by Jay Sage (proposed by Ben Grey). MAGICPRT.IZF Introduction to and tutorial on how to use Magic Print, the true pro-portional spacing program for Diablo compatible and NEC SpinWriter impact printers and HP LaserJet compatible and Quadram Quadlaser printers. MAILLIST.IZF Mailing list information. Article by Eric Pement describes free services offered by US Postal Service to verify, correct, and standardize delivery addresses, and add ZIP+4 to all addresses on your mailing list datafile. Also info on how to get changes- of-address entered on your mailing list, without paying the Post Office 25 cents to inform you after your bulk mailing. MODEMS.LST This is a file I picked up over the ARPA Net. It is a compendium of information on various 2400 bps and up modems, including prices, company phone numbers, and references to reviews. Jay Sage, August 19, 1987 MULTCOPY.MSG Plu*Perfect and Bridger Mitchell announce a multi-format and copy program for Kaypro computers. This one is vastly superior to UNIFORM, or anything else ever marketed. File tells how to obtain it, and what it is. 13 Dec 87 NETDOS.REQ A short file about NetDOS, a SCSI LAN for NZCOM systems. NetDOS will allow multiple Z- Systems to share files without nasty file allocation problems. Come to X-Node at 408-432-0821 for the latest info..... NEW-SYS.OZS No description available. NEWBYE.MSG No description available. NO-SLOT.LBR Another set of routines for interfacing to the SmartWatch clock chip with an SB180. NSWEEP.BUG If you use ZSDOS, ZRDOS or NovaDOS, improper use of Dave Rand's NewSweep can destroy files. Please read this file and pass it on to all systems which support these DOS's. NZC12UPD.INF This file contains information on obtaining updates to version 1.2 of NZ-COM from Sage Microsystems East. Jay Sage NZCOM.INF This file describes the now released NZ-COM and Z3PLUS automatic, universal, dynamic Z- Systems. OPTASM.MSG This file contains a message I posted to the ARPA Net describing the new 16-bit (8086) assembler from SLR Systems (Steve Russell). In brief, it is every bit as revolutionary and spectacular as SLR's 8-bit assemblers. Sage Microsystems East is offering OPTASM at $159. Jay Sage PORTAL.IZF At last: An inexpensive means of access to the Nets. Portal is a new flat-rate communications service providing several attractive features, including two-way Usenet access and UUCP/ARPA/BITNET E-mail. PC Pursuit users pay only $10/month to Portal (plus the normal $25/month to Telenet), and can connect directly (no DIALxxx BUSY!) at 2400 bps. PX8DIRS.A No description available. SLR180P.BUG Bug in SLR virtual assembler SLR180+ Assembly fails for some, not all tpa sizes, and differing numbers of output files. STRDAT12.LBR No description available. TCJ-BACK.3Z0 Listing of back issues of The Computer Journal along with an order form for them and for subscriptions. ULTRA.TZT An ASCII text file describing the ULTRABOARD, an add-on board for CP/M Kaypros from High Tech Research, which speeds up the old machines, and increases their RAM capacity, to the level of the DOS ATs. Board uses the new ZILOG Z280 chip. XBIOS.INF No description available. ZEDUX280.MSG An update on the new generic z280 card. ZSDOS.AZN I have added to Carson Wilson's announcement of the shipping of ZSDOS by doing something I've wanted to do for ages. I've compiled a list of all known (to me) CP/M and ZCPR3 programs that support ZSDOS/DateStamper datestamping, alphabetized them (thanks, WordPerfect), and wrote a little blurb about each. If I had just purchased ZSDOS and/or were just starting out with datestamping I think I'd find this list mighty handy and useful. - Rick Charnes