Title: FOGHORN Index for Volume II (Oct 82 - Sep 83) Date: Updated April 25, 1991 Version: 1.02 ?Foghorn Volume II%all ^Subject Area Categories#$ @Each entry in this database falls into one or more of the following categories (continued on the next screen): *[Beginner]* *[Book]* *[Chameleon]* *[Communications]* *[Correction]* *[CP/M]* *[Database]* *[Education]* *[Games/Sports]* *[General]* *[Hacking]* *[Hardware]* *[Letters]* *[Library]* *[Modem]* *[Monitor]* *[O-1]* ?Foghorn Volume II%all ^Subject Area Categories#$ @Each entry in this database falls into one or more of the following categories (continued from the previous screen): *[Plotter]* *[Printer]* *[Programming]* *[Review]* *[Science/Engineering]* *[Spreadsheet]* *[UserGroup]* *[Util]* *[WordProcessing]* *[Workbench]* *[Zorba]* ?Doug Hurst%v2 n1 ^BITS Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)#Oct 1982$5 @BITS uninterruptible power supply review with address *[Hardware]* *[Review]* ?Craig R. Chun%v2 n1 ^A Book Review#Oct 1982$6 @CP/M Assembly Language, Functions & Applications by Jon Lindsay: tutorial on writing assembly language code *[Book]* *[Review]* *[Programming]* ?Chris Russell%v2 n1 ^A Typewriter Becomes a Printer#Oct 1982$6 @Review of Silver Reed EX55 printer and its setup with Wilker Daisy Typeface installed with WordStar *[WordProcessing]* *[Printer]* *[Review]* ?George K.Weir, Jr.%v2 n1 ^Small C on the Osborne 1#Oct 1982$7 @Small C compiler from library and Doctor Dobbs Journal *[Programming]* ?Jim McCue%v2 n1 ^Peeking at Pearl#Oct 1982$7 @Personal Pearl data base review and how to *[Review]* *[Database]* ?Byron McKay%v2 n1 ^The Proper Use of RCPMs#Oct 1982$11 @Modem, BBS RCP/M how to other info, hints *[Communications]* ?Doug Hurst%v2 n1 ^Autostarting One More Time#Oct 1982$12 @Modifying autostart graphics, DDT, hints *[Hacking]* *[O-1]* *[Util]* ?John Scott%v2 n1 ^An Answer - Some Questions#Oct 1982$14 @MBasic Cursor addressing & problems; see Sept & Jun/Jul 1982 *[Letters]* *[Programming]* ?Jim Woolley%v2 n1 ^Fog Disk Library#Oct 1982$17 @Early Library policy, UMPIRE on FOG-UTL.001 is diagnostic, will look and show a string in RAM (This section merged into FOG-CPM.) *[Library]* *[Util]* ?Gale Rhoades%v2 n2 ^Index to FOGHORN Volume I#Nov 1982$6 @Index to volume 1, October, 1981 to September, 1982 *[General]* ?Dal Allan%v2 n2 ^Letter#Nov 1982$7 @"Egg crate" helps get disks out of Osborne pockets *[Letters]* *[General]* ?Robert Bollini%v2 n2 ^Letter#Nov 1982$7 @Comments on Superfile from FYI & IDS Prism 80 printer *[Letters]* *[Database]* *[Printer]* ?Nathan Schor%v2 n2 ^dBASE Helpline#Nov 1982$9 @dBASE II, National list of users: Standard Software Co, 10 Mazzeo Dr., Randolph, MA 02368 - if still exists *[Letters]* *[Database]* *[UserGroup]* ?Derek Rhodes%v2 n2 ^Printing Assembly Language Files#Nov 1982$11 @WordStar to print ASM language code *[Letters]* *[Programming]* ?Rory Donaldson%v2 n2 ^Osborne Sets World Altitude Record#Nov 1982$11 @General articles on high altitude use and other article on page 13 similar vein *[General]* *[O-1]* ?Jay Siegel%v2 n2 ^The AJ830 Series of Printer - Terminal - Typewriter#Nov 1982$14 @Anderson Jacobson AJ830 printer - favorable review *[Printer]* *[Review]* ?Bob Briggs%v2 n2 ^CP/M Operating System Manual by Digital Research#Nov 1982$18 @Actual Digital Research manual, DDT, etc *[CP/M]* *[Util]* ?John Gaudio%v2 n2 ^Osborne 1 Goodies#Nov 1982$21 @Comm-Pac modem general review, not much here *[Communications]* *[O-1]* *[Review]* ?Warren Hamblet%v2 n2 ^CATALOG from SRX Systems#Nov 1982$22 @Review of cataloging program *[Review]* *[Util]* ?Stephen Kline%v2 n2 ^Adventure and LISP/80 from the Software Toolworks#Nov 1982$22 @Review of a catalog system and LISP language *[Review]* *[Programming]* *[Games/Sports]* ?Bob Briggs%v2 n2 ^Monitor 1.3 Special SFK's#Nov 1982$23 @Special Function Key (SFK) modification of non-key board entry strings using DDT, could use DU or SZAP *[O-1]* *[Util]* *[Library]* ?Bill Houk%v2 n4 ^Osborne Computers and Dedicated Word Processors#Jan 1983$23 @The portability and flexibility of the Osborne puts it in a different class than single purpose machines. (like Wang) *[WordProcessing]* *[O-1]* ?Bradley Albom%v2 n2 ^HELP (or That's Not a Bug, It's a Feature)#Nov 1982$23 @Idea for unwanted screen scrolling; C.Itoh Proprinter; Mbasic bugs *[O-1]* *[Printer]* *[Programming]* ?John Gaudio%v2 n4 ^From the Doghouse#Jan 1983$7 @MFM to run automatically on special function key (SFK) plus general review of Double Density on the Osborne 1 *[Review]* *[O-1]* *[Util]* *[CP/M]* ?Bill Franklin%v2 n4 ^E.T. Comes To Fog (With a Little Help from Fancy Font)#Jan 1983$8 @Epson, Fancy Font printer printing *[WordProcessing]* *[General]* ?John V. Schmitz%v2 n4 ^OCC-1 and Smith-Corona TP-1 Printer#Jan 1983$11 @Hooking up the TP-1 to the Osborne *[Letters]* *[WordProcessing]* *[O-1]* *[Printer]* ?Michael Kaufman%v2 n4 ^(M)BASIC Problems#Jan 1983$11 @MBasic hints, files, random access, record size, number of files, tutorial, /F and /S functions in BASIC *[Letters]* *[Programming]* ?Dick Ezzard%v2 n4 ^Undocumented Osborne 1 - CP/M Feature#Jan 1983$13 @Curiosity keystrokes reverse the order of entry (DELete key) *[Letters]* *[CP/M]* *[O-1]* ?John V. Schmitz%v2 n4 ^Telecommunications with the OCC1#Jan 1983$13 @Modem, General info eh! pins 2 and 3 reversed *[Beginner]* *[Communications]* ?Jim Woolley%v2 n4 ^Response to November (82) Letters#Jan 1983$14 @XDIR *.* NAME --> yields a file 'NAME' with copy of XDIR's output; WordStar Find & Replace special characters and wildcard options ^A, ^S, ^O; PIP string search routine if typed at command line converts string to uppercase, use it from the asterisk * prompt for lower-case; MBasic functions /F:x, /S:y, /M:z where x,y,z represent numbers to change open files, record length and highest memory usage *[WordProcessing]* *[Programming]* *[CP/M]* *[Util]* ?T.C.%v2 n4 ^More Help For November Letters#Jan 1983$15 @Patch for WordStar 2.26 hyphen help and justification (398); ASM language program to control Radio Shack printer; hints *[WordProcessing]* *[Printer]* *[Programming]* ?Bob Scott%v2 n4 ^Osborne-1 Hi-Res Graphics#Jan 1983$16 @A review of the Radio Shack CGP-115 Printer/Plotter *[Review]* *[Plotter]* *[Printer]* *[O-1]* ?Thomas J. Mitchell%v2 n4 ^HexPrintR#Jan 1983$18 @WordStar, HexPrintR special codes for printers; also hint on counting in Hexadecimal (use fingers & knuckles, no thumbs) *[WordProcessing]* *[Review]* *[Programming]* *[Printer]* ?Bradley Albom%v2 n4 ^HELP (or That's Not a Bug, It's a Feature)#Jan 1983$20 @Hit any key to speed up off-screen replacement during WordStar's Find & Replace (^QA); creative solution to Disk Full error during ^Ks or ^Kd; Mbasic hints (/F /M /S) *[WordProcessing]* *[Programming]* ?Rich Weiss%v2 n4 ^Two dBASE II Eccentricities#Jan 1983$22 @dBASE II bugs i.e. store a+(b*c)+d to z may error; try extra (): like store (a+(b*c)+d) to z, hints, variables with long names sometimes get lost *[Database]* ?John Olson%v2 n4 ^How to Pick Your Osborne's Pocket#Jan 1983$22 @Use cloth ribbon to ease getting items out of disk pocket *[General]* ?Paul Pease%v2 n4 ^WS Tips & Tricks#Jan 1983$23 @WordStar - Series of general hints on BDOS saves, scrolling ^QQ^Z, replace ^QA, place markers, ^QP return to place, etc *[WordProcessing]* ?John C. Klassen%v2 n5 ^Disable That Line Feed#Feb 1983$6 @Changing WordStar's PSCRLF to eliminate LF, Patching CP/M and MBasic to modify the printer driver section to disable linefeeds sent to the printer *[Letters]* *[WordProcessing]* *[Hacking]* *[Programming]* ?Jack P. Byrd%v2 n5 ^Regarding SuperCalc#Feb 1983$7 @Suppressing linefeed when printing SuperCalc templates *[Letters]* *[Spreadsheet]* *[Printer]* ?Jim Schenkel%v2 n5 ^PIP's [S] and [Q]#Feb 1983$8 @PIP string search stumbles on upper/lower case and WordStar high bits so strip using [z] option *[Letters]* *[Util]* ?David Schaf%v2 n5 ^More on WordStar and the Epson#Feb 1983$8 @WordStar, printer, Epson install errata Portable Companion; see also page 9 for general setup of WordStar install *[Letters]* *[WordProcessing]* *[Correction]* *[Printer]* ?Diana Goodwin%v2 n5 ^Osborne 1, WordStar and Your Parallel Smith-Corona TP-1#Feb 1983$8 @WordStar, printer, Smith Corona TP-1 *[WordProcessing]* *[Beginner]* *[Printer]* *[O-1]* ?John Gaudio%v2 n5 ^DBASE II Anyone#Feb 1983$10 @ *[Database]* ?William E. McCoy III%v2 n5 ^Software Documentation#Feb 1983$10 @Programming; discussion of techniques, need of documentation *[General]* *[Programming]* ?Bradley Albom%v2 n5 ^HELP (or That's Not a Bug It's a Feature)#Feb 1983$14 @MBasic: how to on error handling routine, hints; CPMPOWER *[Programming]* *[Util]* ?Tony Pope & Doug Hurst%v2 n5 ^Direct Cursor Positioning Exercise#Feb 1983$16 @MBasic: direct cursor addressing positioning, hints *[O-1]* *[Programming]* ?Doug Hurst%v2 n5 ^Using CP/M's "IOBYTE" to Save Memory in BASIC#Feb 1983$16 @MBasic: IOBYTE info and program to print out program PEEK and POKEs *[O-1]* *[Programming]* ?Neil McCubbin%v2 n6 ^Save Print Simultaneously#Mar 1983$7 @Modem, serial port - simultaneous use with printer, maybe *[Letters]* *[Communications]* ?Mark Spohr%v2 n6 ^More Help for Jim Dearth's Radio Shack Daisy Wheel II#Mar 1983$7 @WordStar, Radio Shack printer installation and initialization also SuperCalc *[Letters]* *[WordProcessing]* *[Printer]* *[Spreadsheet]* ?C.W. Bollinger%v2 n6 ^What Your Printer Will Do#Mar 1983$8 @MBasic, daisy wheel characters all printed, printers, hints, :line 30 - FOR x=0 to 255 : IF x=12 THEN 70 : LPRINT CHR$(x) : IF INT(x/6)=x THEN LPRINT : NEXT : END *[Letters]* *[Programming]* *[Printer]* ?Diana Goodwin%v2 n6 ^Osborne 1, SuperCalc and Your Parallel Smith-Corona TP-1#Mar 1983$10 @SuperCalc - installation for printer *[Beginner]* *[Spreadsheet]* *[Printer]* ?Jim Woolley%v2 n6 ^Tips for Tyros#Mar 1983$12 @MBasic hints: how to RUN, LOAD, and SAVE, RESET command to change logged drive, WIDTH default is 72 characters per line *[Beginner]* *[Programming]* ?Stephen Frederick%v2 n6 ^Review of KIDMATH 1.2#Mar 1983$12 @Review of KIDMATH *[Review]* *[Education]* *[Library]* ?David S. DeShon%v2 n6 ^The Elephant, Word Plus, Olympia & ZIP: Review of My System#Mar 1983$13 @Review of Elephant disks, The Word Plus, Olympia printer and how to install dBASE II's ZIP *[WordProcessing]* *[Review]* *[Database]* ?William E. McCoy%v2 n6 ^A Review of a POWERful Tool#Mar 1983$12 @Review of (CPM)POWER, a group of CP/M Utilities *[Review]* *[Util]* ?Michael Alan Bermant%v2 n6 ^An Address Book From Your MailMerge#Mar 1983$15 @WordStar: dot command addressing system, special function key (Incomplete; corrected in April, 1983) *[WordProcessing]* *[Util]* ?James Tower%v2 n6 ^dBASE II Experiences#Mar 1983$16 @Essential dBASE II overlays and what their purposes are *[Database]* ?Doug Hurst%v2 n6 ^Auto Start (Last Time!! I Promise)#Mar 1983$18 @DUU to change system track to autostart anything, changing code number immediately in front changes booting process *[Hacking]* *[Util]* *[Library]* ?Jim Woolley%v2 n6 ^Library Notes#Mar 1983$19 @MBasic SORT.BAS and Beep the Beeper errata *[Correction]* *[Library]* *[Programming]* ?Howard C. Starkey%v2 n6 ^Patch WordStar to Delete the Epson Paper-out Alarm#Mar 1983$21 @Patching WordStar to turn off Epson printer paper-out alarm, start address 6E7 04,0D,1B,38,0D *[WordProcessing]* *[Printer]* *[Hacking]* ?Carl J. Warner%v2 n7 ^MBASIC /F:, /M:, and /S:#Apr 1983$4 @MBasic: /F, /S, /M functions *[Letters]* *[Programming]* ?Bernard E. Jensen%v2 n7 ^Screen Print#Apr 1983$4 @MBasic: screen dump program, and hints *[Letters]* *[Programming]* ?Anthony L. Huxley%v2 n7 ^AMCALL and Bell Canada#Apr 1983$6 @Modem, communication problems with Canadian lines, COMM-PAC *[Letters]* *[Communications]* ?Jim Woolley%v2 n7 ^Tips for Tyros#Apr 1983$6 @Removing hard WordStar carriage returns; use CTRL-H for backspace instead of CTRL-S to avoid problems with function key set up; write protect tab will give BDOS Bad Sector error Remove tape to write to the disk; often no error results; MBasic: use control-J (^J) to end physical line but not logical line so screen and type does not scroll, separate lines read as one program line *[Beginner]* *[Programming]* *[WordProcessing]* *[Util]* ?David M. Oates%v2 n7 ^Three days in San Francisco#Apr 1983$8 @Review Drive C ramdisk, Sweet P plotter graphics, Zorba, Chameleon, and JONOS microcomputers *[Review]* *[O-1]* *[Zorba]* *[Chameleon]* ?Bob Briggs%v2 n7 ^The C Programming Language#Apr 1983$9 @C programming language, hints, tutorial, books on how to *[Book]* *[Review]* *[Programming]* ?Bob Briggs%v2 n7 ^Structured Flowcharts#Apr 1983$10 @Flow charts, programming *[Programming]* ?William E. McCoy III%v2 n7 ^A Review of the ADA Compiler#Apr 1983$12 @Review of language ADA *[Review]* *[Programming]* ?Bradley S. Albom%v2 n7 ^HELP (or That's Not a Bug It's a Feature)#Apr 1983$14 @Location in memory of special function keys, E56b E592; MBasic: redirecting output from screen to printer PEEK and POKEs may actually toggle between parallel and serial ports; closing PIP file using ^Z *[CP/M]* *[Programming]* *[O-1]* *[Util]* ?Michael Alan Bermant%v2 n7 ^A User-Defined Key for MailMerge#Apr 1983$14 @WordStar: dot command addressing system, special function key (Replacement of Mar 83 article) *[WordProcessing]* *[Util]* *[Correction]* ?Doug Hurst%v2 n7 ^SWAP vs Shell Sort#Apr 1983$15 @MBasic sort routine, hints, programming *[Programming]* ?Brian Dugle%v2 n7 ^Talking to a Prism Printer with WordStar and the Osborne 1#Apr 1983$16 @WordStar & Prism printer installation & patches; ruler line off; MBasic program to send special codes to Prism printer *[WordProcessing]* *[Hacking]* *[Programming]* ?Charles Goodman%v2 n7 ^Subscripts & Superscripts in WordStar With NEC 8023 Printer#Apr 1983$21 @WordStar, NEC printer installation *[WordProcessing]* *[Hacking]* *[Printer]* ?Dal Allan%v2 n7 ^Notes for Fine Tuning Your System#Apr 1983$23 @Using DDT, hints for SETUP modifications *[Hacking]* *[Util]* ?Charles Goodman%v2 n7 ^Note on Sending Control Codes to a Printer#Apr 1983$23 @WordStar: send any control code to printer, create file then PIP LST:=FILE[z *[WordProcessing]* *[Util]* ?Alan H. Nelson%v2 n7 ^Parallel Printer Cable#Apr 1983$24 @Proper printer cable connections for Epson Centronics and Osborne's 1 IEEE port *[O-1]* *[Workbench]* ?Fred Klarmeyer%v2 n8 ^Method to PRINT @(X,Y) to Osborne MBASIC#May 1983$5 @MBasic cursor direct addressing positioning hints, routine *[Letters]* *[Programming]* ?Jim Woolley%v2 n8 ^Tips for Tyros#May 1983$6 @PIP OLDFILE=NEWFILE,CON: sends console typing directly to a disk file (^Z to end, ^J for line feed); Semi-colon begins note at system prompt, use for SUBMIT (batch) files, also send note to printer without question mark ? in response; to toggle printer in AMCALL, on use F and the ^P and the filename; Epson printer skip perforation is N ^C *[Beginner]* *[Util]* *[Communications]* *[Hacking]* *[Printer]* ?Jim Woolley%v2 n8 ^Tips for Tyros#May 1983$6 @Epson printer control codes to skip perforation N ^C *[Beginner]* *[Hacking]* *[Printer]* ?Donald W. Smith%v2 n8 ^A Foglight for the Mist of Modems#May 1983$7 @Modem, general review and tutorial of various programs *[Communications]* ?John Gaudio%v2 n8 ^From the Doghouse#May 1983$8 @MBasic PEEK and POKE to send output to printer instead of screen, POKE 57613,63 for double density to get back to screen POKE 57613,56,sample *[O-1]* *[Programming]* ?Kevin Markey%v2 n8 ^Programming in DBASE#May 1983$8 @dBASE II tutorial and sample programming command file, accept "today is (mm/dd/yy)" to today (cr) set date to &today similarly macro for indexing file *[Database]* ?Jeff Lund%v2 n8 ^SPELL Review#May 1983$12 @Review of SPELL (from Software Toolworks) with WordStar *[WordProcessing]* *[Review]* ?Ronald D. Scharfer%v2 n8 ^The Word Plus#May 1983$12 @Review of the best CP/M spelling checker (now in WS 4.0) *[WordProcessing]* *[Review]* ?Bradley S. Albom%v2 n8 ^HELP (or That's Not a Bug It's a Feature)#May 1983$14 @SuperCalc when disk is full, it allows changing disks to recover; Small C compiler and routines to enhance it, review of C/80 from Software Toolworks *[Spreadsheet]* *[Programming]* *[Review]* ?Jeffrey Evans%v2 n8 ^Using the Osborne as a Typewriter#May 1983$15 @WordStar - use MailMerge as typewriter by .AV dot commands *[WordProcessing]* ?Doug Hurst%v2 n8 ^Square Roots With dBASE II#May 1983$16 @dBASE II, square roots routine, hints *[Database]* ?David Whorf%v2 n8 ^DataStar Patch#May 1983$16 @Patching DataStar with DDT to get multi-records on one page *[Hacking]* *[Database]* ?Chris Hill%v2 n8 ^Using CP/M's "IOBYTE" to Help Debug BASIC#May 1983$17 @MBasic directing TRON trace output to printer POKE &H03,&H82 for parallel; &H41 for serial, to undo &H80 & 40 respectively *[Programming]* *[Util]* ?Byron Davies%v2 n8 ^12 Volts (DC) = 120 Volts (AC)#May 1983$18 @Battery system converter from Heathkit *[Hardware]* ?Jim Woolley%v2 n8 ^Fog Disk Library News#May 1983$19 @Errors in amortization program *[Correction]* *[Library]* ?Geoffrey Sinclair%v2 n9 ^Update on Telecommunications#Jun 1983$5 @Modem, Microlink review *[Letters]* *[Communications]* ?Lee Morehead%v2 n9 ^Some Answers#Jun 1983$5 @SuperCalc installing printer for, also skip perforation, continuous form; Sanyo monitor problems and fix *[Letters]* *[Spreadsheet]* *[Monitor]* ?Milt Shanklin%v2 n9 ^A Modem With No Message#Jun 1983$5 @Problem with MFJ battery-powered modem *[Letters]* *[Communications]* *[Modem]* ?Jim Woolley%v2 n9 ^Tips for Tyros#Jun 1983$6 @MBasic: general info, NAME command renames a file; Tilde, curly brackets and other keys and how to get them on the O-1 *[Programming]* *[Beginner]* *[O-1]* ?Alan H. Nelson%v2 n9 ^More (Tips) on WordStar#Jun 1983$7 @WordStar: ^QQ^L to Find and Replace in rest of document but not from top, period(.) start sentence use ^P^H *[WordProcessing]* *[Beginner]* ?Milt Shanklin%v2 n9 ^On Using dBASE II#Jun 1983$8 @dBASE II hints, programming defaults, menu & date routine *[Database]* ?Kevin Markey%v2 n9 ^Mbasic vs dBASE II - Part II The Advantages of MBasic#Jun 1983$8 @dBASE II and programming, comparison with MBasic *[Database]* *[Programming]* ?Doug Hurst%v2 n9 ^Osbaud#Jun 1983$11 @Review of OSBAUD baud rate generator board *[O-1]* *[Review]* *[Communications]* ?D.M. Hurst%v2 n9 ^Osmosis I Double Density#Jun 1983$11 @Review of Double Density upgrade and Screen Pac addition *[O-1]* *[Review]* ?Jeff Lund%v2 n9 ^CHARTECH#Jun 1983$8 @Allows insertion into text of special technical symbols *[Review]* *[Science/Engineering]* ?Alan H. Nelson%v2 n9 ^POWER!#Jun 1983$8 @CP/M enhancer *[Review]* *[Util]* ?Mel Hulse%v2 n9 ^Ol' Yella's Back!#Jun 1983$8 @Comments on the 80-column, double-density upgrade to the O-1 *[Review]* *[O-1]* ?Warren A. Welsh%v2 n10 ^Dear Editor#Jul 1983$6 @Olympia printer codes and patches, *[Letters]* *[Printer]* ?Alan H. Nelson%v2 n10 ^Reading Your Old SD Disks After DD#Jul 1983$7 @General organization of disks and files; single density to double conversion problems *[Beginner]* *[O-1]* *[Workbench]* ?John Gaudio%v2 n10 ^How To make a Single Purpose Disk#Jul 1983$7 @General organization of disks and files *[Beginner]* *[General]* ?Kennie L. Smith%v2 n10 ^A Report: Dirty Electrical Power and Micro-Computer Systems#Jul 1983$8 @Electrical problems, dirty power, and fixes including addresses of device manufacturers to suppress spikes and surges etc *[General]* *[Hardware]* ?Bradley S. Albom%v2 n10 ^HELP (or That's Not a Bug It's a Feature)#Jul 1983$13 @MBasic: how to change a line number using ^A; how to get at the inp/out serial port functions by PEEKs and POKEs *[Programming]* ?Paul Pease%v2 n10 ^Tips and Tricks With MailMerge#Jul 1983$14 @WordStar handles data entry: MailMerge file to enter data for address book *[WordProcessing]* *[Database]* ?D.M. Hurst%v2 n10 ^Installing WordStar 3.0 for the Osborne 1 + a Trick#Jul 1983$16 @WordStar, patches for 3.0 version via SUBMIT file, half and full intensity addresses *[WordProcessing]* *[Hacking]* *[O-1]* ?D.M. Hurst%v2 n10 ^Random Number Generation in MBASIC#Jul 1983$18 @MBasic actual random number generation, (1.) PRINT "Hit key" (2.) IF INKEY$=" " THEN S=S+1:GOTO 2 (3.) S=S-32767*(INT(S/32767)) (4.) RANDOMIZE S (where S = seed) *[Programming]* ?Frank Morton%v2 n11 ^HELP! (Yourself)#Aug 1983$3 @Book review and sources of information *[Beginner]* ?Robert Alan Ross%v2 n11 ^Osmos 1#Aug 1983$6 @Positive review for Osmosis boards and products although no more advertising is accepted *[Letters]* *[O-1]* ?Lew Merrick%v2 n11 ^Chartech#Aug 1983$7 @Good CHARTECH review see earlier good review *[Letters]* *[WordProcessing]* *[Science/Engineering]* ?John Gaudio%v2 n11 ^Just Starting#Aug 1983$8 @General information on how to use computer and Osborne *[Beginner]* *[O-1]* *[General]* ?Ralph Gallagher%v2 n11 ^Comm-Pac and The Source#Aug 1983$9 @Corrections to the Comm-Pac User's Manual's instructions for getting on The Source; tutorial for both Tymnet and Telenet phone numbers *[Correction]* *[Beginner]* *[Communications]* ?Bob Briggs%v2 n11 ^Program to Download to EPROM Programmer#Aug 1983$12 @Download to EPROM programmer; patch DUMP.COM utility by DDT *[Util]* *[Hardware]* *[Hacking]* ?David C. Goodfellow%v2 n11 ^Osmos 1 Review - A Rebuttal#Aug 1983$13 @Osmosis rebuttal article and review *[O-1]* *[Review]* ?Ian Kitching%v2 n11 ^Every Which Way But Loose#Aug 1983$13 @Osmosis rebuttal article and review, *[O-1]* *[Review]* ?D.M. Hurst%v2 n11 ^ZORBA#Aug 1983$13 @A transportable microcomputer *[Zorba]* *[Review]* ?Peter Barnett%v2 n11 ^Personal Pearl#Aug 1983$13 @Personal Pearl review and how to's *[Review]* *[Database]* ?Bradley S. Albom%v2 n11 ^HELP (That's Not a BUG It's a Feature)#Aug 1983$18 @Wordstar: try CRT instead of LST when installing to get proportional spacing! MailMerge: is .av limited to 52 char screen? peek in *[WordProcessing]* ?John Gaudio%v2 n11 ^From the Doghouse#Aug 1983$18 @MBasic Errata for May, 1983 issue line 20 should be: 20 IF P$="P" THEN POKE 57613, 63 *[Correction]* *[Programming]* ?Charles Goodman%v2 n11 ^Arrow Keys in WordStar vs CP/M#Aug 1983$19 @Using DU-V77.COM to look around *[Library]* *[Hacking]* ?Mike Marzalek%v2 n11 ^Hi-Resolution Graphics#Aug 1983$19 @MBasic routine to display Osborne graphics *[O-1]* *[Programming]* ?Art Prack%v2 n12 ^Gemini Help#Sep 1983$6 @Gemini printers and setup routines, codes *[Letters]* *[Printer]* ?Pamela Nemeth%v2 n12 ^More Gemini Help#Sep 1983$6 @Gemini printers and setup routines, codes *[Letters]* *[Printer]* ?Jonathan Angel%v2 n12 ^UNSPOOL and Tips#Sep 1983$8 @Question about UNSPOOL WordStar immediate editing on command line, alternate drive backup A>WS Filename B: *[Letters]* *[WordProcessing]* ?Bob Scott%v2 n12 ^Answers, Notes and Comments#Sep 1983$8 @Serial port can't use both modem and printer at same time *[Letters]* *[O-1]* *[Communications]* ?Cleve P. Garvin%v2 n12 ^BDOS/Bad Sector#Sep 1983$9 @Hardware problems, BDOS errors and fixes *[Letters]* *[O-1]* *[CP/M]* ?Gale Rhoades%v2 n12 ^Bits & Pieces#Sep 1983$11 @dBASE II, bugs in MODIFY COMMAND mode, system crashes garbage characters, also some macros must be enclosed in quotes *[Beginner]* *[Database]* ?Mark Scaramella%v2 n12 ^Designer Software#Sep 1983$12 @A little humor about software names. It all started with a Pierre Cardin calculator *[General]* ?Bob Scott%v2 n12 ^I'm an Osborne Fan#Sep 1983$12 @First in the fan series to cool the Osborne, problems and fix (yup it works) *[O-1]* ?Jim Crowell%v2 n12 ^Changing Screen Size Without Using Extra Disk Space#Sep 1983$13 @CP/M patches, jump routines in empty holes in system tracks, screen width program etc. using ZCPR, program how to's *[CP/M]* *[O-1]* ?D.M. Hurst%v2 n12 ^Using DU-V77.COM (DU)#Sep 1983$14 @Details of this fine file examiner and manipulator *[Library]* *[Hacking]* *[Util]* ?Benjamin H. Cohen%v2 n12 ^Transtar 130 Printer#Sep 1983$16 @Transtar printer setup codes, installation (=Silver Reed) *[Printer]* *[Review]* ?Bob McDowell%v2 n12 ^Olive 80 (Olive Branch Association Ltd.)#Sep 1983$18 @Some details of Olivetti printer *[Printer]* *[Review]* ?Donald W. Smith%v2 n12 ^The Terminal Emulation Program#Sep 1983$19 @OTERM (Comm-Pac) tutorial and configuration to send to mainframe, good *[Review]* *[Communications]* ?Benjamin H. Cohen%v2 n12 ^SuperCalc: The Book#Sep 1983$21 @Getting started and more advanced applications *[Book]* *[Review]* *[Spreadsheet]* ?Patricia Watters%v2 n12 ^Subroutine for PRINT to Printer#Sep 1983$22 @MBasic routine to send screen to printer PEEK and POKEs, hints and programming, *[Programming]* *[O-1]* ?Howard Starkey%v2 n12 ^More Epson#Sep 1983$22 @MBasic control codes for Epson printer *[Programming]* *[Printer]* ?Arto Kytohonka%v2 n12 ^Installation of WordStar With Olympia ESW 103#Sep 1983$23 @WordStar, Olympia printer setup and installation codes *[WordProcessing]* *[Printer]* ?Donald W. Smith%v2 n12 ^Caught Speeding in the Fog#Sep 1983$24 @19,200 baud may not work on Osborne 1 *[O-1]* *[Communications]* ?Wm.J. Sellards%v2 n12 ^Install WordStar for the Star Gemini 10 Printer#Sep 1983$24 @WordStar, setup and installation codes for Gemini printer *[WordProcessing]* *[Printer]* ?Jim Crowell%v2 n12 ^Osborne 1 Hint#Sep 1983$24 @Toggle printer in both CP/M and MBasic by patching *[Hacking]* *[O-1]* *[Programming]* ?G.S. Khalsa%v2 n12 ^Graphics Screen Dump#Sep 1983$24 @MBasic graphic screen dump program and hints; programming Epson MX-80 with Graftrax *[Programming]* *[Printer]* ?Lew Merrick%v2 n12 ^How to Double-Side Your Floppy Disks#Sep 1983$24 @Flipping a floppy disk *[Workbench]*