...this little file was extracted from the DOC file for wsNOTE ...a shareware footnote program for WordStar files written and distributed ...by Eric Meyer, 427 N. Washington, #4, Bloomington, IN 47401. ...There are versions of wsNOTE for both CP/M and MS-DOS. ...You should be able to find WSNOT134.ARC/ARK on bulletin boards. ... ...compiled by Benjamin H. Cohen, 13 June 1988 ... Co-Sysop, CFOG II, [312] 764-5162 ... 8-1-N, 24 hours, 3-12-2400 bps ... 68+ Mb of hard disk storage for CP/M and MS-DOS ... shareware and public domain software ... Sponsored and supported by CFOG, a CP/M and MS-DOS User Group ... .cw10 wsNOTE Quick Reference File Format: ## for each note if under 100 notes ### for each note if more than 99 notes ##1 reset notes to number 1 .NNn reset note number to n .FB nn next nn lines of text (or blank space) hold together on next page, while surrounding text flows around it; for charts, tables, illustrations { note block start indicator; 1st chararcter on line } note block end indicator; last character on line fn.XNT external note file; used if found Command Line Format and Options: wsNOTE {-o} -e endnotes option -n number list, no notes Don't Use .LH .PF .RM ^OS2 Variations: .PL } .MT } use only once at top of file .MB } .CP may not work well if text governed includes note call .LS does not affect spacing of notes; use LS2 for double spaced text .FI use only at end of file; don't specify drive