MICROPRO ANNOUNCED UPDATE OF WORDSTAR - CP/M EDITION RELEASE 4 CP/M Update Offers Over 100 Enhancements SAN RAFAEL, Calif., July 23, 1987 - MicroPro International Corporation (MPRO/NASDAQ) today announced that an updated version of WordStar for CP/M microcomputers will begin shipping in mid-August. WordStar, originally released for CP/M microcomputers, is the most widely-used word processing software for microcomputers. Currently, MicroPro is celebrating its "3 millionth-product-shipped" milestone. WordStar is widely used by writers, businesses, corporations of all sizes and governmental agencies around the world. "WordStar, CP/M Edition, Release 4, offers more than 100 enhancements over the current CP/M version, while maintaining the look and feel of the user interface that has become a word processing standard as well as a standard for many other types of microcomputer applications," said MicroPro president and CEO Leon Williams. "MicroPro has a very special relationship with our CP/M customers. WordStar was originally release for CP/M machines in 1979 long before the industry adopted MS-DOS as the standard operating system. We realize that we got our start with CP/M users and we want to assure them that we will continue to provide them with access to the latest technology. The `New' MicroPro is committed to providing regular product updates for all our customers, including those who use WordStar on CP/M systems," said Williams. WordStar, CP/M Edition, Release 4 will be priced at $295 and will be available in retail stores in September. Release 4 contains improved versions of the WORD Plus spelling checker, developed by San Diego-based Software Heaven Inc., and MailMerge and a new, easier to use indexing system. New Features "Early this year, we conducted a survey to determine what features CP/M users wanted in an upgrade. The response was overwhelming. Letters and phone calls poured into MicroPro. Based on the feedback we added more than 100 new features to the CP/M version of WordStar," said Williams. Among the new features CP/M users requested and will find in WordStar, CP/M Edition, Release 4 are: "Go-to page," stored ruler lines, new 61,000-word dictionary (dictionary size may be smaller depending on hardware), programmable macros, an "Undo" command, built-in four function calculator, user number path support, onscreen bold and underline (available on most hardware), function keys (depending on hardware), laser printing capability, and improved speed throughout the program. The product has been designed to support floppy-based and hard disk-based systems and to take maximum advantage of available system memory resources. Warranty WordStar, CP/M Edition, Release 4 includes free 90 day-warranty support. Ninety days from the date of purchase (or 45 days from date of first call with less than 45 days remaining on warranty period), customers have unlimited calling to a dedicated telephone number. Update Pricing As part of its 3 millionth-product-shipped celebration, MicroPro will make updates available to all CP/M users for $89.00 plus tax and $5.00 for shipping and handling with a limit of one update per user. Additionally, MicroPro will make special pricing available to user groups. The price for user groups who order 2-9 CP/M updates is $85.00 for each update plus shipping and handling. For 10 or more copies the price is $79.00 per update plus shipping and handling. To be eligible for the discount, user groups must contact MicroPro's customer service department and place the entire order at one time. The order must be pre-paid. For general information on update policies and procedures or to place an order, interested parties can call MicroPro directly at (800) 227-5609 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific time Monday through Friday. MicroPro International Corporation, headquartered in San Rafael, California, is a leading international developer and marketer of microcomputer software products and services. MicroPro's WordStar family of Personal Communications Processing products and support help users formulate, express and communicate ideas. These programs are among the largest selling microcomputer software programs in the world. Since its founding in 1978, MicroPro has shipped more than 3,000,000 products, giving it the largest installed user base of any microcomputer software company. MicroPro's products are sold through distributors and retailers as well as through original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of personal computers. -30-