WordStar Conference About: Make Lines Less Deletable (18 lines) One feature of WordStar is quick deletion of a whole line. However, the users can occasionally delete a line when all they wanted to do was delete a word. If you want to make it less easy to delete a line, there is a patch which requires the ^Y to be stroked twice before the line disappears. MSDOS VERSIONS: For WordStar 3.3, change the value at address 0536h from 00 to 19 hex. That is the same address for WordStar 3.0. For WordStar version 2.26, change the value at address 052Eh from 00 to 19h. CP/M VERSIONS: Foò WordStaò 3.3¬ changå thå valuå aô addresó 054Eè froí 0° tï 1¹ hex. In version 3.0, the address is believed to be 0536h. Before patching, verify that the byte PRIOR to the one you modify is already a 19h, and the one you intend to modify is a 00. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Afteò yoõ savå youò modifieä WS.COM¬ a stroke of the ^Y should show you a ^Y in the upper left corner of the screen, but nothing happens to your cursor line until you hit ^Y the second time. If you decide you don't want to delete the line, then hit ^U or ESC to interrupt what you have started. Test before freezing this mod into your working copy of WS.COM since I have not tried this on all versions of WordStar, all computers. Works on mine.