1000 REM LOAN CALCULATION PROGRAM (WRITTEN TO RUN WITH BASIC-80 v5.21) 1020 REM WRITTEN BY MARK MCKIBBEN, WOLD COMMUNICATIONS 1040 REM THIS PROGRAM WAS WRITTEN IN STAGES AND NEVER REALLY STRAIGHTENED 1060 REM OUT, SO IT IS A BIT OF A MESS. 1080 REM THE PROGRAM IS MENU-DRIVEN AND MORE OR LESS SELF-DOCUMENTING. 1100 REM ONLY ONE STATEMENT NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED (IF RUN UNDER MBASIC) 1120 REM FOR SPECIFIC TERMINALS: ONE OF THE FIRST STATEMENTS BELOW 1140 REM DEFINES CLS$, WHICH IS SENT TO THE CONSOLE TO CLEAR SCREEN AND 1160 REM HOME CURSOR. 1180 REM THERE IS ONE UNDOCUMENTED MENU ITEM: "L", WHICH LOADS SAMPLE 1200 REM VALUES INTO THE VARIABLES FOR TESTING. 1220 REM 1240 DEFDBL D:DEFSNG S:DEFSTR A-C:DEFINT I:REM GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS 1260 REM CHANGE THE STATMENT BELOW FOR YOUR CLEAR SCREEN SEQUENCE 1280 CLEAR 1300 CLS$=CHR$(27)+CHR$(42):REM THIS VARIABLE WILL CLEAR THE SCREEN 1320 ON ERROR GOTO 1360 1340 GOTO 1480 1360 PRINT CLS$ 1380 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT " AN ENTRY HAS BEEN MADE WHICH CANNOT BE USED FOR LOAN CALCULATIONS.":PRINT:PRINT 1400 PRINT " PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK YOUR ENTRIES AND TRY AGAIN. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE. "; 1420 ANS$=INPUT$(1) 1440 RESUME 1280 1460 REM 1480 WIDTH 79:REM SET WIDTH TO 79 ON SCREEN 1500 REM 1520 GOTO 2660 1540 REM MENU PROCESSING SUBROUTINE 1560 PRINT 1580 PRINT " >>>>>>>>>>>>> NOW WAITING FOR YOUR SELECTION >>>>> "; 1600 ANS$=INPUT$(1) 1620 IF ANS$<"a" OR ANS$>"z" THEN GOTO 1660 1640 ANS$=CHR$(ASC(ANS$)-32) 1660 FOR MENUNUM%=1 TO LEN(MENULIST$) 1680 IF ANS$=MID$(MENULIST$,MENUNUM%,1) THEN PRINT ANS$;CHR$(13);SPC(70);CHR$(13);:RETURN 1700 NEXT 1720 GOTO 1600 1740 REM ***** YES/NO SUBROUTINE ****** (MENUNUM% = 1 FOR YES, 2 FOR NO) 1760 ANS$ = INPUT$(1) 1780 IF ANS$ = "Y" OR ANS$ = "y" THEN MENUNUM% = 1 : PRINT "Yes" : RETURN 1800 IF ANS$ = "N" OR ANS$ = "n" THEN MENUNUM% = 2 : PRINT "No" : RETURN 1820 GOTO 1760 1840 REM ******* SUBROUTINE FOR PRINTING REUSED MESSAGE #1 1860 PRINT:PRINT " The calculated amount above will be automatically recalculated anytime you":PRINT " change one of the VARIABLES. Use the menu to select.":RETURN 1880 REM ******* SUBROUTINE FOR PRINTING REUSED MESSAGE #2 1900 PRINT " Please enter each missing variable using the menu to select each item.":RETURN 1920 REM ******* SUBROUTINE FOR PRINTING REUSED MESSAGE #3 1940 PRINT:PRINT " Variables needed for calculation:":PRINT:PRINT " VARIABLE CURRENT VALUE":RETURN 1960 REM ******* SUBROUTINE FOR PRINTING REUSED MESSAGE #4 1980 PRINT:PRINT " PRESS (H) for HELP." 2000 PRINT " PRESS (M) to return to the MAIN MENU.":RETURN 2020 REM ****** SUBROUTINE FOR PRINTING REUSED MESSAGE #5 2040 PRINT " NEGATIVE numbers are not allowed in loan calculations. HIT ANY KEY.";ANS$=INPUT$(1); 2060 PRINT CHR$(13);SPC(75);CHR$(13); 2080 RETURN 2100 REM ORIGINAL TERM LOAN PRINICIPAL USING INTEREST RATE, THE AMOUNT 2120 REM OF REGULAR PAYMENTS, NUMBER OF PAYMENTS PER YEAR AND TERM OF THE 2140 REM LOAN. 2160 REM 2180 REM REGULAR PAYMENT ON A LOAN USING ORIGINAL LOAN PRINCIPAL, INTEREST 2200 REM RATE, NUMBER OF PAYMENTS PER YEAR, AND NUMBER OF YEARS TO PAY. 2220 REM ASSUMES ALL PAYMENTS WILL BE EQUAL. 2240 REM 2260 REM LAST PAYMENT ON A LOAN USING AMOUNT OF THE LOAN, THE AMOUNT OF 2280 REM THE PAYMENTS, INTEREST RATE CHARGED, NUMBER OF PAYMENTS PER YEAR 2300 REM AND THE TERM OF THE PAYMENTS 2320 REM 2340 REM REMAINING BALANCE ON A LOAN AFTER A SPECIFIC NUMBER OF PAYMENTS 2360 REM USING PAYMENT AMOUNT, NUMBER OF PAYMENTS PER YEAR, AMOUNT OF THE 2380 REM PRINCIPAL, ANNUAL INTEREST RATE, AND THE PAYMENTS NUMBER. THERE 2400 REM ALSO A SUBROUTINE THAT WILL CALCULATE THE PAYMENT NUMBER GIVEN 2420 REM THE FIRST PAYMENT DATE AND THE CURRENT OR PROJECTED DATE. 2440 REM 2460 REM TERM OF A LOAN (PERIOD NEEDED TO REPAY) USING PAYMENT AMOUNTS, 2480 REM NUMBER OF PAYMENTS, ANNUAL INTEREST RATE AND ORIGINAL LOAN AMOUNT. 2500 REM ALL PAYMENTS ARE ASSUMED TO BE EQUAL. 2520 REM 2540 REM ANNUAL INTEREST RATE ON A LOAN USING AMOUNT OF LOAN, AMOUNT OF 2560 REM PAYMENT, NUMBER OF PAYMENTS PER YEAR, AND TERM OF LOAN. 2580 REM 2600 REM MORTGAGE AMORTIZATION TABLE USING PAYMENT AMOUNT, TERM OF PAYMENT 2620 REM NUMBER OF PAYMENTS PER YEAR, PRINCIPAL AMOUNT AND INTEREST RATE. 2640 REM 2660 REM **************************************************************** 2680 REM BEGINNING OF PROGRAM 2700 REM *************************************************************** 2720 REM FIRST COMES THE STARTUP MENU 2740 REM 2760 PRINT CLS$ 2780 REM 2800 REM 2820 PRINT:PRINT" *************** MAIN MENU ***************" 2840 PRINT " This is a program for LOAN CALCULATIONS. Please select the " 2860 PRINT " module you would like to run below." 2880 PRINT 2900 PRINT " (Press the corresponding letter from the menu.)" 2920 PRINT 2940 PRINT " (A) LOAN PRINCIPAL AMOUNT" 2960 PRINT " (B) REGULAR LOAN PAYMENT AMOUNT" 2980 PRINT " (C) LAST PAYMENT ON A LOAN" 3000 PRINT " (D) REMAINING BALANCE ON A LOAN" 3020 PRINT " (E) TERM OF A LOAN" 3040 PRINT " (F) ANNUAL INTEREST RATE ON A LOAN" 3060 PRINT " (G) LOAN AMORTIZATION TABLE" 3080 PRINT 3100 PRINT " (H)ELP-- Choose this for an explanation of the modules above." 3120 PRINT 3140 PRINT " (X) EXIT BACK TO THE OPERATING SYSTEM" 3160 REM 3180 MENULIST$="ABCDEFGHXL" 3200 GOSUB 1540 3220 ON MENUNUM% GOTO 3240,4380,4960,5660,6600,7440,8180,13240,15580,15880 3240 REM *******************MENU CHOICE A***************************** 3260 PRINT CLS$; 3280 PRINT " PRINCIPAL ON A LOAN " 3300 PRINT " Calculates an initial amount borrowed." 3320 GOSUB 1920 3340 PRINT " (A) ";:GOSUB 3360:GOTO 3400 3360 PRINT "Amount of Regular Payment: "; 3380 PRINT USING "$$#########.##";DPAYMENT:RETURN 3400 PRINT " (B) ";:GOSUB 3420:GOTO 3480 3420 PRINT "Annual Interest rate: "; 3440 PRINT USING " ###.##";SINTEREST; 3460 PRINT "%":RETURN 3480 PRINT " (C) ";:GOSUB 3500:GOTO 3540 3500 PRINT "Payments per Year: "; 3520 PRINT USING " ###";IPAYMENTNUM:RETURN 3540 PRINT " (D) ";:GOSUB 3560:GOTO 3600 3560 PRINT "Number of Years: "; 3580 PRINT USING " ###.#";SYEARS:RETURN 3600 PRINT:PRINT 3620 IF (DPAYMENT*SINTEREST*IPAYMENTNUM*SYEARS)<>0 THEN GOSUB 4180 ELSE LET DPRINCIPAL=0 3640 IF DPRINCIPAL=0 THEN GOTO 3720 3660 PRINT " The calculated PRINCIPAL amount is: "; 3680 PRINT USING "$$###########.##";DPRINCIPAL 3700 GOSUB 1840:GOTO 3740 3720 GOSUB 1880 3740 GOSUB 1960 3760 MENULIST$="MABCDH" 3780 GOSUB 1540 3800 IF MENUNUM%=1 THEN GOTO 2660 ELSE LET MENUNUM%=MENUNUM%-1 3820 ON MENUNUM% GOSUB 3860,3940,4020,4100,13360 3840 GOTO 3240 3860 REM ************************** ROUTINE TO GET DPAYMENT *** 3880 INPUT " Please enter the amount of regular payment.... ",DPAYMENT 3900 IF DPAYMENT<0 THEN GOSUB 2020:GOTO 3880 3920 RETURN 3940 REM ************************** ROUTINE TO GET SINTEREST *** 3960 INPUT " Please enter the annual interest rate.... ",SINTEREST 3980 IF SINTEREST<0 THEN GOSUB 2020:GOTO 3960 4000 RETURN 4020 REM ************************** ROUTINE TO GET IPAYMENTNUM *** 4040 INPUT " Please enter the number of payments per year.... ",IPAYMENTNUM 4060 IF IPAYMENTNUM<0 THEN GOSUB 2020:GOTO 4040 4080 RETURN 4100 REM ************************** ROUTINE TO GET SYEARS *** 4120 INPUT " Please enter the term of the loan in years.... ",SYEARS 4140 IF SYEARS<0 THEN GOSUB 2020:GOTO 4120 4160 RETURN 4180 REM ************************** ROUTINE TO CALCULATE PRINCIPAL ******* 4200 REM 4220 REM 4240 DTEMPSTORE=DPAYMENT*IPAYMENTNUM*(1-1/((SINTEREST/100)/IPAYMENTNUM+1)^(IPAYMENTNUM*SYEARS))/(SINTEREST/100) 4260 DPRINCIPAL=INT(DTEMPSTORE*100+.5)/100 4280 RETURN 4300 REM ************************** ROUTINE TO GET DPRINCIPAL *** 4320 INPUT " Please enter the loan principal.... ",DPRINCIPAL 4340 IF DPRINCIPAL<0 THEN GOSUB 2020:GOTO 4320 4360 RETURN 4380 REM *******************MENU CHOICE B***************************** 4400 PRINT CLS$; 4420 PRINT " REGULAR PAYMENT" 4440 PRINT " Calculates the amount of each payment." 4460 GOSUB 1920 4480 PRINT " (A) ";:GOSUB 3420 4500 PRINT " (B) ";:GOSUB 4520:GOTO 4560 4520 PRINT "Amount of Principal: "; 4540 PRINT USING "$$#########.##";DPRINCIPAL:RETURN 4560 PRINT " (C) ";:GOSUB 3500 4580 PRINT " (D) ";:GOSUB 3560 4600 PRINT:PRINT 4620 IF (SINTEREST*DPRINCIPAL*IPAYMENTNUM*SYEARS)<>0 THEN GOSUB 4860 ELSE LET DPAYMENT=0 4640 IF DPAYMENT=0 THEN GOTO 4720 4660 PRINT " The calculated PAYMENT amount is: "; 4680 PRINT USING "$$############.##";DPAYMENT 4700 GOSUB 1840:GOTO 4740 4720 GOSUB 1880 4740 GOSUB 1960 4760 MENULIST$="MABCDH" 4780 GOSUB 1540 4800 IF MENUNUM%=1 THEN GOTO 2660 ELSE LET MENUNUM%=MENUNUM%-1 4820 ON MENUNUM% GOSUB 3940,4300,4020,4100,13760 4840 GOTO 4380 4860 REM ************************** ROUTINE TO CALCULATE DPAYMENT *** 4880 DTEMPSTORE=((SINTEREST/100)*DPRINCIPAL/IPAYMENTNUM)/(1-1/((SINTEREST/100)/IPAYMENTNUM+1)^(IPAYMENTNUM*SYEARS)) 4900 DPAYMENT=INT(DTEMPSTORE*100+.5)/100 4920 RETURN 4940 STOP 4960 REM *******************MENU CHOICE C***************************** 4980 PRINT CLS$; 5000 PRINT " LAST PAYMENT ON A LOAN" 5020 PRINT " Finds the final payment at the end of the term." 5040 GOSUB 1920 5060 PRINT " (A) ";:GOSUB 3360 5080 PRINT " (B) ";:GOSUB 4520 5100 PRINT " (C) ";:GOSUB 3560 5120 PRINT " (D) ";:GOSUB 3420 5140 PRINT " (E) ";:GOSUB 3500 5160 PRINT:PRINT 5180 IF (DPAYMENT*DPRINCIPAL*SYEARS*SINTEREST*IPAYMENTNUM)<>0 THEN GOSUB 5400 ELSE LET DLASTPAYMENT=0 5200 IF DLASTPAYMENT=0 THEN GOTO 5280 5220 PRINT " The calculated LAST PAYMENT amount is: "; 5240 PRINT USING "$$#############.##";DLASTPAYMENT 5260 GOSUB 1840:GOSUB 1960:GOTO 5300 5280 GOSUB 1880:GOSUB 1960 5300 MENULIST$="MABCDEH" 5320 GOSUB 1540 5340 IF MENUNUM%=1 THEN GOTO 2660 ELSE LET MENUNUM%=MENUNUM%-1 5360 ON MENUNUM% GOSUB 3860,4300,4100,3940,4020,13980 5380 GOTO 4960 5400 REM ************************* CALCULATION OF DLASTPAYMENT *** 5420 PRINT " Please wait. This calculation can take quite a while to run."; 5440 DBO=DPRINCIPAL 5460 SI=((SINTEREST/100)/IPAYMENTNUM)*100 5480 IJ2=IPAYMENTNUM*SYEARS 5500 FOR IJ1=1 TO IJ2 5520 IF DBO<0 THEN PRINT CHR$(13);SPC(75);CHR$(13);" The payment entered is too large. Press any key to RECALCULATE. ";:ANS$=INPUT$(1):GOSUB 4860:GOTO 4960 5540 DBO=DBO-DPAYMENT+INT(DBO*SI+.5)*.01 5560 NEXT IJ1 5580 TEMPSTORE=INT((DPAYMENT+DBO)*100+.5)/100 5600 DLASTPAYMENT=TEMPSTORE 5620 PRINT CHR$(13);SPC(70);CHR$(13); 5640 RETURN 5660 REM *******************MENU CHOICE D***************************** 5680 PRINT CLS$; 5700 PRINT " REMAINING BALANCE ON A LOAN" 5720 PRINT " Finds the balance after a specified number of payments." 5740 GOSUB 1920 5760 PRINT " (A) ";:GOSUB 3360 5780 PRINT " (B) ";:GOSUB 4520 5800 PRINT " (C) ";:GOSUB 3500 5820 PRINT " (D) ";:GOSUB 3420 5840 PRINT " (E) ";:GOSUB 5900 5860 PRINT " --- ";:GOSUB 3560 5880 GOTO 5980 5900 PRINT "Last Payment made (#,year):"; 5920 PRINT USING " ###";SLSTPAYMENT; 5940 PRINT ",";SLSTPAYMENTYEAR 5960 RETURN 5980 PRINT:PRINT 6000 IF (DPAYMENT*DPRINCIPAL*IPAYMENTNUM*SINTEREST*SLSTPAYMENT*SLSTPAYMENTYEAR)<>0 THEN GOSUB 6360 ELSE LET DREMAINING=0:GOTO 6080 6020 PRINT " The calculated REMAINING BALANCE amount is: "; 6040 PRINT USING "$$#############.##";DREMAINING 6060 GOSUB 1840:GOSUB 1960:GOTO 6100 6080 GOSUB 1880:GOSUB 1960 6100 MENULIST$="MABCDEH" 6120 GOSUB 1540 6140 IF MENUNUM%=1 THEN GOTO 2660 ELSE LET MENUNUM%=MENUNUM%-1 6160 ON MENUNUM% GOSUB 3860,4300,4020,3940,6200,14260 6180 GOTO 5660 6200 REM ********************** ROUTINE TO GET SLSTPAYMENT & SLSTPAYMENTYEAR *** 6220 INPUT " Enter the number of the last payment made for this year.... ",SLSTPAYMENT 6240 IF SLSTPAYMENT<0 THEN GOSUB 2020:GOTO 6220 6260 IF SLSTPAYMENT>IPAYMENTNUM THEN PRINT CHR$(7);:PRINT " This value cannot be greater than the number of payments per year. ":GOTO 6220 6280 INPUT " Now enter the year number to calculate remaining balance.... ",SLSTPAYMENTYEAR 6300 IF SLSTPAYMENTYEAR<0 THEN GOSUB 2020:GOTO 6280 6320 IF SLSTPAYMENTYEAR>SYEARS THEN PRINT CHR$(7);:PRINT " This value cannot be greater than the loan term. ":GOTO 6280 6340 RETURN 6360 REM ******************* ROUTINE TO CALCULATE DREMAINING *** 6380 PRINT " Please wait. This calculation can take quite a while to run."; 6400 DBO=DPRINCIPAL 6420 SI=SINTEREST/100 6440 SJ2=IPAYMENTNUM*(SLSTPAYMENTYEAR-1)+SLSTPAYMENT 6460 SI2=(SI/IPAYMENTNUM)*100 6480 FOR SJ1=1 TO SJ2 6500 DBO=DBO-DPAYMENT+INT(DBO*SI2+.5)*.01 6520 NEXT SJ1 6540 DREMAINING=INT(DBO*100+.5)/100 6560 PRINT CHR$(13);SPC(75);CHR$(13); 6580 RETURN 6600 REM *******************MENU CHOICE E***************************** 6620 PRINT CLS$; 6640 PRINT " TERM OF A LOAN" 6660 PRINT " Finds the period of time needed to repay." 6680 GOSUB 1920 6700 PRINT " (A) ";:GOSUB 3360 6720 PRINT " (B) ";:GOSUB 4520 6740 PRINT " (C) ";:GOSUB 3420 6760 PRINT " (D) ";:GOSUB 3500 6780 PRINT:PRINT 6800 IF (DPAYMENT*DPRINCIPAL*SINTEREST*IPAYMENTNUM)<>0 THEN GOSUB 7040 ELSE LET SYEARS=0:GOTO 6900 6820 PRINT " The calculated TERM OF LOAN is: "; 6840 PRINT USING "####.#";SYEARS; 6860 PRINT " years" 6880 GOSUB 1840:GOSUB 1960:GOTO 6920 6900 GOSUB 1880:GOSUB 1960 6920 MENULIST$="MABCDH" 6940 GOSUB 1540 6960 IF MENUNUM%=1 THEN GOTO 2660 ELSE LET MENUNUM%=MENUNUM%-1 6980 ON MENUNUM% GOSUB 3860,4300,3940,4020,14520 7000 GOTO 6600 7020 STOP 7040 REM ********************** ROUTINE TO CALCULATE SYEARS *** 7060 DTEMPSTORE=DPAYMENT-(DPRINCIPAL*((SINTEREST*.01)/IPAYMENTNUM)) 7080 IF DTEMPSTORE<0 THEN 7160 7100 SYEAR1=-(LOG(1-(DPRINCIPAL*(SINTEREST/100))/(IPAYMENTNUM*DPAYMENT))/(LOG(1+SINTEREST/100/IPAYMENTNUM)*IPAYMENTNUM)) 7120 SYEARS=INT(SYEAR1*10+.5)/10 7140 RETURN 7160 REM --- COMPLAIN IF PAYMENT WILL NOT AMORTIZE LOAN 7180 PRINT CLS$:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 7200 DPAYMENT=(INT((DPRINCIPAL*((SINTEREST*.01)/IPAYMENTNUM))*100+.5)*.01)+.01 7220 PRINT " WARNING" 7240 PRINT " THE PAYMENT ENTERED IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO AMORTIZE THIS LOAN." 7260 PRINT " THE MINIMUM PAYMENT NEEDED HAS BEEN CALCULATED AND ENTERED" 7280 PRINT " FOR YOU. IT IS: "; 7300 PRINT USING "$$###########.##";DPAYMENT 7320 PRINT 7340 PRINT " USE THE MAIN MENU IF YOU WANT TO CALCULATE A DIFFERENT AMOUNT." 7360 PRINT 7380 PRINT " PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE....... "; 7400 ANS$=INPUT$(1) 7420 GOTO 6600 7440 REM *******************MENU CHOICE F***************************** 7460 PRINT CLS$ 7480 PRINT " ANNUAL INTEREST RATE" 7500 PRINT " Finds the interest rate on a specific loan." 7520 GOSUB 1920 7540 PRINT " (A) ";:GOSUB 3360 7560 PRINT " (B) ";:GOSUB 3560 7580 PRINT " (C) ";:GOSUB 4520 7600 PRINT " (D) ";:GOSUB 3500 7620 PRINT:PRINT 7640 IF (DPAYMENT*SYEARS*DPRINCIPAL*IPAYMENTNUM)<>0 THEN GOSUB 7860 ELSE LET SINTEREST=0:GOTO 7740 7660 PRINT " The calculated INTEREST RATE is: "; 7680 PRINT USING " ###.##";SINTEREST; 7700 PRINT "%" 7720 GOSUB 1840:GOSUB 1960:GOTO 7760 7740 GOSUB 1880:GOSUB 1960 7760 MENULIST$="MABCDH" 7780 GOSUB 1540 7800 IF MENUNUM%=1 THEN GOTO 2660 ELSE LET MENUNUM%=MENUNUM%-1 7820 ON MENUNUM% GOSUB 3860,4100,4300,4020,14760 7840 GOTO 7440 7860 REM ******************* ROUTINE TO CALCULATE SINTEREST *** 7880 SINTEREST=13 7900 PRINT " Please wait. This calculation can take a while to run."; 7920 SI2=0 7940 DR1=(SINTEREST*.01*DPRINCIPAL/IPAYMENTNUM)/(1-1/((SINTEREST*.01/IPAYMENTNUM+1)^(IPAYMENTNUM*SYEARS))) 7960 DR1=INT(DR1*100+.5)/100 7980 DI3=ABS(SINTEREST-SI2)/2 8000 SI2=SINTEREST 8020 IF SINTEREST>=25.9 THEN PRINT CHR$(13);SPC(70);CHR$(13);:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT " The calculated INTEREST rate is in excess of 25%. This program cannot":PRINT " determine the exact rate. Press any key to return to the MAIN MENU. "; 8040 IF SINTEREST>=25.9 THEN ANS$=INPUT$(1):SINTEREST=25.5:GOTO 2720 8060 IF (DR1-DPAYMENT)<.02 AND (DR1-DPAYMENT)>-.02 THEN PRINT CHR$(13);SPC(70);CHR$(13);:RETURN 8080 IF DR1>DPAYMENT THEN 8140 8100 SINTEREST=SINTEREST+DI3 8120 GOTO 7940 8140 SINTEREST=SINTEREST-DI3 8160 GOTO 7940 8180 REM *******************MENU CHOICE G***************************** 8200 IF PRINTER=1 THEN LPRINT CHR$(12):PRINTER=0 8220 TEST=0:DINTTOTAL=0:DPRINTOTAL=0:DINTYEAR=0:DPRINYEAR=0 8240 PRINT CLS$ 8260 PRINT " LOAN AMORTIZATION TABLE" 8280 PRINT " Provides complete loan progress chart." 8300 GOSUB 1920 8320 PRINT " (A) ";:GOSUB 3360 8340 PRINT " (B) ";:GOSUB 3560 8360 PRINT " (C) ";:GOSUB 4520 8380 PRINT " (D) ";:GOSUB 3420 8400 PRINT " --- ";:GOSUB 3500 8420 REM 8440 PRINT:PRINT 8460 IF TEST=1 THEN GOTO 8500 8480 IF (DPAYMENT*SYEARS*DPRINCIPAL*SINTEREST*IPAYMENTNUM)<>0 THEN GOTO 8640 ELSE LET TEST=0 8500 PRINT " Choose from the above menu the item that you would like to change.":GOSUB 1960 8520 MENULIST$="MABCDH" 8540 GOSUB 1540 8560 IF MENUNUM%=6 THEN GOSUB 15000:GOTO 8180 8580 IF MENUNUM%=1 THEN GOTO 2660 ELSE LET MENUNUM%=MENUNUM%-1 8600 ON MENUNUM% GOTO 4380,6600,3240,7440 8620 LET TEST=0:GOTO 8180 8640 REM 8660 PRINT " THE VARIABLES MUST BE PRECISELY CALCULATED FOR THE TABLE TO BE CORRECT." 8680 PRINT : PRINT " Do you want to change any of the above VARIABLES?" 8700 PRINT " ENTER (Y)ES or (N)O or ..."; : PRINT 8720 MENULIST$="MYNH" 8740 GOSUB 1960 8760 GOSUB 1540 8780 IF MENUNUM%=4 THEN GOSUB 15000:GOTO 8180 8800 IF MENUNUM%=1 THEN GOTO 2660 ELSE LET MENUNUM%=MENUNUM%-1 8820 ON MENUNUM% GOTO 8840,8900 8840 LET TEST=1:GOTO 8240 8860 REM 8880 REM 8900 REM ********************BEGINNING OF AMORTIZATION ROUTINE ***** 8920 PRINT CLS$ 8940 SCOUNTER=0 8960 LET TEST=0 8980 PRINT " Do you want this run to go to the printer? (Enter Y or N) "; 9000 GOSUB 1740 9020 ON MENUNUM% GOTO 9040,9080 9040 LET PRINTER=1:REM-- SET PRINTER FLAG TO ON 9060 GOTO 9100 9080 LET PRINTER=0:REM-- SET PRINTER FLAG OFF 9100 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT " Do you want to display annual totals only? (Enter Y or N) ";:GOSUB 1740:ON MENUNUM% GOTO 9120,9160 9120 LET IDISPLAY=1 9140 GOTO 9180 9160 LET IDISPLAY=0 9180 REM - INITIALIZE VARIABLES 9200 GOSUB 13100 9220 SI=(SINTEREST*.01)/IPAYMENTNUM:REM CONVERT INTEREST TO DECIMAL 9240 IPAGE=0 9260 GOSUB 10020 9280 DBO=DPRINCIPAL 9300 DPAY=(INT(DPAYMENT*100+.5))*.01 9320 SJ2=IPAYMENTNUM*SYEARS 9340 SI2=(SINTEREST/IPAYMENTNUM) 9360 SCURRENTYEAR=1 9380 MENUNUM%=0 9400 REM ************************** HERE'S THE LOOP ********* 9420 FOR SJ1=1 TO SJ2 9440 DI3=(INT(DBO*SI2+.5))*.01 9460 IF DBO=21 THEN GOSUB 10740:ON MENUNUM% GOTO 9620,8180,9580 9560 GOTO 9620 9580 IF SCOUNTER>=21 THEN GOSUB 12100 9600 IF MENUNUM%=2 GOTO 8180 9620 DINTYEAR=DINTYEAR+DI3:DPRINYEAR=DPRINYEAR+DBI 9640 GOSUB 10400 9660 IF SJ1=SCURRENTYEAR*IPAYMENTNUM THEN DINTTOTAL=DINTTOTAL+DINTYEAR:DPRINTOTAL=DPRINTOTAL+DPRINYEAR:GOSUB 11780:SCURRENTYEAR=SCURRENTYEAR+1 9680 IF PRINTER=1 AND SLCOUNTER>=60 THEN GOSUB 12940:GOSUB 12460 9700 NEXT SJ1:REM ***************** END OF LOOP ************************ 9720 IF SJ1<>SCURRENTYEAR*IPAYMENTNUM THEN DINTTOTAL=DINTTOTAL+DINTYEAR:DPRINTOTAL=DPRINTOTAL+DPRINYEAR 9740 IF SCOUNTER>=21 THEN GOSUB 10740:ON MENUNUM% GOTO 9760,8180,9760 ESLE GOSUB 12100 9760 PRINT:PRINT "*TOTALS: "; 9780 IF PRINTER=0 THEN GOTO 9840 9800 IF SLCOUNTER>=60 THEN GOSUB 12940:GOSUB 12460 9820 LPRINT "*TOTALS: "; 9840 PRINT USING "$$###########.##";DINTTOTAL; 9860 IF PRINTER=0 THEN GOTO 9900 9880 LPRINT USING "$$###########.##";DINTTOTAL; 9900 SCOUNTER=SCOUNTER+2 9920 PRINT USING " $$###########.##";DPRINTOTAL 9940 IF PRINTER=0 THEN GOTO 10000 9960 LPRINT USING " $$###########.##";DPRINTOTAL 9980 SLCOUNTER=SLCOUNTER+2 10000 GOTO 11480 10020 REM - ROUTINE TO SET UP SCREEN DISPLAY 10040 IF PRINTER=1 THEN GOSUB 10960 10060 PRINT CLS$; 10080 PRINT " ********************* LOAN AMORTIZATION TABLE ***********************" 10100 SCOUNTER=SCOUNTER+4 10120 PRINT " PRINCIPAL AMOUNT: "; 10140 PRINT USING "$$###########.##";DPRINCIPAL; 10160 PRINT " PAYMENT AMOUNT: "; 10180 PRINT USING "$$#########.##";DPAYMENT 10200 PRINT " TERM IN YEARS: "; 10220 PRINT USING " ###.# ";SYEARS; 10240 PRINT " INTEREST RATE: "; 10260 PRINT USING " ###.##";SINTEREST;:PRINT "%" 10280 PRINT " ***********************************************************************" 10300 REM - HEADER FOR SCREEN DISPLAY PAGE 10320 PRINT " PAYMENT # INTEREST PRINCIPAL BALANCE AFTER PAYMENT" 10340 PRINT " -----------------------------------------------------------------------" 10360 LET SCOUNTER=SCOUNTER+2 10380 RETURN 10400 REM - SCREEN DISPLAY FOR EACH PAYMENT 10420 IF IDISPLAY=1 OR SCURRENTYEAR2 THEN GOSUB 10060 10940 RETURN 10960 REM - SUBROUTINE TO SET UP PRINTER AND CHECK TO SEE IF IT'S READY 10980 PRINT 11000 PRINT " NOW CHECKING TO SEE IF THE PRINTER IS READY TO ACCEPT PRINTOUT." 11020 PRINT 11040 PRINT "PRINTER IS NOT READY.... PLEASE CHECK IT. PROCESSING CANNOT CONTINUE.";:LPRINT CHR$(13); 11060 PRINT CHR$(13);SPC(70); 11080 PRINT:PRINT " THE PRINTER IS NOW READY..... HERE WE GO!" 11100 FOR HI=1 TO 300 11120 NEXT HI 11140 PRINT CLS$:PRINT:PRINT 11160 PRINT "WHEN ENTERING THE ITEMS BELOW, DO NOT USE COMMAS. PRESS RETURN WHEN DONE.":PRINT 11180 PRINT " PRESS THE RETURN TO LEAVE AN ENTRY WITHOUT CHANGING IT.":PRINT:PRINT 11200 PRINT " (These entries are for the title block on the printout only.":PRINT " You may enter anything you like, but there must be something entered.)":PRINT 11220 PRINT " Enter a title for this report..... ";:PRINT LABEL$;:PRINT CHR$(13);:PRINT " Enter a title for this report..... ";:INPUT "",LABEL1$ 11240 IF LABEL1$="" THEN GOTO 11260 ELSE LABEL$=LABEL1$ 11260 PRINT:PRINT " Enter today's date..... ";:PRINT DATE$;:PRINT CHR$(13);:PRINT " Enter today's date..... ";:INPUT "",DATE1$ 11280 IF DATE1$="" THEN GOTO 11300 ELSE DATE$=DATE1$ 11300 PRINT:PRINT " Enter the name of the recipient of this report... ";:PRINT PERSON$;:PRINT CHR$(13);:PRINT " Enter the name of the recipient of this report... ";:INPUT "",PERSON1$ 11320 IF PERSON1$="" THEN GOTO 11340 ELSE PERSON$=PERSON1$ 11340 PRINT:PRINT " Are the above entries correct? (Y or N) ";:GOSUB 1740:ON MENUNUM% GOTO 11360,11140 11360 REM 11380 LPRINT:PRINT CLS$:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT " NOW SENDING TITLE BLOCK TO PRINTER.... PLEASE STAND BY." 11400 LPRINT " ";LABEL$ 11420 LPRINT:LPRINT " ";" prepared for: ";PERSON$;" on ";DATE$ 11440 LPRINT:GOSUB 12460:SLCOUNTER=11 11460 RETURN 11480 REM 11500 ITEMPSTORE=22-SCOUNTER 11520 FOR ICOUNT=1 TO ITEMPSTORE 11540 PRINT 11560 NEXT ICOUNT 11580 IF PRINTER=1 THEN GOSUB 12940 11600 PRINT " PRESS (Y) TO RETURN TO MENU." 11620 MENULIST$="Y" 11640 GOSUB 1540 11660 REM 11680 GOTO 8180 11700 STOP 11720 REM 11740 REM 11760 REM 11780 REM - SUBROUTINE FOR PRINTING YEARLY TOTALS 11800 IF SCURRENTYEAR=21 AND MENUNUM%<>3 THEN GOSUB 10740 11840 IF PRINTER=1 THEN GOSUB 12760 11860 IF SCOUNTER>=21 AND MENUNUM%=3 THEN GOSUB 12100 11880 IF IDISPLAY<>1 THEN PRINT:SCOUNTER=SCOUNTER+1 11900 PRINT "*YEAR:"; 11920 PRINT USING "###";SCURRENTYEAR; 11940 PRINT USING "$$###########.##";DINTYEAR; 11960 PRINT USING " $$###########.##";DPRINYEAR; 11980 PRINT USING " $$#############.##";DBO 12000 SCOUNTER=SCOUNTER+1 12020 IF SCOUNTER<21 AND IDISPLAY<>1 THEN PRINT:SCOUNTER=SCOUNTER+1 12040 IF SJ1<>SJ2 AND SCOUNTER<21 THEN PRINT:SCOUNTER=SCOUNTER+1 12060 DINTYEAR=0:DPRINYEAR=0 12080 RETURN 12100 REM ******************** ROUTINE TO DISABLE SCREEN PAUSE *********** 12120 TEST$=INKEY$ 12140 IF TEST$=CHR$(13) THEN GOTO 12300 12160 PRINT CHR$(13);SPC(75);CHR$(13); 12180 SCOUNTER=0 12200 PRINT " ******** SCREEN PAUSE DISABLED. PRESS RETURN TO ENABLE. *******"; 12220 FOR ILOOP=1 TO 800 12240 NEXT ILOOP 12260 TEST$=INKEY$ 12280 IF TEST$<>CHR$(13) THEN GOSUB 10060:RETURN 12300 SCOUNTER=0 12320 PRINT CHR$(13);SPC(75);CHR$(13); 12340 PRINT " SELECT (C)ONTINUE OR (A)BORT " 12360 MENULIST$="CA" 12380 GOSUB 1540 12400 IF MENUNUM%=1 THEN GOSUB 10060:MENUNUM%=0:RETURN 12420 IF MENUNUM%=2 THEN RETURN 12440 STOP 12460 REM ----------------ROUTINE FOR PRINTER PAGE HEADER----------------- 12480 LPRINT " ********************* LOAN AMORTIZATION TABLE ***********************" 12500 LPRINT " PRINCIPAL AMOUNT: "; 12520 LPRINT USING "$$###########.##";DPRINCIPAL; 12540 LPRINT " PAYMENT AMOUNT: "; 12560 LPRINT USING "$$#########.##";DPAYMENT 12580 LPRINT " TERM IN YEARS: "; 12600 LPRINT USING " ###.# ";SYEARS; 12620 LPRINT " INTEREST RATE: "; 12640 LPRINT USING " ###.##";SINTEREST;:LPRINT "%" 12660 LPRINT " ***********************************************************************" 12680 LPRINT " PAYMENT # INTEREST PRINCIPAL BALANCE AFTER PAYMENT" 12700 LPRINT " -----------------------------------------------------------------------" 12720 LET SLCOUNTER=6 12740 RETURN 12760 REM --------------------------- ROUTINE TO LPRINT YEARLY TOTALS ----- 12780 IF IDISPLAY=1 THEN LPRINT:SLCOUNTER=SLCOUNTER+1 12800 LPRINT "*YEAR:"; 12820 LPRINT USING "###";SCURRENTYEAR; 12840 LPRINT USING "$$###########.##";DINTYEAR; 12860 LPRINT USING " $$###########.##";DPRINYEAR; 12880 LPRINT USING " $$#############.##";DBO 12900 LPRINT:SLCOUNTER=SLCOUNTER+2 12920 RETURN 12940 REM ---------- ROUTINE TO PUT PAGE NUMBERS ON PRINTOUT 12960 REM 12980 IPAGE=IPAGE+1 13000 FOR PAGECOUNT=1 TO (62-SLCOUNTER) 13020 LPRINT:NEXT PAGECOUNT 13040 LPRINT " ";IPAGE 13060 LPRINT CHR$(12) 13080 RETURN 13100 REM SUBROUTINE FOR SETTING FLAG FOR FIRST YEAR OF PRINTOUT 13120 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT " Do you want to start with a year other than 1? (Y or N) "; 13140 GOSUB 1740 13160 IF MENUNUM%=2 THEN ISTART=0:RETURN 13180 INPUT " Please enter the year you want to start with..... ",ISTART 13200 IF ISTART>SYEARS THEN LET ISTART=SYEARS 13220 RETURN 13240 REM *******************MENU CHOICE H***************************** 13260 PRINT " From the above menu, please select the item you need help with." 13280 MENULIST$="ABCDEFGX" 13300 GOSUB 1540 13320 ON MENUNUM% GOSUB 13360,13760,13980,14260,14520,14760,15000,15500 13340 GOTO 1320 13360 REM ---- MENU SELECTION A 13380 PRINT CLS$ 13400 PRINT 13420 PRINT " *** LOAN PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ***" 13440 PRINT 13460 PRINT " This module will calculate the amount of money initially borrowed." 13480 PRINT " You must enter the amount of the payments, the interest rate, the" 13500 PRINT " number of payments within a year and the number of years over which" 13520 PRINT " the loan is going to be amortized." 13540 PRINT:GOSUB 13560:RETURN 13560 PRINT " Using the menu, select each item that needs to be entered. As soon" 13580 PRINT " as you've entered the needed variables, the program will perform the" 13600 PRINT " calculation and display the results. To try a different variable," 13620 PRINT " use the menu to select which one you want to change. Enter the new" 13640 PRINT " value and the calculation will be redone automatically for you." 13660 PRINT 13680 PRINT " You cannot enter a negative number for any variable in this program." 13700 PRINT " Do not use any commas when entering variables. Press the return" 13720 PRINT " after entering each variable." 13740 GOSUB 15540:RETURN 13760 REM HELP FOR MENU CHOICE B 13780 PRINT CLS$; 13800 PRINT 13820 PRINT " ** REGULAR PAYMENT **" 13840 PRINT 13860 PRINT " This module will calculate the amount of the regular payment needed to" 13880 PRINT " pay off a loan over a given time. You must enter the amount borrowed," 13900 PRINT " the interest rate, the number of payments per year and the number of years" 13920 PRINT " or term of the loan." 13940 PRINT 13960 GOSUB 13560:RETURN 13980 REM HELP FOR ITEM C 14000 PRINT CLS$; 14020 PRINT 14040 PRINT " ** LAST PAYMENT ON A LOAN **" 14060 PRINT 14080 PRINT " Because of rounding errors, the last payment on a loan is usually slightly" 14100 PRINT " different than the regular payment. This module actually does a com-" 14120 PRINT " plete loan amortization table in memory and calculates the exact amount" 14140 PRINT " of the final payment. You must enter the regular payment, the principal," 14160 PRINT " the term (in years) the interest rate and the number of payments per" 14180 PRINT " year. If any of these variables need to be calculated, use the other" 14200 PRINT " modules first and then select this module from the MAIN MENU." 14220 PRINT 14240 GOSUB 13560:RETURN 14260 REM HELP FOR MENU ITEM D 14280 PRINT CLS$ 14300 PRINT 14320 PRINT " ** REMAINING BALANCE ON A LOAN **" 14340 PRINT 14360 PRINT " This module will calculate the amount remaining on the principal of a" 14380 PRINT " loan after a specific number of payments have been made. Typically," 14400 PRINT " this would be needed in the event that it was desired to pay off a loan" 14420 PRINT " early. The module actually does a loan amortization table in memory" 14440 PRINT " and stops at the payment you have specified. The balance of the 14460 PRINT " PRINCIPAL is then displayed. 14480 PRINT 14500 GOSUB 13560:RETURN 14520 REM HELP FOR MENU ITEM E 14540 PRINT CLS$ 14560 PRINT 14580 PRINT " ** TERM OF A LOAN ** 14600 PRINT 14620 PRINT " This module will determine the time (in years) needed to repay a loan" 14640 PRINT " for a given set of variables. For example, this could be used to see 14660 PRINT " what effect changing the payment or the interest would have on the 14680 PRINT " period required to repay the loan. The program will not allow an entry 14700 PRINT " that would result in the loan being under-amortized such as would happen 14720 PRINT " in the event that the payment was too small to ever repay the loan. 14740 PRINT:GOSUB 13560:RETURN 14760 REM HELP FOR MENU ITEM F 14780 PRINT CLS$ 14800 PRINT 14820 PRINT " ** ANNUAL INTEREST RATE ON A LOAN ** 14840 PRINT 14860 PRINT " This module will calculate the interest rate on a loan given a specific 14880 PRINT " set of variables. This is useful if the interest rate is unknown or if 14900 PRINT " it is desired to determine the impact on interest of changes in other 14920 PRINT " variables. The program cannot calculate interest rates that are greater 14940 PRINT " than 25%. 14960 PRINT 14980 GOSUB 13560:RETURN 15000 REM HELP FOR ITEM G 15020 PRINT CLS$; 15040 PRINT " ** LOAN AMORTIZATION TABLE ** 15060 PRINT 15080 PRINT " This module will show the amount of interest and principal paid for 15100 PRINT " each payment on a loan. This listing can be displayed on the console 15120 PRINT " screen only or it can be listed to a printer simultaneously. Since 15140 PRINT " the table can only be accurate if the variables are precisely calculated, 15160 PRINT " you have to use other modules to make changes to the variables before 15180 PRINT " you can run the amortization table module. Selecting an item from 15200 PRINT " the menu to be changed will automatically chain you into the appropriate 15220 PRINT " module. 15240 PRINT 15260 PRINT " If the printer is selected, you will be asked for information to go 15280 PRINT " on the title block on the printer. This information will be saved 15300 PRINT " and does not have to be reentered if you go to another module and then 15320 PRINT " return to the amortization module. 15340 PRINT 15360 PRINT " You should check the printer to be sure it is ready prior to trying 15380 PRINT " to send a listing to the printer. If the printer is not ready, the 15400 PRINT " program will display a message and the program will stop. If the" 15420 PRINT " printer cannot be made ready, you will have to abort the program using" 15440 PRINT " the ^C key." 15460 PRINT 15480 GOSUB 15540:RETURN 15500 REM 15520 REM 15540 PRINT:PRINT " PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO THE MENU. ";:ANS$=INPUT$(1):RETURN 15560 REM 15580 REM *******************MENU CHOICE X***************************** 15600 PRINT CLS$ 15620 PRINT 15640 PRINT 15660 PRINT " RETURN TO OPERATING SYSTEM? (Y OR N)" 15680 MENULIST$="YN" 15700 GOSUB 1540 15720 ON MENUNUM% GOTO 15760,2660 15740 REM 15760 PRINT 15780 PRINT 15800 PRINT 15820 PRINT " Now returning control to the operating system." 15840 PRINT 15860 SYSTEM 15880 REM "L" TEST LOAD OPTION 15900 DPRINCIPAL=15000 15920 SINTEREST=8 15940 DPAYMENT=263 15960 SYEARS=6 15980 IPAYMENTNUM=12 16000 PRINT " ******** NOW LOADING TEST VALUES INTO VARIABLES *******"; 16020 FOR G=1 TO 200 16040 NEXT G 16060 PRINT CHR$(13);SPC(70);CHR$(13); 16080 MENULIST$="ABCDEFGHX" 16100 GOSUB 1580 16120 GOTO 3220  TO 200 16040 NEXT G 16060 PRINT CHR$(13);SPC(70);CHR$(13); 16080 MENUL