March 31, 2013 Dear Mama, So sorry I didn't write last week. Not having a good day , physically. Actually, I am doing worse today, but I figured you needed to know I am still alive. Last Saturday there was a stake Relief Society Conference and Danielle and I were the only ones who attended because we were the only stupid ones. There were super high winds and it has been so dry, and the farmers have just plowed their fields...with the high winds it was the dust bowl all over again. It was really bad. There were collisions all along I-40W, luckily for us we were on I-40E. Visibility was maybe 30 feet, and Danielle, the crazy person that she is, was driving 80 mph. I just held on real tight. We made it safely, and by the time we arrived, it started snowing. It was still snowing when we left. It was dark, and the wind was still blowing like crazy. Somehow, by the grace of God, we made it home safely. Maybe because I was silently praying the whole way? Jay and the boys went to Lubbock for a youth temple trip, and it ended up that they were the only ones that went. So, they were gone during the first part of the day, and I was gone the last part of the day. Sunday was a day of nausea...not good. Managed to get through church and feed the family once I got home, but was so grateful after that to go to bed. Did get up later while the family read from a book because I just had to sit there and not move too much. Monday, I was feeling a bit better, and brought the boys to the bus stop. Got my errands run, but took it easy. I didn't want to push myself. Tuesday was the same. Wednesday morning...well...I took my shower, and my C-section scar was tender in one spot, so after my shower I took a look at it, and there was this open sore there. It was deep, and seeping, and I knew there was infection there because it didn't exactly smell very pretty. I had to take Sam and Cale to Clovis because Sam was getting his braces on, and Cale had a broken bracket that needed fixing. After they were done, I went to pre-register at the hospital for my surgery. I had to fill out a bunch of forms and there was a question about having a rash or infection on or near the surgical sight. So, I checked the "yes" box, and that spelled disaster for me. They won't do the surgery until it is cleared up and I've taken a round of antibiotics. So, I got home and called my PCP and the quickest they could get me in was the next morning. So, Thursday, I got the boys off to school, and went to my Dr. appointment, and she gave me the antibiotic and told me what to do. I feel like my scar is a nylon zipper that has broken and is ready to unzip both ways. It is quite painful when I have to move. I have to keep gauze on it to wick away the moisture. It went from seeping to bleeding, and back to seeping. Anyway, Jay took Brenna to Albuquerque for her last wisdom teeth check-up. Jay made her drive to Albuquerque and she was a total wreck driving in that big city. She is definitely a small town city girl. If she moves to a big city she will have to use public transportation. He was nice enough to drive her back. Thursday was also Matt's IEP and he is doing really good. However, the Library backed out of their agreement to have Matt work there. That is okay. Matt is still happy with what he's got on his plate right now. Friday I managed to cut hair for the guys. When I dropped something, someone else would pick it up for me. Jay swept up all of the hair. We took it pretty easy after that. Saturday, there was a Branch Relief Society activity. I went to it even though I am still feeling pain. But I can walk, and sit, it just hurts when I am actually moving. Danielle had a class to give in the activity, and it was the town's annual Easter Egg Hunt. There were 15,000 eggs. It is only for 18 months through the 5th grade. Josh said, "I'm in the 5th grade...minus four years!" Anyway, the boys volunteered to take her kids to the hunt and watch them until she finished. The hunt was at the park near our house, a block away. I think there were 15,000 cars out there, too. It was crazy. By the time I got home, I still needed to pull together the last bits of my lesson, and Cale boiled eggs for me. He cooked them a little longer than I would have liked, but I was just grateful that he was willing to do it for me. They didn't get dyed or anything, but the kids didn't care. Half of them don't like boiled eggs anyway, and that is okay, too. Today, Sunday, is Easter. We had a nice day at church focusing on the Savior's atonement and resurrection. Moroni was in town and the kids gathered a little bit from each of their baskets to make a small easter basket for him. Beck didn't come, she told Jay she was working on something else. It's is probably for the best, not that I didn't want her to come, but I think the twins are going through a growth spurt. They filled their plates and then went back and filled their plates again. I usually make a doggie bag for Moroni to take with him, but there was nothing left. I am sure if she had come, the twins just would have had to go without their seconds. Tomorrow morning I have another Dr. appointment to see if this thing is healed up enough to be cleared for surgery. I am not holding my breath. But enough of my gritching about my poor pitiful life at the moment, let me tell you something inspiring! Jay had that interview with Eastern New Mexico University, and they had asked him why they should hire him over all the other candidates (who more than likely have a Bachelors in IT), and Jay couldn't pull together a decent answer that he himself liked. So he decided to go back to school because NMSU offers 6 credit hours a semester for free. But after looking it over, he chose to not get his Bachelors, but instead is going to get his Masters in Information Technology with an emphasis in Network Management. He is going to do it with Western Governors University. He does not have to attend classes and can be given some credit for what he's already accomplished and the certificates he's already gotten. He can also pre-test on certain classes and just work on the things that he got wrong, making his time even shorter. It costs about 2900.00 a semester, but he can crank it out as fast as he is able. He is hoping to get it done in a year's time. Half the time, at work, he is so bored waiting for the phone to ring, that he sits around watching movies on his laptop. However, now he can be working on IT classes which he will feel better about, because his job is IT. Well, that is pretty much what is going on in a nutshell. Hope things are better for you at the moment than they are for me. I send you all my love, your 4th, Lisa P.S. Shayna has been accepted into the Peace Corps, she just has to finish up some paper work for them, and then they will assign her to her first post. We are all excited for her!